- Lost item fees not suspended when item is claimed returned from the ellipses in action menuUIU-2993Resolved issue: UIU-2993Artem Blazhko
- Date field in User app reports doesn't populate when a first entry was clearedUIU-2991Resolved issue: UIU-2991Dmitriy Litvinenko
- User detail pane not displayed after new user is createdUIU-2981Resolved issue: UIU-2981Amelia Sutton
- Users UI Fails to Display Some Group Information When a Tenant Has More Than 200 GroupsUIU-2973Resolved issue: UIU-2973Amelia Sutton
- User with "Settings (tenant): Can maintain preferred plugins" permission cannot edit preferred plugins.UITEN-270Resolved issue: UITEN-270
- User without "Settings (tenant): Can maintain preferred plugins" permission can edit preferred plugins.UITEN-269Resolved issue: UITEN-269Uladzislau Kutarkin
- (Poppy BF) Source in authority paneheader indicates system and not user nameUIQM-583Resolved issue: UIQM-583
- Incorrect error notification text when editing "MARC authority" record deleted by another userUIQM-582Resolved issue: UIQM-582Dmytro Melnyshyn
- Order version history populating slowly for newly created ordersUIOR-1170Resolved issue: UIOR-1170Dennis Bridges
- Fields specified in order template do not prefill in PO lineUIOR-1169Resolved issue: UIOR-1169Joseph Reimers
- A user with "Orders: Can view Orders and Order lines" cannot print an orderUIOR-1168Resolved issue: UIOR-1168Joseph Reimers
- Not able to filter with tags that are entirely made of special characters.UINV-510Resolved issue: UINV-510Joseph Reimers
- Linked MARC bibs not mentioned in delete confirmation modal when deleting non-"Authorized" authorityUIMARCAUTH-358Resolved issue: UIMARCAUTH-358Dmytro Melnyshyn
- [Poppy BF] Displays unknown user info in the "List information" section, after creating a new listUILISTS-63Resolved issue: UILISTS-63Sergei Vasilev
- [Poppy BF] Order of the record types is incorrect in the "Select record types" dropdown.UILISTS-61Resolved issue: UILISTS-61Noah Overcash
- [Poppy BF] Time delay in the exporting when the record amount is less than 1000UILISTS-59Resolved issue: UILISTS-59Sergei Vasilev
- [Poppy BF] Restrict user access to the list which is private or removedUILISTS-58Resolved issue: UILISTS-58Sergei Vasilev
- [Poppy BF] Toast message is incorrect when the user tries to refresh private listUILISTS-56Resolved issue: UILISTS-56Sergei Vasilev
- [Poppy BF] Displays "Unknown" record last updates date and source when the status of the list is "Inactive"UILISTS-54Resolved issue: UILISTS-54Sergei Vasilev
- [Poppy BF] Toast message is incorrect when the user tries to export private or inactive listsUILISTS-53Resolved issue: UILISTS-53Sergei Vasilev
- [Poppy BF] "Cancel Export" functionality doesn't work.UILISTS-52Resolved issue: UILISTS-52Ryan Berger
- [Poppy BF] Toast message is incorrect when the user tries to remove private listUILISTS-51Resolved issue: UILISTS-51Sergei Vasilev
- When adding the initial 'Report repository', clicking the '+' populates two templatesUILDP-126Resolved issue: UILDP-126Mike Taylor
- Call number browse|numeric value in SuDoc call number produces an unexpected sort orderUIIN-2898Resolved issue: UIIN-2898
- Instance notes field misspelled in advanced search query leads to 400 errorUIIN-2677Resolved issue: UIIN-2677Denys Bohdan
- Bugfest Poppy: clicking More and resetting the filter will hide the More buttonUIIN-2659Resolved issue: UIIN-2659Christine Schultz-Richert
- Create bound-with and analytics relations (associate one item with multiple holdings) in the Item edit screen, does not work in Poppy Bugfest environment, but works in FOLIO Snapshot and FOLIO Snapshot-2)UIIN-2658Resolved issue: UIIN-2658Michal Kuklis
- Instance metadata component "Updated Source" field is not updated immediately after ISRI overlayUIIN-2654Resolved issue: UIIN-2654Mariia Aloshyna
- Space between two words is deleted when the last character of 2nd word was deletedUIIN-2653Resolved issue: UIIN-2653
- Item moved from MARC holdings still shows the original holdings when moving items between instancesUIIN-2637Resolved issue: UIIN-2637Mariia Aloshyna
- Filtering transactions by tags with special characters is not possibleUIF-486Resolved issue: UIF-486
- User with permission "Export manager: Download and re-send files" (instead of "Export manager: All") can't access "Export manager" appUIEXPMGR-98Resolved issue: UIEXPMGR-98
- One data import job takes one additional sequence ID when job partitioning feature is enabledUIDATIMP-1562Resolved issue: UIDATIMP-1562John Coburn
- Long loading of the DI landing pageUIDATIMP-1557Resolved issue: UIDATIMP-1557John Coburn
- Error message and cannot see or edit pickup service points in "allow some pickup service points"UICIRC-1016Resolved issue: UICIRC-1016Artem Blazhko
- Section with "Cancel" and "Save & close" is not fixed at the bottom when all accordions are collapsedUICIRC-1014Resolved issue: UICIRC-1014Dmitriy Litvinenko
- Error messages when testing permission Settings (Circ): Can create, edit and remove overdue fine policiesUICIRC-1013Resolved issue: UICIRC-1013Dmitriy Litvinenko
- Rules not displaying when filtered by special characterUICIRC-1011Resolved issue: UICIRC-1011
- "User" dropdown doesn't include Users recently run bulk edit jobsUIBULKED-373Resolved issue: UIBULKED-373Mikita Siadykh
- User details pane does not appear after user creationSTSMACOM-785Resolved issue: STSMACOM-785Zak Burke
- Template editor: Space and enter keys no longer working properlySTRIPES-896Resolved issue: STRIPES-896Tetiana Gusar
- The whole page is printed instead of organization detail paneSTCOM-1230Resolved issue: STCOM-1230Joseph Reimers
- The whole page is printed instead of user detail paneSTCOM-1229Resolved issue: STCOM-1229John Coburn
- The whole page is printed instead of instance detail paneSTCOM-1228Resolved issue: STCOM-1228John Coburn
- Vertical scroll bar is displayed on the second pane when it doesn't needSTCOM-1224Resolved issue: STCOM-1224Denys Bohdan
- (Poppy BF) No exact match for Dewey call numbers in call number BrowseMSEARCH-651Resolved issue: MSEARCH-651
- Cannot find call number when its shelf key starts with same 10 first characters as other call numbers (approx. 1500 call numbers)MSEARCH-641Resolved issue: MSEARCH-641Viacheslav Kolesnyk
- Bugfest Poppy. Instance. Bound-with flag set as 'true' but the bound with icon is not displaying in the result listMSEARCH-634Resolved issue: MSEARCH-634Pavlo Smahin
- Poppy BF | "500" error is returned when browse for certain call number using "SuDoc" browse optionMSEARCH-624Resolved issue: MSEARCH-624Tsaghik Khachatryan
- Cannot find call numbers in browse if an Instance has items with and without call number specifiedMSEARCH-622Resolved issue: MSEARCH-622Tsaghik Khachatryan
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