2022-11-15 Bulk Edit Working Group Meeting Notes

2022-11-15 Bulk Edit Working Group Meeting Notes

Attendees (please add your name):

Magda Zacharska (OLD ACCOUNT) Erin Nettifee leeda.adkins@duke.edu Jackie Magagnosc Scott Perry Kimie Kester Jennifer Eustis Thomas Trutt Kim Wiljanen   @Lisa Smith Donald Depoorter 

Note Taker:

Robert Scheier

Meeting Recording:


  • Attendees  - please add your name to the list of attendees
  • Meeting host -  please turn on Transcript option for the meeting  - do we still need that?
  • Amanda Ros will be working on Bulk Edit docs - thank you Amanda! - still looking for help since this app is cross-functional

Development updates

  • Recordings of implemented Nolana functionality can be found here

Feedback from libraries that have Morning Glory environments. 

If your institution already upgraded to Morning Glory and you experimented with Bulk edit in that environment, please share with the group.

Discuss the problem of  MODEXPW-204

Review bug triage process  

How can we make it better so that the issues are addressed in the desired order.  Here is the list of current Nolana bugs:

key summary due priority status

Updates to the proposed roadmap. 

Please note that any functionality currently scheduled after the Orchid release may change.

Orchid (R1 2023)

  • Bulk edit - architectural improvements (UXPROD-3842)
  • Bulk edit - query tool (UXPROD-3785) - the work will continue through Poppy release as well

Poppy (R2 2023)

Queen Ann's Lace (R3 2023)
  • Instances (in-app)
  • Delete Instances (in-app)
  • Orders (in-app)
  • Finances (in-app)
  • Ledger data (in-app)
  • Cross app queries

Rocket (R1 2024)

  • Scheduling jobs
  • Licenses (in-app)
  • Agreements (in-app)
  • Course reserves (in-app)
  • Custom fields (in-app)
  • Fees-fines (in-app)
  • Patron block (in-app)

Sunflower (R2 2024)

  • SRS Bib records
  • SRS holdings
  • Authorities

Nolana UAT Kick-off

UAT Scenarios

Test files

Meeting Transcripts

[Magda Zacharska] 10:00:44
Helps me to to get to those that participated.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:00:45
So. if you don't mind please add your names

[Magda Zacharska] 10:00:57
And then you ring for adding the link

[Robert rscheier@nelib.org] 10:01:12
I am sorry i'm so far behind in the notes catching up.

[Robert rscheier@nelib.org] 10:01:17
I hope to start to wrap up and get get all caught up.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:01:25
It's been busy. Thank you thank you Bob is there anything we as a group could help you with.

[Robert rscheier@nelib.org] 10:01:34
I just I if someone else wants to do it i'm i'm, i'm fine with that i'm i'm I will try to get up to where we where we are very soon.

[Robert rscheier@nelib.org] 10:01:44
I just been caught up with library, conference I was involved in. So that's just been set back by too much going on.
[Robert rscheier@nelib.org] 10:01:53
So it's up to the group if someone wants wants to take it over or wait for me to catch up.

[Erin Nettifee] 10:01:59
That's that's. the best I can do or even if somebody may be wanted to alternate with you, Bob, cause you've been doing this for a while.

[Robert rscheier@nelib.org] 10:02:06
Yeah. i'm i'm open to any urban suggestions.

[Robert rscheier@nelib.org] 10:02:11
I I do intend to catch up this weekend over the weekend and and get back on track.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:02:18
But i'm open to 2 other scenarios is there Anyone who would be willing to replace rep Bob, or help him, or whatever is the preferred way of moving forward.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:02:37
I really feel bad Bob, that you have so much work with this.

[Erin Nettifee] 10:02:45
Well, Bob is also way more thorough than most people are when they take these notes.

[Robert rscheier@nelib.org] 10:02:51
So and then they are awesome. They help me a lot when I go back, and I can relate exactly what was said.

[Robert rscheier@nelib.org] 10:03:03
I will be finished with 9, 20 today, and start on 14

[Robert rscheier@nelib.org] 10:03:08
If someone like I said, I I i'd like to continue and just catch up.

[Robert rscheier@nelib.org] 10:03:15
But I also understand this is I don't want to send you back, Mac.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:03:20
Like not having this on track sooner it's it's fine with me, because if I need something I always have a recording and I can go back to the recording, but let me catch up and I think just give me another

[Magda Zacharska] 10:03:33
another week, and let's see where we are thank you thank you so much.

[Robert rscheier@nelib.org] 10:03:38
Yeah, I think we have a majority of those who.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:03:45
No, I join us for the meeting, so what why don't We start again, Please add your name to the attendees list.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:03:52
We have 11 people right now, and I don't think we have 11 names on the attendees.

