Form Subteam to Explore Data Integrity Verification
Form Subteam to Explore Data Integrity Verification
-problems in FOLIO with MARC SRS UUIDs and instance ids; some have no SRS MARC uuids; duplicate instance ids and duplicate srs record ids; files corrupted maybe via ETL, maybe via migration (uuids should be unique!); problem patterns seen include 2 SRS MARC records linked to one instance or vice versa
-important to be specific about what problems need to be solved
-how can we leverage reporting tools to find records that are redundant?
-cases where we don't have a needed identifier in the record and/or data store target doesn't exist
-corruption can be about data container being malformed, data content being illegitimate...
-good to focus on particular data sets where needed
-maybe Tod after Sept
-Jenn in January