Technical Council

The Technical Council's charter is here. We were officially formed 7 June, 2018.

The role of the Tech Council is to:

  1. Set general technical direction, carefully abiding by our ‘local decision making where possible’ guiding principle. 
  2. Define processes, procedures and standards required for contributing code to the project
  3. Mediate technical conflicts between collaborators or foundation projects
  4. Proactively advise the Product Council on technical issues that will require effort and prioritization
  5. Respond to requests from the Product Council on technical issues

Anyone is welcome to join Technical Council meetings and activities.  The elected members from the FOLIO Community are:

About us

The Technical Council (TC) will set general technical direction, provide technical guidance to the Product Council, lead technical on boarding, set technical standards and mediate technical disagreements amongst the community when needed.

Communication Channels

See FOLIO Communication Spaces for more details about the project's communication channels.


The Technical Council meets via Zoom on Mondays* at 11am Eastern U.S. Time (see time in your timezone).  We meet using this Zoom URL:

ICS file: tech-council-wed.ics

For more details, see the Technical Council Meeting Tasks and Notes.

Our meeting recordings are here.  Older recordings can be found here.

In addition to our regular weekly meetings, the TC meets on Wednesday* at 11am Eastern U.S. Time if there is a need to dedicate a full hour to a specific topic.  This meeting will only happen as needed.  The Zoom URL above is used for these meetings as well.

ICS file: Technical Council - Dedicated Discussion Time.ics

*The TC is currently conducting a 1 month trial for this meeting schedule, and will evaluate its feasibility at the end of October 2023.

SIG Chair

For more information about the Technical Council, contact the chairs, Craig McNally and Jenn Colt.

Sub Groups

The Technical Council engages a variety of sub-groups to work on various topics - Technical Council Sub Groups

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