- Please implement the Pane Title Dropdown across the system. Thank you,LIBAPP-234Resolved issue: LIBAPP-234Rasmus Wølk
- Please update the loans screen layoutLIBAPP-233Resolved issue: LIBAPP-233Rasmus Wølk
- Naming of Notes vs Comments vs MemosLIBAPP-228Resolved issue: LIBAPP-228Cate Boerema
- Notifications App full viewLIBAPP-226Cate Boerema
- intelligent auto-complete/suggest in loan rules editorLIBAPP-224
- , (or) operator in loan rule engineLIBAPP-223Filip Jakobsen
- Scan is currently broken on testing server.LIBAPP-221Resolved issue: LIBAPP-221Niels Erik Nielsen
- Unable to manually enter dates while creating/editing user recordsLIBAPP-219Resolved issue: LIBAPP-219John Coburn
- DRAFT: Validate Item RecordLIBAPP-214Resolved issue: LIBAPP-214
- Patron ID for Scan in Settings Drives ID Expected in Scan AppLIBAPP-207Resolved issue: LIBAPP-207Matt Connolly
- Select Patron ID for Scan App in SettingsLIBAPP-205Resolved issue: LIBAPP-205Matt Connolly
- DRAFT: UI: Add Loan Rule ComponentLIBAPP-191Resolved issue: LIBAPP-191John Coburn
- NotesLIBAPP-189
- Selected Locale Should Drive Date Display FormatLIBAPP-179Resolved issue: LIBAPP-179Mike Taylor
- UI: Unsaved Changes NotificationLIBAPP-178Resolved issue: LIBAPP-178John Coburn
- Unsaved Changes NotificationLIBAPP-177Resolved issue: LIBAPP-177Jeremy Huff
- Add Loan Type to Item AssociationsLIBAPP-174Resolved issue: LIBAPP-174Matt Connolly
- CRUD Loan TypesLIBAPP-173Resolved issue: LIBAPP-173Matt Connolly
- Add material type-item associationsLIBAPP-169Resolved issue: LIBAPP-169Matt Connolly
- Check-Out: Validate Check-Out FormLIBAPP-168Resolved issue: LIBAPP-168John Malconian
- Check In Should be ImmediateLIBAPP-167Resolved issue: LIBAPP-167Niels Erik Nielsen
- Check Out Should be ImmediateLIBAPP-166Resolved issue: LIBAPP-166Niels Erik Nielsen
- DRAFT: Extend Item Metadata to Support Loan RulesLIBAPP-165Resolved issue: LIBAPP-165
- Manage patron groups association on the user screenLIBAPP-163Resolved issue: LIBAPP-163Matt Connolly
- Collapsible Detail Pane for ItemsLIBAPP-162Resolved issue: LIBAPP-162Matt Connolly
- Switch Filter Eye Icons to CheckboxesLIBAPP-161Resolved issue: LIBAPP-161John Coburn
- Collapsible Detail Pane in the User AppLIBAPP-160Resolved issue: LIBAPP-160Cate Boerema
- Database-driver patron-group handling for the Users UI moduleLIBAPP-158Resolved issue: LIBAPP-158Mike Taylor
- Infinite Scroll for Users and ItemsLIBAPP-155Resolved issue: LIBAPP-155Jason Skomorowski
- UX: Back Link, Saving State Across/Within Apps etc.LIBAPP-154Resolved issue: LIBAPP-154Filip Jakobsen
- Permissions: Can Create, Edit and Remove Permission SetsLIBAPP-151Resolved issue: LIBAPP-151Mike Taylor
- Permissions: Can View User Profile: Basic FieldsLIBAPP-149Resolved issue: LIBAPP-149Mike Taylor
- Permissions: Can Assign and Unassign Permissions to UsersLIBAPP-148Resolved issue: LIBAPP-148Mike Taylor
- Permissions: Can View Permissions Assigned to UsersLIBAPP-147Resolved issue: LIBAPP-147Mike Taylor
- Permissions: Can Create New UserLIBAPP-146Resolved issue: LIBAPP-146Mike Taylor
- UX: Where Should Tenant Locale Setting Live in SettingsLIBAPP-145Resolved issue: LIBAPP-145Filip Jakobsen
- UX: Back Behavior QuestionLIBAPP-143Resolved issue: LIBAPP-143Filip Jakobsen
- UX: Where Should CRUD Material Type Live in SettingsLIBAPP-140Resolved issue: LIBAPP-140Filip Jakobsen
- CRUD Material TypesLIBAPP-139Resolved issue: LIBAPP-139Matt Connolly
- Permissions: Can Edit User ProfileLIBAPP-138Resolved issue: LIBAPP-138Mike Taylor
- Display Loan History Popup on User RecordLIBAPP-137Resolved issue: LIBAPP-137Niels Erik Nielsen
- DRAFT: Check Item Out: Change Item Status Based on Presence of Current Loan (Or?)LIBAPP-136Resolved issue: LIBAPP-136
- Display Current Loans on User RecordLIBAPP-135Resolved issue: LIBAPP-135Niels Erik Nielsen
- Implement Locale Setting in Settings > OrganizationLIBAPP-133Resolved issue: LIBAPP-133Mike Taylor
- UI: View Full History for Loans and HoldsLIBAPP-125Resolved issue: LIBAPP-125John Coburn
- UI: Loans and Holds Display for User Profile PageLIBAPP-124Resolved issue: LIBAPP-124John Coburn
