RA - Requests 2018 05 30




Discussion items

5 minHousekeepingTania

Today's Note taker - Ricky

5 minQuestionsTania

Any questions or thoughts from our last meeting?

10 minPlanningTania

Work still needed and how do we approach it?

  • Discussion of amount of work left to be done

  • Four More Meetings of concentrated decision making - then meetings as needed/with specific people after

10 minRequest ActionsTania

Review current mockups found on the FOLIO google drive



  • all seemed to approve
25 minRapid decisionsTania

Overview of Reports: Request/Holds Reports/Paging Requests/Expired Holds (this will feed an ongoing effort to identify what in-app and other reports are needed)

  • In App
    • Pick List

    • Hold Shelf Expired cleaning list (also trigger for a notice that says we took it off the shelf – also a courtesy notice)

    • Availables – list of items that should on the hold shelf (newly on shelf – got there yesterday ; and/or list of all stuff that should be there) – sortable by whatever element you need to sort it by (call #, title, requester)

    • In Transit – what should be arriving? What should be leaving? (needed for both requests and things that are travelling home)

    • Overdue in transit – missing in transit (needed for both requests and things that are travelling home)

  • Outside of App/From a data lake
    • Statistics and Lists
      • Requests filled

      • Unfilled

      • Expired hold shelf

      • Cancelled

      • Types of requests

      • Fulfillment option chosen

      • And all combos of the above

    • Item related exceptions (e.g. a Lost item gets checked out, etc, an in transit item gets checked out)

    • Items requested most often, bibs/works as well (aggregate of all requests made on very related items)

    • What types of patrons do the most requests, type of requests

    • Recalls – how many are filled, unfilled, etc

    • Reports of multiple requests on one item when there are additional items that could fill it, so staff can redistribute the requests

    • When to buy more copies, using request activity to decide or trigger that

    • Lists of items that were requested that are not in a “normal” status – missing, or not found, or lost, or etc etc

Review of Hold Cancellation mock-ups - modals and Reasons admin

  • Approved current mockups
  • Group says institutional level reasons for hold cancellation are acceptable for V.1

5 minWrap-upAll

Next steps / homework - none

  • Create a wiki.folio account if you don't already have one
  • Tania to take RECALLED quandary to the Loans group