Aged to lost: Automatically age overdue items to lost - ACTUAL COST
Potential Workaround
has to be finished together with
is blocked by
hideTestRail: Results
Holly Mistlebauer February 15, 2022 at 5:00 PM
: I have removed the line "See attached flow chart Aged2Lost.jpg for overview". Feel free to split the stories however you want/need to. Thanks...

Alexander Kurash February 15, 2022 at 12:13 PMEdited
In the description it says "See attached flow chart Aged2Lost.jpg for overview", but there's no such attachment. Should we refer to Aged2Lost.jpg attached to CIRC-737? Is it still relevant? Probably not, because it doesn't mention Actual Cost records, just tells us to do nothing if Actual Cost is set in the policy.
Also, I'd like to split Part A (already aged to lost) and Part B (not aged to lost yet) to two different stories because we're usually splitting stories that are estimated to more than 5 points, and this one looks like 8 to me.

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Story Points
Development Team
TestRail: Cases
Open TestRail: Cases
TestRail: Runs
Open TestRail: Runs
Created July 2, 2020 at 9:09 PM
Updated June 28, 2022 at 12:10 PM
Resolved June 28, 2022 at 12:10 PM
TestRail: Cases
TestRail: Runs
This are two batch process that will run daily at a time set by the institution (one for aging items to lost and the other for billing aged to lost items)
This process will create fee/fine records for Lost item processing fee and/or Lost item fee
Aged to Lost settings are located at Settings>Circulation>Lost item fee policies (see attached screen print Lost-Item-Policy.JPG)
Patron billed after aged to lost : Should the patron be billed now or just notified now? There will be an interval provided.
Charge lost item processing fee if item aged to lost by system : Should patron be charged the lost item processing fee?
Charge amount for item : Should actual cost be charged or is a default set cost provided?
Two new fields have been added to the Loan Record for the aged to lost process - created by user story
lostItemHasBeenBilled will be used to indicate if the aged to lost fee has been billed (for use where delayed billing is set up)
dateLostItemShouldBeBilled will be used to indicate when the aged to lost fee should be billed (for use where delayed billing is set up)
Please note that the code for using Set cost already exists. We are just adding code for "Actual cost" at this point.
PART A: Determine if it is time to bill ACTUAL COST items already set to aged to lost, where institution is using delayed billing
Scenario (item has aged to lost, but it is not time to bill the fee(s))
Given Item Status = 'Aged to lost' and Loan Record field lostItemHasBeenBilled = "false"
When Loan Record field dateLostItemShouldBeBilled > System Date and Actual cost selected in Lost Item Fee Policy
Do no further aged to lost processing for item
Scenario (item is ready to be billed an ACTUAL COST Lost Item Fee, but no Lost Item Processing Fee will be billed)
Given Item Status = 'Aged to lost' and Loan Record field lostItemHasBeenBilled = "false"
When Loan Record field dateLostItemShouldBeBilled <= System Date, Actual cost selected in Lost Item Fee Policy and Charge lost item processing fee if item aged to lost by system = No
Set lostItemHasBeenBilled to "true"
Set dateLostItemShouldBeBilled to blank
Build ACTUAL COST record for Lost Item Fees Processing Page (see UXPROD-3377)
Scenario (item is ready to be billed an ACTUAL COST Lost Item Fee and Lost Item Processing Fee)
Given Item Status = 'Aged to lost' and Loan Record field lostItemHasBeenBilled = "false"
When Loan Record field dateLostItemShouldBeBilled <= System Date, Actual cost selected in Lost Item Fee Policy and Charge lost item processing fee if item aged to lost by system = Yes
Set lostItemHasBeenBilled to "true"
Set dateLostItemShouldBeBilled to blank
Create fee/fine record for Lost item processing fee
Build ACTUAL COST record for Lost Item Fees Processing Page (see UXPROD-3377)
PART B: Determine which loaned items using ACTUAL COST should be marked as aged to lost now and when they should be billed
Scenario (site does not age non-recalled items to lost)
Given Item Status NOT = 'Aged to lost', item using ACTUAL COST and item not RECALLED
When item NOT claimed returned and Items aged to lost after overdue interval (see Lost Item Fee policy) = 0 or blank
Do no further aged to lost processing for item
Scenario (site does not age recalled items to lost)
Given Item Status NOT = 'Aged to lost', item using ACTUAL COST and item is RECALLED
When item NOT claimed returned and Recalled items aged to lost after overdue interval (see Lost Item Fee policy) = 0 or blank
Do no further aged to lost processing for item
Scenario (not time yet to set non-recalled item to aged to lost)
Given Item Status NOT = 'Aged to lost', item using ACTUAL COST and item NOT RECALLED
When item NOT claimed returned, Items aged to lost after overdue interval > 0, and System date is NOT Items aged to lost after overdue interval (see Lost Item Fee policy) from item due date
Do no further aged to lost processing for item
Scenario (not time yet to set recalled item to aged to lost)
