- Users: Can not assign and unassign permissions to users unless you have "Settings (Users): Can create, edit and remove permission sets"UIU-1518Resolved issue: UIU-1518Anna Melnyk
- Default Fee/Fine Owner no longer set on New Fee/Fine pageUIU-1437Resolved issue: UIU-1437Arturo Rendón Cruz
- "Can assign and unassign service points to users" allows to edit user profileUIU-1436Resolved issue: UIU-1436
- Can open edit user screen without "Can edit user profile" permissionUIU-1435Resolved issue: UIU-1435Michal Kuklis
- Testing: Create: Make sure that expiration date is set to automatically expected dateUIU-1434patty.wanninger
- Lost item fee policy: Unable to enter processing feesUIU-1433Resolved issue: UIU-1433Holly Mistlebauer
- Lost item fee policy: Unable to save Lost item fee policyUIU-1432Resolved issue: UIU-1432Holly Mistlebauer
- Error when attempting to delete a patron blockUIU-1431Resolved issue: UIU-1431Michal Kuklis
- Changes made to patron blocks are not being saved fullyUIU-1430Resolved issue: UIU-1430Michal Kuklis
- Users: Unable to send password reset emailUIU-1429Resolved issue: UIU-1429patty.wanninger
- Can still edit profiles with Users Permission: Can view user profileUIU-1427Resolved issue: UIU-1427
- Record last updated and created info missing from manual patron blockUIU-1420Resolved issue: UIU-1420Michal Kuklis
- Cannot X out of manual patron block edit pageUIU-1419Resolved issue: UIU-1419
- Patron block for one patron is showing up for anotherUIU-1418Resolved issue: UIU-1418
- Paying fee/fine from Fee/Fine Details doesn't close Pay Fee/Fine modal (Cancelling has same issue as may other modals))UIU-1417Resolved issue: UIU-1417Matt Connolly
- BugFest installation sending wrong or no notice for cancellationsUIU-1415Resolved issue: UIU-1415Holly Mistlebauer
- BugFest installation not sending waive or transfer noticesUIU-1414Resolved issue: UIU-1414Holly Mistlebauer
- Sending "new fee/fine" and "payment" notices when "Notify patron" uncheckedUIU-1413Resolved issue: UIU-1413Anna Melnyk
- FOLIO is getting into "loop"--must click Users app twice to get out of itUIU-1412Resolved issue: UIU-1412Michal Kuklis
- New fee/fine page is not clearing old item data when it opensUIU-1410Resolved issue: UIU-1410Michal Kuklis
- BugFest installation Charge & Pay Now not including all Payment Methods for Fee/Fine OwnerUIU-1409Resolved issue: UIU-1409Holly Mistlebauer
- "Error modal" does not un-checkmark entries when you click on themUIU-1408Resolved issue: UIU-1408John Coburn
- FF History does not checkmark all rows when top box checkedUIU-1407Resolved issue: UIU-1407John Coburn
- Status sort failing in the Users result paneUIU-1406Resolved issue: UIU-1406Zak Burke
- BugFest installation of Fees/Fines History, Fee/Fine Details and New Fee/Fine does not match other test sitesUIU-1236Resolved issue: UIU-1236Peter Murray
- Tenant / Addresses: Last updated by - Username not displayedUITEN-71Resolved issue: UITEN-71Dennis Bridges
- Error when SAML permission disabledUITEN-70Resolved issue: UITEN-70Michal Kuklis
- Bugfest: Requester block duplicated on create formUIREQ-404Resolved issue: UIREQ-404Zak Burke
- Request app SortingUIREQ-399Resolved issue: UIREQ-399Michal Kuklis
- "Request detail" menu for closed requests is emptyUIREQ-398Resolved issue: UIREQ-398Rasmus Wølk
- Create/assign Interface for Organization record takes additional step to completeUIORGS-138Resolved issue: UIORGS-138Dennis Bridges
- Create/assign Contact for Organization record takes additional step to completeUIORGS-137Resolved issue: UIORGS-137Dennis Bridges
- Unable to filter by Vendor=No in OrganizationsUIORGS-133Resolved issue: UIORGS-133Dennis Bridges
- Unable to search by contact information in OrganizationsUIORGS-132Resolved issue: UIORGS-132Dennis Bridges
- "Check-in error" when using "Check-in" in "Add piece" modalUIOR-485Resolved issue: UIOR-485Dennis Bridges
- Can't change location when creating item from order check-inUIOR-484Resolved issue: UIOR-484Dennis Bridges
- Orders: Can't filter on 'reason for closure'UIOR-483Resolved issue: UIOR-483Dennis Bridges
- Can't create more "closing purchase order reasons"UIOR-482Resolved issue: UIOR-482Dennis Bridges
- Cannot add additional PO linesUIOR-481Resolved issue: UIOR-481
- Unable to save order with Workflow Status set to OpenUIOR-476Resolved issue: UIOR-476
- Cannot approve/payUINV-99Resolved issue: UINV-99
- Can't filter by Effective location in BugfestUIIN-928Resolved issue: UIIN-928
- QueryValidationException on item search with quotesUIIN-926Resolved issue: UIIN-926Charlotte Whitt
- Inventory. Inventory detailed record. Collapse all accodions block expand accordions individuallyUIIN-921Resolved issue: UIIN-921Matt Connolly
- Search option "All" is missing in the fund tabUIF-166Resolved issue: UIF-166Dennis Bridges
- Search option “All” for ledger does not include CodeUIF-165Resolved issue: UIF-165Dennis Bridges
- Search option “All” for fiscal year does not include CodeUIF-164Resolved issue: UIF-164Dennis Bridges
- Search option “All” for fund groups does not include CodeUIF-163Resolved issue: UIF-163Dennis Bridges
- Default results display on the start page for ledgers (inconsistency with fiscal year/group/fund)UIF-160Resolved issue: UIF-160Dennis Bridges
- User able to edit Aggregator setting while having "ermusage user" permissionUIEUS-259Resolved issue: UIEUS-259Tino R.
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