[Erin Nettifee] 10:03:59
Least meeting host. I mean, can you? claim the meeting in host and already Oh, you did it, and did. you enabled transcription?

[Erin Nettifee] 10:04:16
You see jets. Thank you very much, and I see you also updated the information that Amanda will be working on bucket Thank you so much.

[Erin Nettifee] 10:04:30
Amanda i'm not sure if i'm on this support from her management at Texas A.

[Erin Nettifee] 10:04:43
M to to do that. but we are still trying to find at least one other person, because this is a big, and because this is also a cross functional thing.

[Erin Nettifee] 10:04:55
So it would be good to have somebody maybe from circus or from to somebody who is not metadata management, who could help with that as well.

[Erin Nettifee] 10:05:02
So we're still looking for somebody. but amanda has stepped up, which is which is wonderful.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:05:07
I'm very grateful thank you i'm i'm very happy for this, as well, because it is so nice to share with user the link to the to the documentation regarding the development updates the links are

[Magda Zacharska] 10:05:25
here. the snapshot environment has not been rebuilt in couple of days.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:05:34
So. i'm not going to dive in into a demonstration.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:05:39
I have a question for those who are present. Do you have time?

[Magda Zacharska] 10:05:46
Do you do this sometimes? Just go to the snapshot environment and try bulk edit, or this is outside the scope of your time.

[Erin Nettifee] 10:05:55
Oh, you don't have time to do that I would only do it. if I had like a specific question, I was trying to answer. But Snapshot is such a terrible environment for this cause there aren't really any records there

[Erin Nettifee] 10:06:07
so it's just really hard to answer questions there sometimes for this app Nobody else wants to chime in Jennifer, saying only for specific questions.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:06:20
And she's also tried it in her sandbox it.

[Jennifer Eustis (she/her)] 10:06:24
It also didn't work in our sail box. I kept getting an error like a note type error, kind of reminiscent of the get errors.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:06:33
So it Maybe our sandbox is messed up. We will get to this and thank you very much, Erin, for bringing it up?

[Magda Zacharska] 10:06:43
Would you be able to share the screen and demo some problems or not?

[Erin Nettifee] 10:06:49
Really me or you kind of jennifer yeah I I Can't just let me sign into just give me a minute, and i'll sandbox and all that.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:07:11
I'll be right back, sure, and I see Tom mentioned same same meaning.

[Thomas Trutt] 10:07:15
You are not able to make it working. No. just time.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:07:19
Constraints. Okay, I. For a moment I almost got the heart attack.

[Thomas Trutt] 10:07:28
But Okay. So the soundbox is great, and I would like to spend some time listening to your feedback.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:07:34
But I was hoping to to get the feedback earlier.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:07:43
Do you think it would make sense if, during our our meetings we would spend time on walking through the development environment.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:07:54
Snapshot. My concern is our list of things.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:07:57
Every time we meet is long, and I would like to spend time getting feedback from you instead of spending time on snapshot environment.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:08:07
But if you think this would be helpful, we can adjust.

[Erin Nettifee] 10:08:14
I think it depends on what you want to get done. like.

[Erin Nettifee] 10:08:18
Are you wanting us to give you, wanting us to give feedback on functionality and things like that?

[Magda Zacharska] 10:08:22
I think Demos can be helpful but if we're talking about new features and things like that it wouldn't.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:08:28
So I mean, I think it's really up to you I was to be honest.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:08:32
I was hoping that you not your rain rain, but everyone who is part of this working group.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:08:45
Spend some time in the snapshot environment and checks what is is going on.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:08:49
That's Why, i'm adding the links to the agenda.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:08:54
But let me think about this. what we, what we can do and talk in the in the future.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:09:01
The links to the recordings of the expected behavior, or how the this behaves on snapshot is linked to the agenda.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:09:13
So if you for some at some point, our queues, how should this work and or it is not working as I expected?

[Magda Zacharska] 10:09:21
This may be some a quick review on how it should work.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:09:28
The recordings is like 1 min, or less, for each record type, so it will not take much of your time to to review the implemented functionality.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:09:40
The next part is the feedback from the libraries that have morning glory environments that have is snapshot.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:09:52
Jennifer, perfect timing with your S.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:09:57
Sandbox. I also we we have some exchange of comments with

[Jennifer Eustis (she/her)] 10:10:07
Jen is done on the call. jen cole or Nijian agenda.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:10:15
You're Jennifer no just left a message she couldn't make it today.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:10:21
Oh, okay, as maybe Tom will be able to to say what we're at the problem. jennifer Eustace is saying that she has something to share.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:10:32
Go ahead ahead. Jennifer. Oh, okay. So I let me share my screen.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:10:38
Oh, I can't share screen yes, and I'm staring at the screen, saying, Why can I sure it's great

[Jennifer Eustis (she/her)] 10:10:47
Obviously I need caffeine. so we better watch out with my demonstration.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:10:51
Anyway, i'm just gonna share my screen hopefully you can all see that.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:10:57
And can you see our I see Sandbox? Yeah.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:11:04
All right above party. So I just took this one. barcode which is H. to lost for the so i'm doing an item change, not a user.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:11:13
Change that's what I tried I think I tried it wasn't last week, maybe the week before.

