Declared lost item: Assign fees when declared lost with actual cost
Potential Workaround
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Open TestRail: Cases
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Open TestRail: Runs
Created April 3, 2020 at 4:01 PM
Updated June 9, 2022 at 9:22 AM
Resolved April 20, 2020 at 7:22 PM
TestRail: Cases
TestRail: Runs
CIRC-714 (Backend: Declared lost item: Assign fees when declared lost with actual cost) is the backend story for this front-end story. If there isn't any frontend work, this user story should be Closed as a Duplicate.
Purpose: Assign fees to items when they are declared lost, based on the library's lost item fee policy for the item.
Story: As a staff member, I need to charge the patron for items they have lost, so that they can pay for the items and the library can replace them.
Attachment: .xlsx is a table representation of the Scenarios presented below. It may be an easier to develop the feature using the table.
Fee/Fine Records: The Scenarios provide the values for three of the Fee/Fine Record fields. The remainder of the fields should be set the same as other New Fee/Fine records except for Created At and Source. Created At should be set to the service point where item was reported lost. Source should be set to the name of staff member logged in.
Important Note: Fee/Fine Types "Lost item fee" and "Lost item processing fee" exist in the Manual Charges table (at Settings==>Users==>Fee/Fine: Manual Charges) with the new Manual/Automated Flag set to "automated." (See MODFEE-28, CIRC-656, MODFEE-30 and UIU-1490 for details; MODFEE-28 and CIRC-656 are scheduled for completion by March 6, 2020). The PO is not clear on why these entries need to be in the Manual Charges table or how they should be used. The "Overdue fine" Fee/Fine Type was added under the direction of Vega team member Oleksandr Kurash. Please contact him for for more information.
Scenario (lost item fee is actual cost and lost item processing fee charged)
Given an open loan for a patron and item, and a lost item fee policy assigned to that combination of patron group, material type, location and loan type with the following aspects:
Charge amount for item: Actual cost
Lost item processing fee: set to a value A that is >0
Charge lost item processing fee if item declared lost by patron?: Yes
When the loan is declared lost
Then create the following fees/fines in accordance with the lost item fee policy:
Fee/Fine Record #1
Fee/fine owner: See DETERMINE THE FEE/FINE OWNER section below
Fee/fine type: Lost item processing fee
Fee/fine amount: Value A
For the MVP the actual cost will be handled manually; Holly is still working on this feature
Scenario (lost item fee is actual cost and lost item processing fee not charged)
Given an open loan for a patron and item, and a lost item fee policy assigned to that combination of patron group, material type, location and loan type with the following aspects:
Charge amount for item: Actual cost
Lost item processing fee: set to 0
Charge lost item processing fee if item declared lost by patron?: Yes
When the loan is declared lost
Then create the following fees/fines in accordance with the lost item fee policy:
create no fines/fees(for the MVP the actual cost will be handled manually; Holly is still working on this feature)
Scenario (lost item fee is actual cost and lost item processing fee not charged)
Given an open loan for a patron and item, and a lost item fee policy assigned to that combination of patron group, material type, location and loan type with the following aspects:
Charge amount for item: Actual cost
Lost item processing fee: Any value
Charge lost item processing fee if item declared lost by patron?: No
When the loan is declared lost
Then create the following fees/fines in accordance with the lost item fee policy:
create no fines/fees (for the MVP the actual cost will be handled manually; Holly is still working on this feature)
Use the Barcode in the Loan Record to read the Item Record
Use the Holdings Location: Permanent Location of the Item Record to find the Primary Service Point (Settings>Tenant>Service Points provides a list of Assigned Locations for each Service Point)
Use the Primary Service Point to find the Fee/Fine Owner (Settings>Users>Fee/Fine: Owners provides a list of Associated Services Points for each Fee/Fine Owner)