- Apply new checkbox and multi-select filtersUISE-97Resolved issue: UISE-97Yurii Danylenko
- Don't get any search results returned from KB (eHoldings/EKB)UISE-96Resolved issue: UISE-96Khalilah Gambrell
- Q4: Release v 1.4.0 of ui-searchUISE-94Resolved issue: UISE-94Niels Erik Nielsen
- Redirect directly to record by itself instead of search?UISE-93Resolved issue: UISE-93Niels Erik Nielsen
- Update ui-search nightmare tests to support coverageUISE-92Resolved issue: UISE-92
- An * is appended to all search terms by defaultUISE-91Resolved issue: UISE-91
- Set up BigTest infrastructureUISE-90Resolved issue: UISE-90Yurii Danylenko
- use correct view-record permissionsUISE-89
- upgrade Q3 release to stripes-form 0.9.0UISE-86Resolved issue: UISE-86Zak Burke
- Release version 1.2.0 of ui-searchUISE-85Resolved issue: UISE-85Niels Erik Nielsen
- Infinity scroll of search result has vanishedUISE-84Resolved issue: UISE-84Mike Taylor
- ISSN Codex search does not find instanceUISE-82Resolved issue: UISE-82Mike Taylor
- Wrong message: "Choose a filter […] to show results"UISE-81Resolved issue: UISE-81Mike Taylor
- Search results are not sorted by titleUISE-80Resolved issue: UISE-80
- Codex search renders incorrectly when loaded without a query-stringUISE-77Resolved issue: UISE-77
- Update the App bundle json fileUISE-76Charlotte Whitt
- Codex search results navigation problem 3: Reset All Not WorkingUISE-78Resolved issue: UISE-78Jeremy Huff
- Use of "$QUERY" in the queryTemplate is deprecated. Use the "%{query.query}" syntax insteadUISE-75Resolved issue: UISE-75Mike Taylor
- Result list. Add icon for KB itemsUISE-74Resolved issue: UISE-74Mike Taylor
- Extract hardcoded labels so they can be translatedUISE-73Roman Ruiz-Esparza
- "Search all fields" index is always greyed outUISE-72Resolved issue: UISE-72Mike Taylor
- Search Index shows "FOLIO ID", search uses "Identifiers"UISE-71Resolved issue: UISE-71
- Codex search results are taking Nonfiling characters into account when sortingUISE-70Resolved issue: UISE-70
- Codex search results treats Swedish diacritics as ascii equivalents when sorting resultsUISE-69Resolved issue: UISE-69
- Codex search treats Swedish diacritics as ascii equivalentsUISE-68Resolved issue: UISE-68
- When redirecting to Inventory or eHoldings, translate filtersUISE-67Resolved issue: UISE-67Mike Taylor
- When both "Available online" and "Not available" are checked do not restrict resultsUISE-66Resolved issue: UISE-66Mike Taylor
- Yarn lint won't run: Configuration for rule "jsx-a11y/anchor-has-content" is invalidUISE-65Resolved issue: UISE-65Mike Taylor
- When no sources are selected, query-index dropdown allows all selectionsUISE-64Resolved issue: UISE-64Mike Taylor
- searching by FOLIO ID does not workUISE-62Resolved issue: UISE-62Mike Taylor
- Create regression tests for ui-searchUISE-61Resolved issue: UISE-61Mike Taylor
- Holding Status filters sends incorrect queryUISE-60Resolved issue: UISE-60Mike Taylor
- The "Available Online" filter option should be selected by defaultUISE-59Resolved issue: UISE-59Mike Taylor
- Please add a text label next to icon in the source column in Codex SearchUISE-58Resolved issue: UISE-58Mike Taylor
- The initially selected index should be "Title", not "ID"UISE-57Resolved issue: UISE-57Mike Taylor
- After linking out to another app, strange redirects start to happenUISE-56Resolved issue: UISE-56Mike Taylor
- Brief-record displays in ui-search must link DIRECTLY into other modulesUISE-55Resolved issue: UISE-55Mike Taylor
- Make links to eHoldings records back buttonableUISE-54Resolved issue: UISE-54Mike Taylor
- Links into eHoldings should include the queryUISE-53Resolved issue: UISE-53Mike Taylor
- Link from ui-search's KB records into ui-eholdingsUISE-51Resolved issue: UISE-51Mike Taylor
- Link from ui-search's inventory records into ui-inventoryUISE-50Resolved issue: UISE-50Mike Taylor
- Rename ID to FOLIO ID, enable IdentifierUISE-49Resolved issue: UISE-49Mike Taylor
- When clearing the search, the record-display area should clearUISE-48Resolved issue: UISE-48Mike Taylor
- Changing sort-order, then returning to Title sort, breaks EKB searchingUISE-47Resolved issue: UISE-47Mike Taylor
- Index dropdown initially displays "ID" but is set emptyUISE-46Resolved issue: UISE-46Mike Taylor
- When There is an Unambiguous Match, The Details Record Should Open AutomaticallyUISE-45Resolved issue: UISE-45Zak Burke
- Fix default searchUISE-43Resolved issue: UISE-43Mike Taylor
- Query generation includes ORs which mod-codex-ekb cannot supportUISE-42Resolved issue: UISE-42Mike Taylor
- When starting the Codex Search UI, do not search for cql.allRecords=1UISE-41Resolved issue: UISE-41Mike Taylor
- Grey out unavailable indexes instead of omitting them entirelyUISE-40Resolved issue: UISE-40Mike Taylor
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