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Two action profiles are displayed in created job profile after adding action profiles to 'For matches' section

Cannot Reproduce


Overview: Optional high-level description of problem

Current workaround:

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Log into Morning Glory bugfest env.

  2. Go to Settings/Data Import/Field mapping profiles, and Create a field mapping profile with attributes:

                 - Unique valid name

                 - Incoming record type: MARC Bibliographic

                 - FOLIO Record type: Instance

                 - Cataloged date - ###TODAY###

                 - Instance status term   –  "Batch Loaded"

                 - Statistical codes - Add these to existing and add a statistical code

      3. Create a field mapping profile with attributes:

                 - Unique valid name

                 - Incoming record type: MARC Bibliographic

                 - FOLIO Record type: Holdings

                 - Holdings type - "electronic"

                 - Permanent location - "Online (E)"

                 - Call number type - "Library of Congress classification"

                 - Call number - 050$a " " 050$b

                 - Electronic access - Add these to existing - Relationship - "Resource" - URI - 856$u  

      4. Create a field mapping profile with attributes:

                 - Unique valid name

                 - Incoming record type: MARC Bibliographic

                 - FOLIO Record type: item

                 - Material type - "electronic resource",

                 - Item notes - Add these to existing - Note type - "Electronic bookplate" - Note - "Smith Family Foundation" - Staff only - Mark for all affected records

                 - Permanent loan type  - "Can circulate"

                 - Status - "Available

       5. Create an action profile for Instance update.
Link a profile with mapping profile from step#2

       6. Create an action profile for Holding update.
Link a profile with mapping profile from step#3

       7. Create an action profile for Item update.
Link a profile with mapping profile from step#4

       8. Build match profiles: MARC-to-MARC 001 to 001

       9. Build match profiles: MARC-to-Holdings 901h to Holdings HRID

      10. Build match profiles: MARC-to-Item 902i to Item HRID

      11. Create a new "Job profile" with a unique valid name in it.
Link in this sequence:

                  - Match profile: 001 to 001 and For matches: Action profile: Update instance

                  - Match profile: MARC-to-Holdings match and For matches: Action profile: Update holdings

                  - Match profile: MARC-to-Item match and For matches: Action profile: Update item

                  - Save the job profile

      12. Pay attention to 'For matches' section in 'MARC-to-Holdings 901h to Holdings HRID' match profile and 'MARC-to-Item 902i to Item HRID' profile. 

Expected Results: One action profile for related item is displayed for each match profile in 'For matches' section after saving job profile.

Actual Results: Two action profiles are displayed in 'For matches' section for 'MARC-to-Holdings 901h to Holdings HRID' match profile and 'MARC-to-Item 902i to Item HRID' match profile after saving job profile.

Additional Information: See attached video or screenshot

CSP Request Details


CSP Rejection Details


Potential Workaround






TestRail: Results





Story Points


Development Team



Nolana (R3 2022)

RCA Group

Not a bug

TestRail: Cases

Open TestRail: Cases

TestRail: Runs

Open TestRail: Runs
Created September 25, 2022 at 7:48 PM
Updated September 27, 2022 at 2:28 PM
Resolved September 27, 2022 at 1:40 PM



Ann-Marie BreauxSeptember 27, 2022 at 1:40 PM

Hooray - a momentary glitch in the internet. Closing this issue as cannot reproduce. Thank you, !

Tetiana ParanichSeptember 27, 2022 at 7:45 AM

Hi   and ! I retested this issue on and on The issue does not reproduce. See attached


Ann-Marie BreauxSeptember 27, 2022 at 4:42 AM

Thanks very much, . As soon as retests it, if it does not reproduce, we'll close it as Cannot reproduce. If it does not reproduce, we will not create a TestRail for it. If it reproduces, we'll figure out next steps.

Mariia AloshynaSeptember 26, 2022 at 6:34 PM

Hi and I tried to reproduce it on and and it works as expected for me, maybe there were some env issues?

Ann-Marie BreauxSeptember 26, 2022 at 4:41 PM

or Could you try reproducing as well? I'm not getting this result on MG Bugfest. We need to figure out if this is a bug ASAP!

TestRail: Cases
TestRail: Runs