API testing improvement ideas

API testing improvement ideas



Current solution for acceptance/integration tests is based on Postman


  • Tool Pros.:  
    • Well-known tool for most people.
    • Used in many projects as a tool for sharing REST collection for manual testing and development needs.
    • It is possible to run collections by CI/CD tools.
  • Tool Cons.:
    • API test collection is stored as huge JSON file and as a result there are problems with tests reviewing and PR conflict merging.
    • There is no way to reuse utility methods from "Pre-request test"  across collections and as a result for reducing copy-paste all tests should be in one collection.
    • Data for the tests is distributed among several variable scopes (global, environment).
    • The tests are unreadable and not clear, if we use place-holders {{bodyForRequest}} in the body for PUT/POST. 
    • Develop asserts and prepare of the input data for the test cases is going on in a NotePad style without the possibility of the IDE.
    • There is no way to use Data Driven Test approach.
  • Actual implementation problems:
    • Independent principle is violated from the F.I.R.S.T. : a lot test cases depend on the results of others.
    • One collection for one module.
    • Most tests duplicate API unit tests and one different that they use real DB.
    • Clean up of the system state is done by separate set of test, but sometimes it is not happen. As a result invalid data still in DB.
    • Utility methods from "Pre-request test", which do the same in different collections are named differently.
    • Placeholders are used for in the body for PUT/POST.
  • Suggestions/Improvements
    • Functional quality checking by writing tests for features or for user flows.
    • Maybe make sense to place test collections under modules and not in the separate module.
    • Make all tests independent

There is an understanding that migration to other frameworks is practically excluded and will be quite a challenge, but it still makes sense to consider them.



  • Tool Pros.:
    • Popular in test automation world
    • BDD feature files used as definition for the test case steps
    • Support Data Driven Test technic
    • Easy to debug and start locally
    • Integrated with common CI/CD tools
    • Can be integrated with tools like https://rp.epam.com/ui/
    • Reports is generated in human readable style
    • Easy to create new test cases for new features
  • Tool Cons.:
    • Need to implement engine for supporting DSL of the feature files
  • Actual implementation problems:
  • Suggestions/Improvements


  • Tool Pros.:
    • Based on the popular Cucumber / Gherkin standard
    • Tests are super-readable - as scenario data can be expressed in-line, in human-friendly JSON, XML, Cucumber Scenario Outline tables, or a payload builder approach unique to Karate
    • Simpler and more powerful alternative to JSON-schema for validating payload structure and format - that even supports cross-field / domain validation logic
    • Scripts can call other scripts - which means that you can easily re-use and maintain authentication and 'set up' flows efficiently, across multiple tests
    • Embedded JavaScript engine that allows you to build a library of re-usable functions that suit your specific environment or organization
    • Built-in support for switching configuration across different environments (e.g. dev, QA, pre-prod)
    • Support for data-driven tests and being able to tag or group tests is built-in, no need to rely on an external framework
    • Standard Java / Maven project structure, and seamless integration into CI / CD pipelines - and support for JUnit 5
    • Option to use as a light-weight stand-alone executable - convenient for teams not comfortable with Java
    • Multi-threaded parallel execution, which is a huge time-saver, especially for integration and end-to-end tests
    • Comprehensive documentation
  • Tool Cons.:
    • Need spent more time to learn DSL and script structure
    • Current version is 0.9.5
  • Actual implementation problems:
  • Suggestions/Improvements