
FOLIO uses Snyk to scan for security vulnerabilities.

We collect, triage and maintain the results in the organisation that is restricted to the FOLIO Security Team.

Free Plan

FOLIO is on the free plan and has this scan limitations (see screenshot in the rightmost column):

public repositoriesprivate repositoriesFOLIO's usage of Snyk Tests March/February 2024
Open Source (maven/npm/... dependencies) via Web UIunlimited401 tests/month
Code (SAST of source code)100 tests/month
Infrastructure/IaC (Kubernetes/Helm/AWS/Azure/...)300 tests/month
Container (Docker/OCI)100 tests/month

The unlimited "Open Source" scans are scheduled daily, all other scans are scheduled weekly:

"GitHub" Scan


  • Unlimited dependency scans (maven, npm, ...) of public repositories.
  • Any number of branches per repository: Snyk picks up all changes for all imported branches and reports issues for all of them.
  • Better priorization by reachable vulnerabilities heuristics.
  • Fixed: Some time ago it didn't support <dependencyManagement> of pom.xml files so the CLI had been used. This has been fixed.


  • On import it only imports the default branch (usually master or main). Changing the default branch for a few seconds allows to import any branch. After import snyk doesn't care whether a branch is still the default branch.

"CLI" Scan

Pro: Sometimes it might work for reporitories where the Snyk "GitHub" scan doesn't work but currently all those cases have been fixed by the Snyk people.


  • Counts to the private repository limit that has only a few CLI scans available in our free Snyk plan, therefore we don't use this.
  • The SNYK_TOKEN is needed, it's available as a secret for GitHub Actions in all repositories.

  • To automatically run the Snyk CLI on a merge or a pull request a CI process like Jenkins or GitHub Action is needed to start it.
  • Reachable vulnerability analysis for better priorization via the Snyk CLI is not currently supported.


Use these texts as a comment when setting a false positive report to "ignore".


  • because it is used to generate jar files, but only a few are used by mod-ncip, and Snyk tests the used jar files when testing mod-ncip. NCIP2-Toolkit contains 87 critical vulnerabilities in the Dockerfile and several hundred vulnerabilities in total. However, the Snyk "Code analysis" of NCIP2-Toolkit is still enabled because it can only run on source code, not on the jar used in mod-ncip.

Import all folio-org

Developers add new GitHub repositories to, and add new files like Dockerfile or package.json or new pom.xml subprojects to existing repositories that require a new snyk project. Therefore we need to regularly (re)import all GitHub repositories.


  • Click "Add project" "GitHub"
  • Click "Show more" until all repositories are listed
  • Select all by clicking the box next to "folio-org"
  • Deselect all archived repositories, they have the archive symbol next to them.
  • Deselect NCIP2-Toolkit, see above to learn why.
  • Click "Add selected repositories"

The last date when we have imported all folio-org repositories: 2024-05-24

Import others

Some projects from outside the GitHub folio-org organisation are relevant to FOLIO and are imported into the folio-org Snyk project to monitor them alongside the regular. is used by ERM modules: is used by ERM modules: is io.zonky.test:embedded-database-spring-test that is used by a few FOLIO repositories: is the legacy harvester to work with FOLIO: