Karate Test Stabilization

 Modules that were analyzed during test runs:
  • mod-orders
  • data-import
  • mod-circulation
  • mod-oai-pmh
  • mod-bulk-edit
  • mod-ebsconet
  • mod-kb-ebsco-java
  • mod-quick-marc
  • cross-modules
  • mod-finance
  • mod-patron-blocks
  • edge-inn-reach
 Modules that always show stability:
  • mod-oai-pmh
  • mod-bulk-edit
  • cross-modules
  • mod-finance
  • mod-patron-blocks

1 root cause: Kafka Memory Limit

During running tests, Kafka pod restarts several times before and during tests. Pod restarts with OOMKilled status

After resizing limit memory to 4096M and Xmx parameters to 2662m several modules show more stable result:

  • mod-orders
  • mod-circulation
  • mod-ebsconet
  • edge-inn-reach

Not stable modules

After resizing memory for Kafka several modules have float issues:

  • data-import
  • mod-kb-ebsco-java
  • mod-quick-marc

More popular issues

2 root cause: Nodes large load

Before running the test adds new nodes to the cluster. First time on some "old" nodes have large load:

For resolving this issue we add a timeout before starting the test in 1 hour. After this have the next situation:

Next steps:

Like temporary solutions destroying the environment is disabled. So QA team could check the environment after running tests and investigate float issues.

More information about runs: 

1 sheet - test running

2 sheet - after Kafka memory resizing