Cross App SIG Jira Priorities 2025-01-15
Please see label #crossappsig for all Cross App Issues.
Jira ISSUE | Ranking | Status Notes (from Tara) | Cross App Criteria |
1 | The community has agreed that all searches should be case insensitive. The next step may be to create individual tickets to represent places where case sensitivity exists. | Consistency | |
2 | The community has agreed that whitespace should be stripped. The next step may be to create individual tickets to represent places where whitespace is retained. | Consistency | |
UXPROD-4545: Standardised search wildcards across apps: * ? Draft | 3 | The community has agreed that wildcards should be standardized to * and ?. The next step may be to create individual tickets to represent apps using alternative wildcards. (It may be only ERM apps using alternate wildcards: ERM-3015: Use * ? wildcards, not % _Draft and Serials) Note this covers only cases where wildcards already exist, not adding wildcard searches. | Consistency |
4 | The community has agreed on standards for dates: Date formatting The next step may be to create individual tickets to represent places that diverge from these standards. | Consistency | |
5 | This issue is partially covered by new functionality in Ramsons which preserves acquisitions relationships. Additional research and tickets may need to be submitted to represent other areas of FOLIO where this is an issue. | Cross App Functionality | |
6 | A survey was conducted on this issue to establish consensus. Additional tickets may be needed in order to implement this feature. | Consistency | |
7 | Community consensus was established through a poll. Individual tickets may need to be created to implement this feature in various apps. | Consistency | |
UXPROD-3159: User Permission Management UI Improvements (Show perm metadata)Open | 8 | This specific feature may no longer be needed due to upcoming changes with Eureka. App Interaction SIG would like to monitor the functionality requested and refactor the Jira if needed. Likely no current PO action needed (as of January). | Black Hole |
9 | Additional discussion to establish requirements is needed. We specifically note: hiding a field is different from removing a field, and some users may want to un-hide fields but this is a tenant-wide proposal. | Consistency/Black Hole | |
UXPROD-4675: Implement an option to focus on panes or MCLsDraft | 10 | This was discussed by Cross App SIG. This may be fully or partially covered by UIIN-2727: MCL - ability to expand a MCL into a full pane/screenDraft which is also a draft. | Consistency/Black Hole |
11 | This umbrella issue is still quite broad, but printing use cases have been established here: Printing in FOLIO . We may need SIGs to narrow down the desired (and most important) functionality and create sub-tickets in order for this to be actionable. | Consistency/Black Hole |