2021-01-20 Meeting Notes




Discussion items


Follow up on Permissions with Implementers' meeting

Craig met with the implementers group last week. He'll walk us through his notes.

Needs another week - next week.

Definition of Reference/Default Data Types Taskforce members

Updates? From December 13, 2020:

  • General agreement on workflow diagram and concepts/labels, but still discussing a few steps and final decisions.
  • Will be listing the artifacts and examples on how "conflicts" and "customized" data work out
  • Want to validate the workflow and plan with SysOps before bringing it back to TC
  • Not going to be meeting for the next few weeks (Holidays)
  • Hope to be able to present to TC in late January

Current state:

  • Discussions are ongoing and the model is evolving.
  • Making progress, but it's a tough topic to nail down because there are abstract concepts.
  • Recommendation is to continue in the path we are heading - continue fleshing it out through discussions.
  • Gathering a set comprehensive use cases.
  • Trying to validate the model against the use cases and understanding/documenting the implications of the changes that are being considered. Also looking to set expectations so that sites might be prepared when needed.
  • Goal is for Taskforce to have a recommendation/proposal mid-March - which should outline a phased approach. Next step would be to expand the audience to get buy-in. Realistically a solution can't be implemented in R2-2021 - too many unknowns and discussions still need to be had.

Elastic Search

Change to licensing model - will it impact FOLIO?

From their post: https://www.elastic.co/blog/licensing-change

...This change in source code licensing has no impact on the overwhelming majority of our user communitywho use our default distribution for free....

From FAQ on 2021 License Change:

For Open Source projects, we are happy to support your project and provide redistribution rights free of charge. Please reach out to us at elastic_license@elastic.co and we will provide a license addendum providing the right to redistribute.

Initial assessment (more analysis needed): 

  • Elastic Search has proposed a new license with their new release (7.11). Moving from Apache 2.0 - to an SSPL, which is not open source and not compatible with Apache 2.0. This would prevent us from including Elastic Search with FOLIO (which requires all things to be Apache 2.0). Note Elastic Search is seeking feedback  so this decision may not be final.
  • One solution could be that this remains a requirement but is not included when installing FOLIO... this has to be investigcated
  • Another question - should we pause Elastic Search development? Current thinking is no - we should continue on the path (using 7.10) knowing that we could pin FOLIO to this version (still under Apache 2.0) as well as waiting to see how this plays out with Elastic Search.
  • Perhaps we reach out to ES and ask directly for clarity wrt FOLIO's usage - VBarwill coordinate a message.
  • Note that we don't have to make a decision until our work with ES is releasable.
  • Note also that MongoDB did this same kind of switch a few years ago. Perhaps we can investigate the Mongo community and projects that include it to see how they've settled?
  • Tech Council to follow up in April 2021 to decide a direction based on the information that we have at that time.

Optimistic Locking

Update to plan? Plan has not changed.

For R1 we'll be able to detect collisions in some specific cases. For R2 we have a high level plan to roll that functionality out but no detailed Jira issues yet.

Future topic:

During today’s (20-Jan-2021) Tech Leads meeting a question was raised regarding the Spring Batch framework and whether the TC needs to approve its use in FOLIO. Spring Batch has been proposed as a building block for the new Data Import architecture (Data export by using Spring Batch (aka Export Manager)). If the TC needs more information about Spring Batch, @Vasily Gancharov who is the author of the proposal will be happy to join us to discuss it (he is not available today though).  

Instead of asking Vasily to present, let's use next week's meeting to develop a set of criteria/checklist to be reviewed when new technologies are suggested/requested... so that we can make consistent and transparent decisions.