Update Manual Charges display to exclude "automated" fees/fines and to not allow "automated" Fee/Fine Types to be duplicated as "manual" Fee/Fine Types


This task must be fixed before Q1 2020 is released!

There are three changes needed:
1) When the Manual Fee/Fine table is built for display and editing, exclude Fee/Fine Types with the new manual/automated flag set to automated (see MODFEE-28).
2) Do not allow a "manual" Fee/Fine Type to have the same name as an "automated" fee/fine type. If a duplicate name is entered, display this error message: Fee/fine type already exists as automated fee/fine
3) When a Manual Fee/Fine is added, set the new manual/automated flag to manual (MODFEE-30 is the backend story for this work).

Dev's update:
New /feesfines response model:

{ "feefines": [ { "automatic": false, "feeFineType": "Manual fine", "defaultAmount": 5.0, "ownerId": "2a83f291-cb14-4408-aeb6-44e97558113b", "metadata": { "createdDate": "2020-03-06T09:12:39.476+0000", "createdByUserId": "cae4b331-178a-5afb-ad38-cae368c2e449", "updatedDate": "2020-03-06T09:12:39.476+0000", "updatedByUserId": "cae4b331-178a-5afb-ad38-cae368c2e449" }, "id": "37028f13-3038-4702-91ad-c41ba4f33a49" }, { "automatic": true, "feeFineType": "Overdue fine", "defaultAmount": 1.0, "metadata": { "createdDate": "2020-03-06T09:12:39.476+0000", }, "id": "37028f13-3038-4702-91ad-c41ba4f33a51" } ], "totalRecords": 2, "resultInfo": { "totalRecords": 2, "facets": [], "diagnostics": [] } }



Potential Workaround




TestRail: Results



Holly Mistlebauer April 8, 2020 at 9:23 PM

Holly just confirmed that this works at https://bugfest.folio.ebsco.com/.

Holly Mistlebauer March 19, 2020 at 6:05 PM

Holly just tested this at https://folio-snapshot.aws.indexdata.com/ and it works great! Thanks!

Darcy Branchini March 9, 2020 at 5:08 PM

, it's in code review already so it should make the Q1 release and I'll test it.

Vitalii_Zahoruiko March 6, 2020 at 10:06 AM

Fees/Fines that should be created automatically: "Overdue fine", "Lost item fee", "Lost item processing fee", "Replacement processing fee" (according to https://folio-org.atlassian.net/browse/MODFEE-28)

Holly Mistlebauer March 5, 2020 at 11:56 PM

and : Will this be completed for the Q1 2020 release? It needs to be if at all possible. I will be out next week so I won't be able to test and close it by March 13th. Darcy, would you be able to do that?





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Open TestRail: Runs
Created February 25, 2020 at 4:38 PM
Updated September 24, 2020 at 5:14 PM
Resolved March 16, 2020 at 5:19 PM
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