2019-04-12 - Power Hour #2

2019-04-12 - Power Hour #2



  • Deborah Hamrick

  • Khalilah Gambrell

  • Beth German (TAMU)
  • Kevin Kidwell (Cornell)
  • Mike Williamson (Univ of Boulder Accessibility Lab Manager)
  • Nicole Trujillo (Resource Mgmt SIG)
  • Laura Wright (Metadata SIG)

Pre-Meeting Email to Testers

Subject: 2nd Power Hour Testing for FOLIO


Khalilah just shared the link to the document describing the Usability tests (and optional Accessibility tests if you are familiar with assistive technology) to discuss in our next Power Hour scheduled for this Friday, 4/12, at 11 am EST:


The document includes the link to use for testing:

URL: http://folio-snapshot-stable.aws.indexdata.com

Username/Password: diku_admin / admin

During our first Power Hour we determined it would be better if everyone did their testing the day before the next Power Hour – during which time we can focus on everyone’s findings, instead of having periods of silence while everyone does their testing J

If you are able to go through at least the Usability user stories and record your findings, we would welcome your participation in Friday’s Power Hour to discuss. The zoom link for the meeting is: https://cuboulder.zoom.us/j/161644553

Please note  - it would probably be best to make a copy of the Usability and/or Accessibility tabs in the document to record your feedback.  Feel free to share this information (as well as the meeting invite) with others in your organization who might be interested in testing and providing feedback.

If you have any questions, please let me know.

Deborah H Hamrick

Discussion items / results

Go to Settings – testers went to user profile icon vs Settings under Apps.  Might be better to move that option to the tool bar to the left of the Apps^ dropdown, and use a single gear icon.

Edit and … icons – Basic Notice Policy title – folks did not expect a dropdown in the title – use icons instead.  Cancel and close are using the same icon X.  If the downdown is used it should only show Save or Delete.

Under Item Record they use a different X to Cancel with a circle around it.

Adding a Loan Policy – Settings, New, Edit, Basic Notice Policy

  • Move Save to bottom of section
  • Edit and … icons – Basic Notice Policy title – folks did not expect a dropdown in the title – use icons instead. Cancel and close are using the same icon X.  If the dropdown is used it should only show Save or Delete.
  • Add New Request Notice, Add New xxx Notice - from an A11y perspective

Hot Keys

You have to be in a specific spot for the hot keys to function.

Require some action first before shortcuts will work.  IE:  You have to be in the main content area of User App, after going to the App before shortcuts will work.  Right now you have to have focus somewhere before the hot keys will work. Would be better if focus automatically went to Search field instead of making AT users click through the tool bar.

Laura would like Shortcut Keys in a dropdown menu under the App Icon, but Mike Wms would like universal hot keys to be in the Settings instead.

Hot keys are only available under Users right now.

When you scan a barcode for checkout it brings up the download history??

Need more confirmation you were successful when checking in or checking out

Want a reset to happen in both icon places!

An Inventory list should not have a default screen of results.

Administrative data should not be listed so close to the top of the list in the 3rd column.

Some thought should be given to the order of this information.  Ie:  Catalogers vs Service Desk personnel.

Three pane view in FOLIO – should be able to click on item in Inventory list and have it take you to the detail vs having it in a third pane.  Khalilah will present this idea to the lead designer.

Beth would like a place to store recordings as well as the Excel comments to track feedback.

How about a Google Drive folder to store recordings and demo videos – or a shared YouTube.

Action items

  • Need a place to store recordings and Excel commnets to track feedback from future Power Hours.
  • Khalilah to discuss results with Product Owner

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