mod-pubsub performance testing

mod-pubsub performance testing

In scope of the ticket ( MODPUBSUB-64 - Getting issue details... STATUS ) 2 new sample modules were created locally and registered as 'publisher' and 'subscriber' in the 'mod-pubsub'.

A specific number of events were sent from publisher to subscriber without any timeouts between publishing event.

You can see the schema of this flow below: 

Testing was performed locally on 'folio/snapshot-backend-core' vagrant box with specific resources parameters: CPUS=8; Memory=25GB 

MemoryTotal countPayload sizeRequest time (from publisher module to pub-sub)Result (Subscriber`s received events number)
mod-pubsub682MB30012 KB

First req: 1006ms

Last req: 2931ms

Okapi768MB50012 KB 

First req: 1452ms

Last req: 5873ms

70012 KB

First req: 9081ms

Last req: 14019ms


As a result, in case the number of events is more than 500, some events published by the first module were not received by another. This is an issue for further investigation:  MODPUBSUB-68 - Getting issue details... STATUS