Printing in FOLIO

Printing in FOLIO

This page is to collect use cases and possible information for printing functionality.




Analysis Notes

Proposed pattern


Submitted by OR has use case for institution / customers

Date added


To give a staff member a part of a record - a loan history, request history, fee/fine history - in order to research or trouble-shoot an issue.

Users(OLD ACCOUNT) Erin Nettifee 



To give a patron a part of their record - loan history, request history, fee/fine history - in order that they can have a record of what transactions have occurred, outside of what they can view for themselves via a discovery layer interface.

Users(OLD ACCOUNT) Erin Nettifee 



To give a user a check-in history - a patron returning books may ask to have them returned right then and to be given a receipt, esp. If they have disputed returns in the past (e.g., claim returned.) The check-in app will generate a list of returns - being able to quickly/efficiently print that list for a patron is a need.

Check-in(OLD ACCOUNT) Erin Nettifee 


4Agreements / E-resources tab: As a librarian I want to print out a TitleInstance screen showing all "Options for acquiring e-resource". The print out(s) are then handed over to the subject specialist who will decide via which platform/package the e-resource should be subscribed.


Martina Schildt from former collection (see below)



As an acq librarian I have a meeting with a vendor and I need to talk about a specific title. Therefore I need all information that is part of the record. I cannot foresee which information might needed or is useful. 

Needed: full record with information from all accordions; tags included. | ideally: PO + POL in one go

Whole screen



6To give a patron everything of their record - due to GDPR
every data which is stored in FOLIO (except internal comments):
general data incl. address, loans, fees&fines, requests, proxy data, etc.

UsersUschi Klute 



Records can be selected in the result list in Inventory by ticking the check box. Actions > show selected records opens modal with selected list. 

As a librarian I would like to print out the list “show selected records” as a result of my searches and selected records to give it to colleagues or patrons. (The list can combine selected records from several searches.)

InventoryMartina Tumulla 


As a librarian I would like to print out the result list (middle pane) in Requests after using search & filter.  It would be nice to choose which information (fields) is displayed in the result list, sorted and then printed. (Use case: an overview list (title, author, item call number, barcode, location etc.) of items to be picked from the shelfs in the stacks as a combined list)

RequestsMartina Tumulla 



As a librarian I would like to print out the result list (middle pane) in Inventory after using search & filter.

InventoryMartina Tumulla 



As a librarian I would like to print out an Instance, Holdings, Item record in detail.

InventoryMartina Tumulla 


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