ERM Sprint Cycle

ERM Sprint Cycle

Cycle Schedule

Sprint WeekMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday
Week Before10am-11am Backlog Grooming

2pm Candidate ReleaseCandidate Review

10:30am - 10:45am Sprint Turnover

2pm-3:30pm Sprint Planning

2:15pm - 3pm
WIP Review

23pm-3:45pm Mid-Sprint Review
2:15pm - 3pm
WIP Review
5pm QA Cutoff2pm Review Cutoff
Week After11am-1pm Complete Sprint
(Release and Close)

Before the Sprint

Backlog Grooming

Product Owner and Scrum Master review upcoming candidates that are Ready for Backlog Review.

Product Owner prioritises issues to write up and get Ready for Development.

Candidate Release

Any issues in current sprint that are not going to be completed at this point are reallocated to the backlog or a future sprint. 

Product Owner ensures next sprint backlog in Jira has the correct new issue candidates.

Candidate Review

Lead developers review candidate issues as presented in Jira, adding: 

  • expected task breakdown for technical approach to be taken
  • note of patterns, code base examples and known or expected gotchas 
  • questions for PO to clarify

During the Sprint

Sprint Planning

  • Team confirms availability / capacity
  • Product owner confirms issue outcomes
  • Lead developers confirm approach and expected task sequence
  • Developers confirm estimate
  • Team confirms sprint backlog commitment

WIP Review

Walkthrough / demo 

Sprint Turnover

  1. Confirm current sprint issue status
    1. What to release
    2. What to rollover
    3. What to backlog
  2. Confirm next sprint candidates

Complete Sprint

Purge test data

After the Sprint


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