Mark item Declared lost


Purpose: Create new interaction resulting in status Declared lost, in order for the library to distinguish between checked out items (which are expected to be returned) and items the patron has lost and needs to pay for.

Story: As a staff member, I need to mark items Declared lost, so that the patron and other staff members can distinguish them from other checked out items.


  1. Scenario

    • Given a patron's loan history, showing open loans

    • When the user opens the action menu

    • Show the Declare lost option in the menu

      • Position: After Change due date, before Loan policy

  2. Scenario

    • Given an open loan

    • When viewing the loan details screen

    • Then show the Declare lost button

      • Position: to the right of the Change due date button

  3. Scenario

    • Given a closed loan

    • When viewing the loan details screen

    • Then show the Declare lost button (disabled)

  4. Scenario passes except for modal heading, moving to UIU-1444

    • Given the Declare lost option on an open loan

    • When clicked

    • Then show the Confirm Declared lost modal

      • Heading: Confirm Declared lost status

      • Text: <title of item> (<material type>) (Barcode: <barcode>) will be declared lost.

      • Text input:

        • Label: Additional information* (required)

        • Field help text: Enter more information about the lost item (required)

      • Buttons:

        • Cancel

        • Confirm (activate once user enters required text)

  5. Scenario

    • Given the Declared lost modal

    • When the user clicks confirm

    • Then change the item to declared lost

      • Change the item's status to declared lost

      • Create the fees and fines specified by loan policy

  6. Scenario

    • Given an item that has been declared lost

    • When viewing loan details for that item

    • Then show the following in the loan's action history

      • Action date: date and time loan was declared lost

      • Action: Declared lost

      • Due date: Same as it was before the item was declared lost

      • Item status: Declared lost

      • Source: staff member who declared the item lost

        • Link to user profile

        • format: Last name, first name middle name

      • Comments: Additional information user entered when declaring the item lost

  7. Scenario

    • Given an item that has been declared lost

    • When viewing loan details for that item

    • Then populate the Lost field with the date and time the loan was declared lost

  8. Scenario

    • Given an item that is not declared lost

    • When viewing loan details for that item

    • Then populate the Lost field with -

      • Currently reads TODO

  9. Scenario

    • Given a loan that is declared lost

    • When viewing the loan as an entry in the user's open loans

    • Then show loan information as for any other open loan, except:

      • Item status: Declared lost

  10. Scenario

    • Given a loan that is declared lost

    • When viewing the item record for the item in the loan in Inventory

    • Then:

      • Status for the item should be Declared lost, with link to loan details

      • Item status date should be the date the item/loan was declared lost

  11. Scenario

    • Given a patron's open loans on the loan history screen, and a loan for that user for an item that is declared lost

    • When a user opens the action menu for that loan

    • Then do not display the Declare lost option

  12. Scenario

    • Given the open loan for an item that is declared lost

    • When viewing loan details

    • Then disable the Declare lost button


  • For scenario 4, an example is attached. Modal has slightly different wording; please use wording in story. Do not include notify patron checkbox; notice does not exist for this feature yet.

  • Separate stories will be written to handle assigning fines/fees, closing loans that have been declared lost, behavior of item when declared lost.



Potential Workaround








TestRail: Results



Emma Boettcher January 13, 2020 at 3:16 PM

tested on folio-testing. One wording thing needs tweaking but in the interest of closing out loans work in Concorde and unblocking other Declared lost stories, closing this story and filing a low-priority bug.

Yevhenii Maltsev January 13, 2020 at 10:14 AM

could you please review it on ?

Cate Boerema January 10, 2020 at 2:21 PM

Just changing the priority to P2 since this feature is in scope for the current quarter.






Story Points


Development Team


TestRail: Cases

Open TestRail: Cases

TestRail: Runs

Open TestRail: Runs
Created September 6, 2019 at 5:44 PM
Updated June 9, 2022 at 9:22 AM
Resolved January 13, 2020 at 3:17 PM
TestRail: Cases
TestRail: Runs