DR-000038 - PostgreSQL Upgrade to 16
Provide links to all relevant RFC's
@mention individual(s) who has vested interest in the DR. This helps us to identify who needs to be aware of the decision
Julian Ladisch Florian Gleixner
List TC members voted to approve the change
Poppy officially supports PostgreSQL 12. Support of this version ends November 14, 2024.
Once a year the PostgreSQL team releases a new major version of PostgreSQL. Versions 13, 14, 15 and 16 are available. Some institutions have already migrated away from version 12 to 13 or 14 without any problems.
Sysops prefer to avoid a PostgreSQL migration if possible.
If a PostgreSQL migration is needed, sysops prefer the latest version PostgreSQL version.
PostgreSQL 16 at Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL will be available by March 2024 (assuming the same timing like PostgreSQL 15 that has been available as Amazon RDS since Februrary 28, 2023).
Multi-tenant installations migrate tenants on different days, for example 4 tenants per weekend. Th