Given Item Status NOT = 'Aged to lost', item using ACTUAL COST and item is RECALLED
When item NOT claimed returned, Recalled items aged to lost after overdue interval > 0, and System date is NOT Items aged to lost after overdue interval (see Lost Item Fee policy) from item due date
Do no further aged to lost processing for item
Scenario (time to set non-recalled item to aged to lost and bill them, but no Lost Item Processing Fee billed)
Given Item Status NOT = 'Aged to lost', item using ACTUAL COST and item NOT RECALLED
When item NOT claimed returned, Items aged to lost after overdue interval > 0, System date is Items aged to lost after overdue interval (see Lost Item Fee policy) from item due date, Patron billed after aged to lost interval = 0 or blank, Charge lost item processing fee if item aged to lost by system = No
Set Item status to 'Aged to lost'
Build ACTUAL COST record for Lost Item Fees Processing Page (see UXPROD-3377)
Scenario (time to set recalled item to aged to lost and bill them, but no Lost Item Processing Fee billed)
Given Item Status NOT = 'Aged to lost', item using ACTUAL COST and item is RECALLED
When item NOT claimed returned, Recalled items aged to lost after overdue interval > 0, System date is Items aged to lost after overdue interval (see Lost Item Fee policy) from item due date, Patron billed after aged to lost interval = 0 or blank, Charge lost item processing fee if item aged to lost by system = No
Set Item status to 'Aged to lost'
Build ACTUAL COST record for Lost Item Fees Processing Page (see UXPROD-3377)
Scenario (time to set non-recalled item to aged to lost bill them, including a Lost Item Processing Fee)
Given Item Status NOT = 'Aged to lost', item using ACTUAL COST and item NOT RECALLED
When item NOT claimed returned, Items aged to lost after overdue interval > 0, System date is Items aged to lost after overdue interval (see Lost Item Fee policy) from item due date, Patron billed after aged to lost interval = 0 or blank, Charge lost item processing fee if item aged to lost by system = Yes
Set Item status to 'Aged to lost'
Create fee/fine record for Lost item processing fee
Build ACTUAL COST record for Lost Item Fees Processing Page (see UXPROD-3377)
Scenario (time to set recalled item to aged to lost and bill them, including a Lost Item Processing Fee)
Given Item Status NOT = 'Aged to lost', item using ACTUAL COST and item is RECALLED
When item NOT claimed returned, Recalled items aged to lost after overdue interval > 0, System date is Items aged to lost after overdue interval (see Lost Item Fee policy) from item due date, Patron billed after aged to lost interval = 0 or blank, Charge lost item processing fee if item aged to lost by system = Yes
Set Item status to 'Aged to lost'
Create fee/fine record for Lost item processing fee
Build ACTUAL COST record for Lost Item Fees Processing Page (see UXPROD-3377)
Scenario (it is time to set the status to aged to lost, but not time to bill yet for non-recalled item)
Given Item Status NOT = 'Aged to lost', item using ACTUAL COST and item is NOT RECALLED
When item NOT claimed returned, Items aged to lost after overdue interval > 0, System date is Items aged to lost after overdue interval (see Lost Item Fee policy) from item due date, Patron billed after aged to lost interval > 0
Set Item status to 'Aged to lost'
Set flag lostItemHasBeenBilled = "false"
Set dateLostItemShouldBeBilled = calculated date based on Patron billed after aged to lost interval
Scenario (it is time to set the status to aged to lost, but not time to bill yet for recalled item)
Given Item Status NOT = 'Aged to lost', item using ACTUAL COST and item is RECALLED
When item NOT claimed returned, Recalled items aged to lost after overdue interval > 0, System date is Items aged to lost after overdue interval (see Lost Item Fee policy) from item due date, Patron billed for recall after aged to lost interval > 0
Set Item status to 'Aged to lost'
Set flag lostItemHasBeenBilled = "false"
Set dateLostItemShouldBeBilled = calculated date based on Patron billed for recall after aged to lost interval
Create fee/fine record for Lost item processing fee <== Follow what is currently done for SET COST lost items
Fee/fine type = "Lost item processing fee"
Fee/fine owner = Use Barcode to locate Item Record; Use Holdings Location: Permanent location from Item Record to find Primary service point within Settings>Tenant>Service Points; Use Service Point in Settings>Users>Fee/Fine: Owners to find associated Fee/fine owner
Billed date = System date and time
Billed amount = Lost item processing fee
Remaining amount = Lost item processing fee
Payment status = "Outstanding"
Loan details = link to loan record
Overdue policy = Overdue fine policy link from Loan record
Lost item policy = Lost item fee policy link from Loan record
Action date = System date and time
Action = "Lost item processing fee"
Amount = Lost item processing fee
Balance = Lost item processing fee
Transaction information = blank
Created at = "-"
Source = "System"
Additional information = blank
Open Issues:
What should happen if Fee/Fine Owner not found will be addressed by UXPROD-2278
Patron notices will be addressed by UXPROD-2165