UX/UI and FM - notes, October, 5 2016
UX/UI and FM - notes, October, 5 2016
Charlotte Whitt (Index Data), Filip Jakobsen, Lisa McColl (Lehigh), Andrea Loigman (Duke), David Larsen (Chicago), Eric Harnett, Jack Hill (Duke), Maria Grzeschniok (hbz), Michael Winkler (OLE), Patty Wanninger, Peter Murray
- OLE PC Reporter
Lisa McColl (Lehigh University)
- Presentation of latest update of the UX prototype
Filip demonstrated the prototype for the Users app in FOLIO, which has had further developments. Viewable: http://bit.ly/folioproject
Features discussed:
- Ability to search through library users with filters available. Prototype shows an example of a filter by “Non-staff only” and “Staff-only” as examples of how a user list could be filtered.
- Libraries have the option to set up a template that will dictate what information displays for each patron.
- Inline editing is available for quick changes to user information.
- New users can be added directly from the main Users screen.
- All sections under the patron information panel have “Search” and “View full history” options. Information that is active, such as current loans, will display on the main user screen by default.
- A constant property of the FOLIO interface will be the ability to sort columns.
- Exporting and printing features have not yet been fully addressed. Filip is considering including in the design the ability to output a search result into a .csv file. Lisa noted this would be an extremely useful feature if applied to the cataloging app.
- Jack questioned whether the bookmarks would save a dynamic search or a static search result set. Filip is considering if both options could be available.
- Loans and holds share a section on the main user page. Within that “parent” level, the two are give their own sections. Filip asked for feedback on what should be included in the Loans/Holds History section and how that information should be parsed. Andrea and David agreed to provide feedback to Filip.
- There is a Communications section that will report all communication between the library and the user, when that communication was made, how, the method (email, phone) and the content.
- The Patron Groups section will only be viewable and/or editable to users with the approprate permissions. David point out that patrons are often part of mulitple groups. Andrea and Jack added that is the case at many institutions. The implications balancing this desire for information with batch ingesting users with an IDS and assigning borrowing priviliges was discussed. Filip wondered if a system similar to tagging was used to indicate various groups to which a patron belongs, while still declaring a single main patron group would be useful. The group responded positively to this idea.
- Another feature under the Patron Groups section will be the ability to right-click and “lock” specific fields of information for specific users so locally edited pieces of data, such as email addresses, would not be overwritten by the institution’s IDS.
- The Statistical Group section will also only be viewable and/or editable by users with adequate permissions. Filip asked the group if it was reasonable to have a default Statistical Group based on the main Patron Group of a user. David pointed out that this could lead to a lack of adequate reason to go in and make adjustments to the default when they are needed.
- Filip composed a list of what the group identified as basic fields that would be needed universally to describe a patron:
- Name (Last, First, Middle)
- ID Numbers (the group point out that that a user often has several ids)
- Permanent Address
- Temporary Address
- Phone
- Library Barcode
- Expiration date
- Affililiated branch?
- The Staff Permissions section will only be viewable and/or editable by users with adequate permissions.
- “Permission sets” can be created by institution. Individual permissions can be added to a user’s account, in addition to a permission set or sets.
- The system will have the ability to make batch edit changes to permissions and permission sets.
, multiple selections available,
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