UI Peer Review duties plan

UI Peer Review duties plan


Idea of this process is to keep existing quality gate with 2 approves under each PR for teams where less then 3 UI developers.

Coordinator of UI Peer Review activities - Mariia Aloshyna 

In case of Mariia's absence Dmitriy Litvinenko will be coordinator.


  1. Each PR in FOLIO should have 2 approves
  2. Ask for review and tag FE TL-Reviewers in yours Pull requests

  3. PR requests have to be reviewed in 48 hours
  4. PR requests should have detailed description related to business flow and technical background of provided changes
  5. Reviewer should have appropriate task in sprint backlog to make sure that capacity reflect to this activity.
  6. Before each sprint 3 reviewers are selected.
  7. Reviewers are rotated each sprint.
  8. In case of absence(vacation/sick leave) SM have to notify Mariia Aloshyna 
  9. After planning UI PR coordination should write e-mail to PO and SM of duty persons

Meet the Team 

UI review team 1

Zak Burke


Stripes Force

Denys BohdanDenys_Bohdan@epam.com


Uladzislau KutarkinUladzislau_Kutarkin@epam.com 


Oleksandr Hladchenkooleksandr_hladchenko1@epam.comFolijet

UI review team 2

Dmitriy LitvinenkoDmitriy_Litvinenko@epam.comVega
John CoburnJCoburn@EBSCO.COMStripes Force

Artem Blazhko



UI review team 3

Mariia Aloshyna



Dmytro MelnyshynDmytro_Melnyshyn@epam.comSpitfire

Vadym ShchekotilinVadym_Shchekotilin@epam.comFirebird

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Duties list

SprintOn Duty

UI review team 3:

  • Mariia Aloshyna
  • Dmytro Melnyshyn
  • Vadym Shchekotilin

UI review team 2:

  • Dmitriy Litvinenko
  • Artem Blazhko
  • John Coburn

UI review team 1:

  • Zak Burke
  • Denys Bohdan
  • Oleksandr Hladchenko
  • Uladzislau Kutarkin

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