[Jennifer Eustis (she/her)] 10:11:20
So we just our sandbox is morning chlorine.

[Jennifer Eustis (she/her)] 10:11:24
Our production is still outside, whatever we are still on. Jennifer.

[Jennifer Eustis (she/her)] 10:11:31
Yes, i'm getting my flowers mixed up anyway.

[Jennifer Eustis (she/her)] 10:11:34
Alright. so I go to bulk edit did this, and then it is Barcode, and then I have here's my loan barcode.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:11:48
So it's only one age to loss. alright so I just wanted to change this status and I start to bark, bulk, load, and go to item status.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:12:06
And let's just say available so you're You're watching like this.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:12:11
So this way. This is not going to work because age to lost is a restricted, is it?

[Erin Nettifee] 10:12:19
I was wondering that yeah, cause there's an attached loan record. So so, in my opinion, it worked because it did not

[Jennifer Eustis (she/her)] 10:12:37
It's kind of hard for i'm just gonna do this one, and maybe oh, well, all right, so let me do.

[Erin Nettifee] 10:12:50
Yeah, I was gonna say, I think you have the filter on that's probably why I have to find one of our So

[Jennifer Eustis (she/her)] 10:13:04

[Jennifer Eustis (she/her)] 10:13:09
Oh, so this is available. So let me save that, and

[Magda Zacharska] 10:13:31
So this is one thing that I would like to mention with the Csv.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:13:37
Csv. has a tendency to well, not the tendency.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:13:41
This is the future of Csv. when we are opening in excel.

[Jennifer Eustis (she/her)] 10:13:46
Is this in Excel: Yeah. Yeah, this is what is happening.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:13:53
It is changing the and the text, the the format of the cell to general, and especially for barcodes or for users.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:14:06
This is the problem with the the status. when it changes bleam.

[Jennifer Eustis (she/her)] 10:14:12
We need to have those fields in in format text so sometimes it's better to open the file in just a regular text editor like Node path or not, but plus plus I actually did it in no pad and then it it's

[Magda Zacharska] 10:14:31
just automatically recognizing itself. too, I I think That's probably have it set up.

[Jennifer Eustis (she/her)] 10:14:41
Let's do missing

[Magda Zacharska] 10:14:49
So this is the oh.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:14:58
So this is what i'm talking with my developers right now, at this point.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:15:05
So, as you see, the at the status has changed, because this was the field that was hmm!

[Magda Zacharska] 10:15:15
That you are trying to update. The reason for error is that the note type identifier that you have specified in this record is invalid.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:15:28
So if you go to the item record

[Magda Zacharska] 10:15:35
And if you search by this market

[Magda Zacharska] 10:15:47
If you scroll down to notes

[Magda Zacharska] 10:15:58
So the note is here not populated because it's probably in the in the record that you have has invalid node.

[Jennifer Eustis (she/her)] 10:16:13
Oh, you you know this might be a problem on our migration.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:16:18
They migrated all of our legacy account data, and it's all going into these notes here. So we might run into that problem for everything we have.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:16:31
So Yeah. So what will happen happen? Jennifer

[Magda Zacharska] 10:16:38
What will happen, Jennifer? You will be able to, update the status of the of the records like what we support.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:16:49
You will be just getting er stating that for this record.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:16:53
The note is in invalid. We have a Jira right now.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:16:59
That developer is working on. Hmm! And so this is. is this misleading for you.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:17:09
What would you like to happen? Would you like to have suppressed this information?

[Magda Zacharska] 10:17:15
Because you are not updating node. you usually don't care what is going on with the note.

[Jennifer Eustis (she/her)] 10:17:22
Yeah, yeah, that's yeah, okay, I see what you say yeah I'm gonna yeah, let me think about it. because it does.

[Jennifer Eustis (she/her)] 10:17:33
And let me see, let me find one that actually has a real like one of our real, like legacy.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:17:39
Search notes in it, and see what happens, and and talk to a couple of people here.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:17:47
Cause yeah, I I don't know so to so to be a to to give you some additional information.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:18:00
This is what I see right now in the Nolana that the

[Magda Zacharska] 10:18:06
We have a Jira, and I will try to find it quickly.

