Dependencies out of support

Dependencies out of support

Spring 5

Spring framework 5 open source support ends 2024-08-31: https://spring.io/projects/spring-framework#support

Example vulnerability without open source fix: https://spring.io/security/cve-2024-38816

GitHub pom.xml search for Spring 5.3: https://github.com/search?q=org%3Afolio-org+spring+%22%3E5.3%22+language%3A%22Maven+POM%22+NOT+is%3Aarchived&type=code


RMB RAML Module Builder


RMB has been deprecated, this is mentioned in onhttps://folio-org.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/TC/pages/5053681.

FOLIO’s core-platform team continuously updates all RMB dependencies, including Vert.x and Netty; the only exception is domain-models-maven-plugin.



This plugin runs at compile time only and runs on static data from source code repository only. It generates API documentation and Java code skeleton for APIs. This makes it very unlikely to cause any threat.

org.raml.jaxrs:jaxrs-code-generator has been unsupported since 2019: https://github.com/mulesoft-labs/raml-for-jax-rs/tree/master/raml-to-jaxrs/jaxrs-code-generator

jaxrs-code-generator requires com.google.guava:guava with outdated version 19.0 that has vulnerabilities that don’t affect the code generation.