Ramsons UAT - Bindery support

Ramsons UAT - Bindery support


Test environment: https://folio-dev-thunderjet-2nd-diku.ci.folio.org/

Test credentials: bindery/test

Jira feature:  UXPROD-4093 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Feedback form: https://forms.office.com/r/HUGhnWQ5Us

Dates: August 7-13, 2024

Slack channel for UAT questions and discussion: #acquisitions-uat

Required permissions

Related videos

Binding Overview


Known Issues

key summary type created updated due assignee reporter priority status resolution


The feedback form generally follows the steps listed below. We suggest filling out the form as you work your way through the test.

Please note that you are permitted (and encouraged!!) to go "off-script" and experiment with the new functionality beyond steps described below, and to provide feedback on your experiences.


  1. Log into the test environment (linked above) using the credentials provided.
  2. Navigate to the Orders app
  3. Create one or more orders (it is recommended that both one-time and ongoing order scenarios be tested.)
  4. Create one or more PO lines.
    1. Be sure to select "bindery active" for each PO line
    2. Note that selecting "bindery active" forces independent ordering and receiving quantity and inventory interaction of instance/holding/item. This is to allow bound items to be created without impacting encumbrances.
  5. Navigate to the receiving app
  6. For each PO Line created, create enough receiving pieces to represent a full bound volume. Additional pieces can be created, if desired
  7. When complete, you should have multiple pieces in the "Expected" accordion


  1. Within the receiving app, activate the "Bindery active" facet. This should return all titles that are designated for binding.
  2. Select one of the titles you created
  3. Receive some or all of the receiving pieces associated with the title.
    1. (Optional) If you want to test item and requests handling, create item records for some of your pieces. If you do not create item records for pieces to be bound, you can skip this step.
    2. Do NOT click the "bound" checkbox - this indicates that the piece has already been bound and therefore does not appear on the bindery screen.
  4. Verify that all pieces you wish to bind appear in the "Received" accordion

Requests (optional)

  1. If you wish to test request transfer handling, create one or more requests associated with one or more of the received pieces.
  2. Sample patron barcodes for placing requests:
    1. 8675309
    2. 8675310
    3. 8675311


  1. Within the receiving app, select a bindery active title with received pieces. If you are not testing requests, you can continue directly from Receiving step 4.
  2. Click the "Actions" button in the "Received" accordion. 
    1. Under "Filter", note that "not bound" is checked.
  3. Click "Bind pieces"
  4. Fill out the required item information above the list of pieces
  5. Select the pieces you wish to bind.
  6. Click "Bind"
    1. Optional: If you have items with requests, you will be prompted whether to transfer those requests. It is recommended that you test both "Transfer" and "Do not transfer" options.
  7. On the receiving screen, under the "Received" accordion, click "Actions"
    1. Change the filter from "not bound" to "bound"
    2. Verify that the received pieces display
  8. On the receiving screen, under the Bound items, accordion, verify that the item record is set to "in process"
    1. Also verify location, call number and any other information filled in
  9. Optional: If testing request transfers, verify that any requests have transferred to the new item

Reversing binding (Optional)

Use this process to "undo" an accidental bindery operation or to remove a piece accidentally included in a bound volume

  1. Within the Receiving app, under the "Bound items" accordion, click on the barcode of the item with errors
  2. On the item record screen, remove the associated receiving piece bound in error by clicking the "x"
  3. Back on the receiving screen, switch to the "Received" accordion
  4. Set the Received filter to show bound pieces
  5. Select the piece bound in error and uncheck the "bound" box.
  6. Set the Received filter back to showing unbound pieces
  7. Verify that the unbound piece appears in the list.

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