[Robert rscheier@nelib.org] 10:18:11
For We don't see your screen okay Let me share

[Magda Zacharska] 10:18:30
Hmm! let me go quickly to to find this to get

[Magda Zacharska] 10:18:55
If to tell every time I share screen. Aja is so slow.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:19:01
So this is the conversation that I have lengthy conversation with the developer, because, what was happening guardian around.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:19:11
Originally. we were not able to update the like Holdings location.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:19:19
If the electronic access was invalid so here is the screenshot.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:19:28
I don't know if this is here's the example of the record.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:19:33
This is the holdings record. the data is populated with in the relationship here.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:19:41
It's not populated or is populated with invalid and with invalid value as a result.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:19:49
This is the error that is happening on the back end.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:19:53
The the value is invalid this is what you don't need to know actually.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:20:00
But and he's exact and this example what

[Magda Zacharska] 10:20:10
Jennifer will share, showing that it states that the record has been valid.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:20:16
Electronic access relationship from my point of view when I am updating location.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:20:22
And if there is a problem with other part of the data, I want to have location updated and the other errors that are not related, 2 locations are misleading for me, because when I go to directly to

[Magda Zacharska] 10:20:43
inventory, and I try to update the same record with invalid electronic access relationship.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:20:54
It still allows me to save the delegation and doesn't complain.

[Erin Nettifee] 10:20:59
So this is the behavior I would like to present in. Look at it as well.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:21:06
It allows you to save it. It will location and it doesn't do anything to the I to the electron here.

[Erin Nettifee] 10:21:16
Yeah, I tried that. So shouldn't be able to save the full record.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:21:21
If your note is invalid cause what's happening. is this is like this is all. it's doing is it's sending a put of the entire item record back that's the only Api.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:21:32
Part. So if any part of that data is invalid it's gonna fail, So I actually think it should you don't want to post invalid data back towards so. But we are not.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:21:45
So in. If we are going this way, Aaron and the bulk edit will become a data cleanup issue for every single field in the record.

[Erin Nettifee] 10:21:55
So this is what is happening. For the example, Your data should be correct.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:22:01
Well, I understand where You're coming from. but yeah show me show me a library that has corrected data, because I don't see that I see this on oapmh.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:22:16
We are being constantly hit with the problems that are associated with.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:22:22
Well, everybody is blame, Oapmh, that our Apm age is not working when they have that data.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:22:30
So this is going to happen with bug edit as well.

[Erin Nettifee] 10:22:33
Here is an example, I mean, and please let me know if you can see the details here, and I will post the the Jira the chat.

[Thomas Trutt] 10:22:42
So in case the found is too small, everybody else can take a look perfect from what Aaron was saying, though, too, is, I don't think any of the Apis actually even support partial updates.

[Erin Nettifee] 10:22:56
So like if you if you wanted to do this you couldn't well, I was able.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:23:03
I was able to do this. This is the screenshot and this is the it is just sending the same invalid data, and I don't think I were a follier.

[Erin Nettifee] 10:23:13
Apis are that smart? Because if they were smart enough they would not allow for the to the begin with to put this data, so the relationship idea is wrong. there.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:23:23
It is invalid, and it is an Api does not complain about that.

[Thomas Trutt] 10:23:27
That's odd that but this is this is what is happening in inventory in every single record type.

[Erin Nettifee] 10:23:37
So the and this will this is I don't know there's a at least several nigeria. There is a lengthy conversation with between between 2 94 I don't think it is a specific here but there is

[Magda Zacharska] 10:23:58
another Jira that is related to the back end that allows holdings source not being populated again.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:24:06
Something that should be handled by the A schema.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:24:12
Right schema should not, should make it required. The other is for our Apm.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:24:18
H. when away when the api's inventory api's.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:24:27
Allow, for example, to save a invalid. you ids for a statistical code, or I think it.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:24:37
It takes invalid statistical code and any other.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:24:40
There is a lot, and I can later look at those girs and post them if if you want to.

[Erin Nettifee] 10:24:49
So this is your you're telling this tool to to ignored data.

[Erin Nettifee] 10:24:55
That's incorrect and I just feel like that's we should fix inventory.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:25:02
We should not have bulk at it. ignore things that are wrong, so that that is good that I hear, because what we can do. right now I see Christie is typing Christie.

[Erin Nettifee] 10:25:16
I cannot read and talk. Christie says it does allow this.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:25:20
It also allows data other than U. Ids to be posted into that field well Erin.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:25:30
Do you want to wait for bulk edit for the next 5 releases?

[Erin Nettifee] 10:25:32
Because this, what is happening in inventory

[Magda Zacharska] 10:25:45
Is behaving in ways that we don't want it to behave. So let's go back to

[Thomas Trutt] 10:25:57
There is, there is, there is a mid ground, and I agree with Aaron.

[Thomas Trutt] 10:26:02
And in the respect that we this is an issue with inventory, that and that should be addressed like. If it should not be accepting bad Uuids, it should not be accepting bad extra h ids.

