BE: Check in: lost and paid items


Purpose ask user to confirm check in when an item with the status Lost and paid is checked in.


  1. Scenario

    • Given an item with the status Lost and paid and the Suppress from discovery box checked on the item record

    • When the item is scanned in the Check in app

    • Then show the Check in lost and paid item? modal

      • Title: Check in lost and paid item?

      • Body: <title of item> (<material type of item>) (Barcode: <barcode of item) has the item status Lost and paid and is suppressed from discovery.

      • Buttons:

        • Cancel

        • Confirm

      • Order: display this before multipiece modal (see notes)

  2. Scenario

    • Given an item with the status Lost and paid and the Suppress from discovery box not checked on the item record

    • When the item is scanned in the Check in app

    • Then show the Check in lost and paid item? modal

      • Title: Check in lost and paid item?

      • Body: <title of item> (<material type of item>) (Barcode: <barcode of item) has the item status Lost and paid.

      • Buttons:

        • Cancel

        • Confirm

      • Order: display this before multipiece modal (see notes)

  3. Scenario

    • Given the Check in Lost and paid item? modal

    • When the user clicks Cancel

    • Then do not complete the check in

  4. Scenario

    • Given the Check in lost and paid item? modal

    • When the user clicks Confirm

    • Then continue the check in

  5. Scenario

    • Given a check in for an item with the status Lost and paid, with all check in modals asking for confirmation confirmed

    • When the last modal is confirmed

    • Then change the status of the item according to whether it is at service point for effective location and whether it has any open requests


  • Pop-up order for check in:

    1. Confirm check in for item's current status (e.g., Missing, Long missing, Claim returned)

    2. Confirm check in for multipiece item

    3. Confirm check in for check in note

    4. Alert user to resulting status from check in (e.g., In transit, Awaiting pickup)

  • Checking in an item with the "suppressed from discovery" checkbox checked should not uncheck the checkbox.

  • Not spelling out all the possible statuses that could result from check in, or all the different combinations of confirmation modals that could appear at check in. For more info on possible statuses, see UICHKIN-17 and UICHKIN-50; for more info on different combinations of confirmation modals, see UICHKIN-79.



Potential Workaround






TestRail: Results







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Fix versions

TestRail: Cases

Open TestRail: Cases

TestRail: Runs

Open TestRail: Runs
Created May 15, 2020 at 1:18 PM
Updated June 9, 2022 at 9:21 AM
Resolved May 26, 2020 at 12:01 PM
TestRail: Cases
TestRail: Runs