- UX: Implications of Checking Items In/OutLIBAPP-123Resolved issue: LIBAPP-123Filip Jakobsen
- UX: Notes Feature DescriptionLIBAPP-122Resolved issue: LIBAPP-122Filip Jakobsen
- UX: Map 2018 Document to Prototype FeaturesLIBAPP-120Resolved issue: LIBAPP-120Filip Jakobsen
- UX: Loan Rules Final Design (without policy details)LIBAPP-119Resolved issue: LIBAPP-119Filip Jakobsen
Two action profiles are displayed in created job profile after adding action profiles to 'For matches' section
CSP Request Details
CSP Rejection Details
Potential Workaround
hideTestRail: Results
Story Points
Development Team
RCA Group
TestRail: Cases
TestRail: Runs
Ann-Marie BreauxSeptember 27, 2022 at 1:40 PM
Hooray - a momentary glitch in the internet. Closing this issue as cannot reproduce. Thank you, !
Tetiana ParanichSeptember 27, 2022 at 7:45 AM
Hi and ! I retested this issue on and on The issue does not reproduce. See attached
Ann-Marie BreauxSeptember 27, 2022 at 4:42 AMEdited
Thanks very much, . As soon as retests it, if it does not reproduce, we'll close it as Cannot reproduce. If it does not reproduce, we will not create a TestRail for it. If it reproduces, we'll figure out next steps.
Mariia AloshynaSeptember 26, 2022 at 6:34 PMEdited
Hi and I tried to reproduce it on and and it works as expected for me, maybe there were some env issues?
Ann-Marie BreauxSeptember 26, 2022 at 4:41 PM
or Could you try reproducing as well? I'm not getting this result on MG Bugfest. We need to figure out if this is a bug ASAP!
Overview: Optional high-level description of problem
Current workaround:
Steps to Reproduce:
Log into Morning Glory bugfest env.
Go to Settings/Data Import/Field mapping profiles, and Create a field mapping profile with attributes:
- Unique valid name
- Incoming record type: MARC Bibliographic
- FOLIO Record type: Instance
- Cataloged date - ###TODAY###
- Instance status term – "Batch Loaded"
- Statistical codes - Add these to existing and add a statistical code
3. Create a field mapping profile with attributes:
- Unique valid name
- Incoming record type: MARC Bibliographic
- FOLIO Record type: Holdings
- Holdings type - "electronic"
- Permanent location - "Online (E)"
- Call number type - "Library of Congress classification"
- Call number - 050$a " " 050$b
- Electronic access - Add these to existing - Relationship - "Resource" - URI - 856$u
4. Create a field mapping profile with attributes:
- Unique valid name
- Incoming record type: MARC Bibliographic
- FOLIO Record type: item
- Material type - "electronic resource",
- Item notes - Add these to existing - Note type - "Electronic bookplate" - Note - "Smith Family Foundation" - Staff only - Mark for all affected records
- Permanent loan type - "Can circulate"
- Status - "Available
5. Create an action profile for Instance update.
Link a profile with mapping profile from step#2
6. Create an action profile for Holding update.
Link a profile with mapping profile from step#3
7. Create an action profile for Item update.
Link a profile with mapping profile from step#4
8. Build match profiles: MARC-to-MARC 001 to 001
9. Build match profiles: MARC-to-Holdings 901h to Holdings HRID
10. Build match profiles: MARC-to-Item 902i to Item HRID
11. Create a new "Job profile" with a unique valid name in it.
Link in this sequence:
- Match profile: 001 to 001 and For matches: Action profile: Update instance
- Match profile: MARC-to-Holdings match and For matches: Action profile: Update holdings
- Match profile: MARC-to-Item match and For matches: Action profile: Update item
- Save the job profile
12. Pay attention to 'For matches' section in 'MARC-to-Holdings 901h to Holdings HRID' match profile and 'MARC-to-Item 902i to Item HRID' profile.
Expected Results: One action profile for related item is displayed for each match profile in 'For matches' section after saving job profile.
Actual Results: Two action profiles are displayed in 'For matches' section for 'MARC-to-Holdings 901h to Holdings HRID' match profile and 'MARC-to-Item 902i to Item HRID' match profile after saving job profile.
Additional Information: See attached video or screenshot