[Thomas Trutt] 10:26:14
At the same extent, is one of the things that frustrates with me with folio.

[Thomas Trutt] 10:26:20
And this is kind of the middle ground i'm talking about is you cannot do partial updates, and if the Api endpoints were there to do partial updates.

[Thomas Trutt] 10:26:28
I think that would be a good middle ground, where, instead of ignoring, are allowing this, you could do a partial update that just updates a location or updates a few fields walk at it could use those so that it could

[Thomas Trutt] 10:26:43
run do the processes it needs to without supporting bad data.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:26:51
Does that make sense? Yes, so I talked to my developers about that.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:26:55
Why do we do the the put and add all the all the fields?

[Magda Zacharska] 10:27:02
There response was that the updates are The other updates are not supported.

[Erin Nettifee] 10:27:07
I think the the other we command is patch right. The patch is not implemented in infoia Christie has her hand up.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:27:19
Go ahead, Crusy. So I apologize if i'm focusing on an issue that is secondary to the primary discussion.

[Christie Thomas (she/her)] 10:27:31
But I guess I just I still don't understand why it is saying that note is not a valid note type for items.

[Christie Thomas (she/her)] 10:27:36
Did that change at some point I haven't seen it in any of the release notes, and I just looked at the schema and The note.

[Christie Thomas (she/her)] 10:27:46
Type of note is is actually the default example in the schema documentation.

[Christie Thomas (she/her)] 10:27:55
What, how, is this being validated? Is it being validated by the Ui, or business logic, or some other mechanism?

[Thomas Trutt] 10:28:02
Then again, or not at all, and how is it finding out that that's an invalid note type.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:28:12
I think, Christie, this is the conversation that is inventor really related how inventory displays the data that is invalid.

[Erin Nettifee] 10:28:22
We had a lengthy conversation and at least like a month's discussion about the source not being populated and being rendered incorrectly in the in the Ui Sure, right.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:28:35
That's another problem. Yeah. So this the rendering in the Ui will be fixed in this sprint.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:28:42
This is what my team? volunteered to do this but we are not going to work on the on fixing the back end of the inventory, because we don't have capacity to do that.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:28:58
So I would like to go back to the conversation.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:29:04
What would you expect that you would still be able to update the location like what we saw?

[Magda Zacharska] 10:29:17
In example, that Jennifer showed we not the location. We change the status item status, but under the error messages you got the information that the provided it for note is invalid.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:29:34
Is this something that you could live with or this is confusing because I think it's confusing

[Magda Zacharska] 10:29:50
I think everybody's tested at reading the chat as I do. and thank you, Tom.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:29:56
This is exactly the case. what what we see all over we have a uuid that is provided, and this Uid does not much any doubt type that is, in the system.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:30:08
This is happening during the deck migration. This is happening during the upgrades.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:30:14
We see this in breakfast environment as well

[Thomas Trutt] 10:30:26
Oh, i'll put a big padlock on our database.

[Erin Nettifee] 10:30:29
Now I just there's not a good answer to this right, because either bulk at it compensates for this other app and therefore you continue to have data issues.

[Erin Nettifee] 10:30:41
It doesn't compensate and we don't get functionality.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:30:47
The institutions really need fields, you will also be notified that there is an error.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:30:58
So in example, that Jennifer just showed us she wanted to change the the status, the item status.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:31:10
She changed the item status from available to missing, and on top of it she got the information, and in under the errors that denote type value is invalid.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:31:26
Jennifer, do you still have by any chance this screen

[Jennifer Eustis (she/her)] 10:31:37
I think I I might let me i'm having some Internet issues so

[Jennifer Eustis (she/her)] 10:31:47
I I do, I But I think Thomas is correct. because the note site was there in the dropdown.

[Jennifer Eustis (she/her)] 10:31:53
It was notes, but the uu iid underneath just didn't match the that actual note type identifier.

[Jennifer Eustis (she/her)] 10:32:04
So I Yeah. So I think I need to go into developer tools and just grab that, you know relationship, Id.

[Jennifer Eustis (she/her)] 10:32:11
And actually see that it's not in like the note type identifier list.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:32:17
But yeah, this is definitely something that happened on migration with us. Jennifer in the migration original migration, or on the update the original migration.

[Jennifer Eustis (she/her)] 10:32:35
And I I don't know maybe it's happening on updates as well.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:32:40
I just don't know. so can you can you show the screen by any chance, I can't.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:32:50
Can you stop your chair, and then this is one of the reasons why U.

[Thomas Trutt] 10:32:55
Ids can be dangerous, since their system wide, unique.

[Erin Nettifee] 10:33:00
7 to a database. Well, no I mean it's I always look at the holding notes. Schema.

[Thomas Trutt] 10:33:07
The schema just says it needs to be a string so I could put Thomas trut as a uid for a note type, but it would accept it.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:33:17
So my guess is that at some point in the migration a value got in there that's not a note type.

