Mediated request statuses
Below is the Mediated Request and Circulation Request statuses diagram and the mapping between them.
State diagram and actions/statuses/steps
Possible mediated request statuses and steps
Status - Step | Can the patron cancel Mediated requests via Locate? | Can unauthorized staff cancel Mediated requests? | Can authorized staff cancel Mediated requests? |
New - Awaiting confirmation | YES | N/A. Staff will decline with a Note | YES |
Open - Not yet filled | YES | YES | NO |
Open - In transit for approval | YES | YES | NO |
Open - Item arrived | YES | YES | NO |
Open - In transit to be checked out | YES | YES | NO |
Open - Awaiting pickup | YES | YES | NO |
Open - Awaiting delivery | YES | YES | NO |
Closed - Filled | no further actions are allowed | no further actions are allowed | no further actions are allowed |
Closed - Declined | no further actions are allowed | no further actions are allowed | no further actions are allowed |
Closed - Cancelled | no further actions are allowed | no further actions are allowed | no further actions are allowed |
Outstanding questions
Can a Secure patron cancel in the Locate their request at any step, or could there be restrictions?
Can authorized personnel cancel a request on behalf of a Secure Patron using the Mediated Requests app?
Authorized personnel can Decline Mediated requests with status of “New - Awaiting confirmation”, and this action cancels the Mediated request. Authorized personnel can Decline the Mediated request to cancel it. For Mediated requests that have been confirmed as circulation Requests, authorized personnel can Cancel the Request app in the Secure tenant.Is it true that authorized personnel can only decline a request in the Mediated Requests app at the "Awaiting Confirmation" step (as an alternative to the "Confirm Request" action)?
SB: Yes. A mediated request can be declined while in the Awaiting confirmation status. Once it becomes a circulation request, it can be canceled.