Mike Taylor
Mike TaylorReporter
Cate Boerema
Cate Boerema(Deactivated)Labels
TestRail: Cases
Open TestRail: Cases
TestRail: Runs
Open TestRail: Runs
Created March 2, 2017 at 3:44 PM
Updated May 8, 2017 at 11:46 AM
Resolved March 16, 2017 at 8:01 AM
Purpose: Improve permissions handling so that assigned permissions control what options are presented to the user within FOLIO (currently all options are presented and you get an error when you attempt something you don't have rights to). The focus of this story is the "Can view user profile: basic fields" permission. Other stories will be added for other permissions.
*NOTE: This story assumes we have implemented the distinction between basic and restricted fields. If we haven't yet done that, we will need to consolidate with LIBAPP-150.
Given User A has been assigned the "Can view user profile: basic fields" permission ONLY
When FOLIO is displayed
Then User A has the following rights:
Users app is visible in Recent Applications Toolbar
Basic user data can be searched and filtered in Users app
Basic user fields can be viewed
Direct linking to User search, results and details is allowed
Given User A has been assigned the "Can view user profile: basic fields" permission ONLY
When FOLIO is displayed
Then User A does NOT have the following rights:
Restricted user data can be searched and filtered in the Users app
Restricted user fields can be viewed
Basic user fields can be edited
Restricted user fields can be edited
User Edit button/icon is visible
Direct linking to Edit User page is allowed
Create new user button is visible
User creation is permitted
Direct linking to Create User page is allowed
Can view permissions assigned to users
Can assign and unassign permissions to users
Settings app is visible in Recent Applications Toolbar
"User permissions" link is visible under Settings > Users
User permission sets can be created, read, updated and deleted
Given I don't have rights to direct link to Page A
When I direct link to page A (e.g. I paste the url into my browser)
Then I should see the following message:
Header/Title: Permission Error
Text: Sorry - your user permissions do not allow access to this page.
NOTE: This is an edge case and it doesn't need to be pretty, but we do need to make sure it works so there's no back door to access things you shouldn't be able to access. We're flexible on how we do this.
Given User A has been assigned the "Can view user profile: basic fields" permission AND another permission or set
When FOLIO is displayed
Then User A shall have the cumulative set of rights from all assigned permissions
Additional Info: A graphical representation of the rights by base permission can be found in this google sheet. Please note that the scope of the sheet is much larger than this particular story (and even includes some items that are out of scope for v1). Please reference the scenarios in this story for story scope.