[Erin Nettifee] 10:33:25
And it's causing problems

[Thomas Trutt] 10:33:33
My brain is actually split on this question because part of the part of me.

[Thomas Trutt] 10:33:38
That is circ is saying I would want to suppress errors because it's going to drive sort the people that be using this tool for circulation crazy.

[Thomas Trutt] 10:33:47
They want to. They may not understand it. they would think that there's errors going out.

[Thomas Trutt] 10:33:51
The other half of my brain, which is data, integrity is saying, Show me all the errors so I can fix them.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:33:58
But so you get the information that they uid uid of note is in correct.

[Erin Nettifee] 10:34:07
How do you fix it? you fix it in your database or You've by going Look at your reference data, and but that requires running the scripts again, directly.

[Erin Nettifee] 10:34:20
Api's directly to the or but it also is something that should be fixed.

[Thomas Trutt] 10:34:33
I I would say it at a minimum. I do not think the error should be suppressed.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:34:39
Okay, You can train circ people to look at that and say, Oh, this is a thing that needs to be fixed.

[Erin Nettifee] 10:34:44
But I don't need to worry about it my thing is okay, right like you can handle that part.

[Robert rscheier@nelib.org] 10:34:50
I do not think you should suppress. the error because Then you're like making it seem like there's nothing wrong. Can it be written till like a lock and then a note at the end of the process?

[Magda Zacharska] 10:35:02
Says, you know there's a log file, of any of errors. so you always get this accordion error accordion after the by bug edits is completed, and and then you are hmm you you have the option

[Magda Zacharska] 10:35:21
of saving those errors in Csv. file.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:35:24
So if you have a error in Csv file. No, no!

[Magda Zacharska] 10:35:30
If you have a error on the on the confirmation page, then you save the errors, and then you can send the list of those invalid to U.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:35:44
Ids to the person who actually is capable of making the changes.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:35:50
So, for example, as you mentioned, the circulation person who does not have access to to the database, and it's not familiar with the structure, and basically will not understand what this error means.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:36:03
Will it have at least a way of sharing this list of errors with someone who can address the problem?

[Thomas Trutt] 10:36:12
I'm also kind of wondering instead of calling it an error and sorry this would be more.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:36:18
You ui work, because to me, when when when you show somebody an error that something would be reformed.

[Thomas Trutt] 10:36:29
Yes, is instead. if it's not blocking the update have it as a notice, like right. The folio warning, I think, is the terminology right?

[Magda Zacharska] 10:36:38
Give us a yellow box instead of a red so I agree with with this absolutely, and I don't think we will be able to implement this for Nolana.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:36:49
A release. you will what you will see. You will see just the script and see you will see the like one record updated, and one error occurred.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:36:59
But so you will see that the like in January, for example, at the A status has changed to available.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:37:11
However, you will also see the errors on the on the bottom.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:37:16
This is something we need to address. but I don't want bulk edit to overwrite the data of the fields that we are not updating.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:37:25
Once we get to updating the notes, and I hope we will get to this soon, and we have example like that.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:37:32
This is there that would prevent you from saving the data.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:37:37
But if we are updating locations, and the problem is in the note, you still you still should be able to update the location and handle the notes separately. Right?

[Erin Nettifee] 10:37:53
It's but you don't have that's because the patch Apis don't exist.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:37:57
That's why this is happening. but but as I told you when you update one record in inventory, one holdings record even with invalid values for electronic resources electronic resources, relationship.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:38:19
It's still allows you to say because it is sending the same.

[Erin Nettifee] 10:38:22
But the data for this field. they must be different api's then, like bulk edit, must be using No, no, it's it's it's the same it's the same it's just what we are doing in

[Magda Zacharska] 10:38:36
bulk edit. We are replacing the keys with values when we are creating the Csv file of the attack of the affected records.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:38:46
So what is happening when you are providing the list of

[Magda Zacharska] 10:38:51
I'm identifiers and then we display you the preview on the screen of top 10 records, and then you download the Csv file with all matching records.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:39:04
You have a uid is replaced with values, and if the value is invalid, then we cannot match it, so we can leave it blank, or we can leave it.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:39:18
The bed value as it is, and in this case you will not see the the value I would like to tie table.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:39:26
This conversation. This was a good conversation. we probably will need to get back to this.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:39:35
We have 20 min left, and there are a couple of other things that I would like us to discuss today.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:39:41
Is there anything someone would like to add to this discussion before we move?

[Erin Nettifee] 10:39:48
Like when you have a chance. I would like to see the other Jiras that you referenced if you got those numbers and could share them later.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:40:01
The another part of I don't know Do I share my screen, or somebody else is showing the screen.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:40:11
I share my screen again

[Magda Zacharska] 10:40:20
And can you? which? And do you see the agenda?

[Magda Zacharska] 10:40:24
Yes, Okay, thank you. So this is the the Jira that is started.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:40:30
The conversation because this was we found this issue in the morning.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:40:39
Glory and back back test, and I gave the pro priority P. 3, because I didn't think this is a big deal.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:40:55
When the users are uploading the files of identifiers with the same name, the user can see each other records.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:41:05
Even if so, if 2 different users uploaded the file with the same name, and they can preview the file of other users, especially in a export manager.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:41:20
For me. It was a not very frequent occurrence and I didn't think this is a big deal, but Jen John called said that this is a showstopper for never cornell and to be honest I

[Magda Zacharska] 10:41:36
don't understand what Why, this is a Showstopper you can name your files set differently.

[Thomas Trutt] 10:41:44
Tom, do you have any additional information about that so what she was worried about is a lot of the stuff is gonna be done by different people in different units is, for instance, everyone naming her file barcodes.

[Thomas Trutt] 10:42:02
And then 2 or more people on the same day, uploading a file called Barcode, and they start stepping on each other.

[Thomas Trutt] 10:42:09
And when she says showstopper it's more of all over, we've kind of already decided that we will not enable bulk edit for our users.

[Thomas Trutt] 10:42:20
When it when we move to morning glory. but yeah that that was the primary concern is that especially if you get circulation, everyone else in there they use generic names.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:42:34
It's good. We are going to fix this in in in Nolan.

[Thomas Trutt] 10:42:42
We will separate those files. So even if you have the same name uploaded by the file, with the same name uploaded by different users, they will be separate separate.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:42:57
Through the unique identifier of the file. This is not something that will be exposed to the user, so it will happen behind the behind the scenes, but it will be part of the of the Nolan release.

[Thomas Trutt] 10:43:14
But this issue brought another question to me I when we were in mourning glory and backfast. I was posting the jars in our meeting notes, and i'm doing it right now, as well, us you see

[Magda Zacharska] 10:43:37
i'm not able to apparently. i'm not able to identify the the issues that you or my priority is not aligned with your priority.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:43:51
It seems so. What do you think would be the better way of charging the the Gs.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:43:59
That are coming from about the edit and backfast environment.

[Erin Nettifee] 10:44:07
What should we do what should I do I mean it's it's not It's not uncommon for sneeze and po's to disagree about priority like that doesn't feel like a red flag to

[Erin Nettifee] 10:44:18
me so I think you could continue to just prioritize the way that seems reasonable to you, and then get feedback and change it right.

[Erin Nettifee] 10:44:29
If in Cornell or Duke says, Hey, Actually, we need this to be a higher priority, then you can have the conversation.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:44:34
Yes, but so we have this conversation. I change the priority.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:44:38
We are going to fix it in Nolana, but this is a release.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:44:42
Later, I I Ideally we would cut this in morning, Gloria, and hopefully resolve it in morning.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:44:52
Good glory. My question is, do you look at the giras that are bulk?

[Erin Nettifee] 10:44:58
Edit related, I mean I do but that's cause I work on folio almost full time.

[Erin Nettifee] 10:45:07
So. I don't know that everybody does something that has been productive in other working groups has been for the Po to create a filter, and just post the filter in the slack channel.

[Erin Nettifee] 10:45:21
And say, Hey, if you want to see the bugs, here are the bugs right.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:45:25
Just make it make it real simple to get straight to them.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:45:28
And ask for feedback, and then, if you have specific ones you want feedback on, you can call them out specifically.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:45:33
Yeah, that is a good idea. I will post those because I created a filter for those.

[Erin Nettifee] 10:45:41
I will be posting them, sure, you know, in in in our slack channel.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:45:47
And please take a look i've heard in other meetings that people don't understand those gs and I know that the English may be difficult to follow it's not only me who writes those jira even though I

[Erin Nettifee] 10:46:10
have my contribution to this as well

[Erin Nettifee] 10:46:18
And it can be hard to to understand what is actually being discussed.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:46:25
So I would highly encourage everyone. Add in the comments that you need clarification, because who work on get it from developers through system, architects to peer.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:46:45
Nobody is English language, native speaker. we do. Everybody of us speak at least 3 other languages.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:46:53
But no English is not our native language, so we know we make errors.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:51:52
Okay, it's turned on yep Okay. great perfect.

[Robert rscheier@nelib.org] 10:51:59
So let me go back to the plant and scope of other releases.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:52:10
So the plan for the the puppy release is as listed here, I added.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:52:19
The relevant Gs. as you notice for starting with Queen and a queen and lace, that I did not provide the girs, because it may change, depending on on the pro.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:52:34
How the pro how the work on our kids progresses by.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:52:41
Probably in the December I would know what is exactly our scope for Poppy, and by then I would also have the the idea of between ends.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:52:52
So release. We will need to do this on the iterate it iterative way of

[Magda Zacharska] 10:53:00
What are our priorities, and how are we going to address them?

[Magda Zacharska] 10:53:04
Any comments.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:53:13
And the last part is an Alana user acceptance. with test kickoff.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:53:20
I will repost this slack as well, so others that are not part of this meeting can participate as well

[Magda Zacharska] 10:53:38
As mentioned last time. This is the list of the

[Magda Zacharska] 10:53:48
Of the is test steps that I would like participant to do.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:53:54
And this is grouped by a record type user in inventory and Holdings record.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:54:00
I added the and the names of the institutions that are part of the working group in.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:54:07
If you represent an institution that is not here listed, please add the column and feel free to add a your your findings also.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:54:20
The to make it a little bit easier. everyone. I created a folder with with the test data.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:54:34
So if you go to each of those fast, you, you you have examples of the user barcodes, and this is 15.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:54:46
A user barcodes with invalid Csvs and 100 and 1,000.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:54:51
As I said, we supported M. in morning gloria Nolana pack edit up to 2,500 user records.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:55:02
I don't want our usability or user acceptance testing become a performance testing.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:55:09
That's why I did not include 2,500 I Do believe that the data that this here is enough for you to get the feel on the how the application should work.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:55:27
And here are the examples of the field files for items and holdings.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:55:39
You don't need to use those files, you can I create your own.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:55:46
If you feel comfortable. but this is just to keep you.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:55:55
It's just for you to so you can start and any comments?

[Leeda Adkins] 10:56:05
Do we have the will you post the url of the environment that we're testing in it's a bug edit.

[Leeda Adkins] 10:56:11
It's backfast environment and what is the time frame.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:56:21
So I know we talk about this last time because the first usability user acceptance testing was for one week.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:56:32
I got only 2 responses. So for Morning Glory we extended it to 2 weeks, and I think I got for our responses.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:56:42
So I definitely would like to get more than 4 responses.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:56:49
And The I know environment will be available for 2 weeks at least.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:56:53
But my concern is that if we extend this to 2 weeks everybody will be.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:57:00
Thank you. Oh, I still have time. If we do it in one week, then

[Magda Zacharska] 10:57:07
We know the time is limited and we do that. What was that? What does the group?

[Magda Zacharska] 10:57:11
I think, should we allocate 2 weeks, or should we allocate a week?

[Robert rscheier@nelib.org] 10:57:20
About a week and a half. so let's say to 20 fifth right?

[Leeda Adkins] 10:57:34
Oh, we've got it thanksgiving holiday. right in the middle of that So we have to be a week regardless. Okay, So 20, third, twenty-fourth.

[Leeda Adkins] 10:57:44
So you don't want to spend friday a black Friday I don't go shopping, and my family's kind of boring so

[Magda Zacharska] 10:57:55
So should we say that please do the user acceptance testing on November 20 fifth.

[Robert rscheier@nelib.org] 10:58:02
This is the only day. So we are extending it to the thirtieth right to the end of November.

[Leeda Adkins] 10:58:12
This is what you're proposing Yeah, that sounds good with the set.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:58:20
Several reminders in slack. Okay, i'll i'll Could you remember me to send you a reminder?

[Robert rscheier@nelib.org] 10:58:27
Okay, I think we covered everything. We probably will be talking again about the errors and how we handle that.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:58:37
I also think that solution to this problem is global folio issue is not the the buck edit or O Apma or other areas problems?

[Thomas Trutt] 10:58:52
Is that the schema allows to get to junk get in, and we need to have several applications that need to work on this, or of founding the issue that should be a address on the storage level Do you know

[Magda Zacharska] 10:59:10
it's. the Tech Council, aware of the issues. I know I know that Mark Mark Johnson is involved in discussion in one of the of the tickets, and Mark Johnson is a part of the technical Council.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:59:27
I also thought we need to bring it to the Technical Council issue, because this is not only a bug edit.

[Thomas Trutt] 10:59:39
It is affecting other areas as well right right and it's honestly, like a general development pattern.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:59:46
There's a shift back end, except validation and errors on all this stuff as well as I think.

[Thomas Trutt] 10:59:54
The other one, too, is what I was kind of alluding to before.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:59:57
Is, there should be patch Apis for all apps it would make a lot, I think.

[Magda Zacharska] 11:00:04
Also help the gate some of the bad data getting it

[Magda Zacharska] 11:00:08
But okay, I can also bring it up with our rep to that's on the awesome.

[Thomas Trutt] 11:00:12
See if Thank you. Awesome. Thank you, and we are on top of the hour.

[Magda Zacharska] 11:00:17
Thank you for the meeting, and I will add few comments in our slack channel and will be asked for your feedback on user acceptance testing.

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