- UI | Add a new token Holdings administrative note to staff slip Transit (mediated request)UICIRC-1218Mike Taylor
- UI | Add a new tokenHoldings administrative note to staff slip TransitUICIRC-1217Mike Taylor
- UI | Add a new token Holdings administrative note to staff slip Search slip (Hold requests)UICIRC-1216Mike Taylor
- UI | Add a new token Holdings administrative note to staff slip Request deliveryUICIRC-1215Mike Taylor
- UI | Add a new token Holdings administrative note to staff slip HoldUICIRC-1214Mike Taylor
- Spike. Investigate use of simple HTML tagging in the staff slipsUICIRC-1213Mike Taylor
- UI | Add a new token Holdings administrative note to staff slip Pick slipUICIRC-1212Mike Taylor
- UI | Add a new token Holdings administrative note to staff slip Due date receiptUICIRC-1211Mike Taylor
- Update documentationUICIRC-1210Dmitriy Litvinenko
- Reduce count of eslint errors after update eslint-config-stripesUICIRC-1209Dmitriy Litvinenko
- Spike: Instigate migration from mod-config to mod-settingsUICIRC-1208Dmitriy Litvinenko
- Code review dutyUICIRC-1207Artem Blazhko
- Code review dutyUICIRC-1206Dmitriy Litvinenko
- Permissions. Settings page for Circulation > Requests > Request type tokensUICIRC-1205
- UI | Add settings page for Request type tokensUICIRC-1203
- SPIKE: Investigate possibility to migrate from "moment.js" to "day.js"UICIRC-1201Resolved issue: UICIRC-1201Artem Blazhko
- Investigate bugs and build problemsUICIRC-1199Resolved issue: UICIRC-1199Dmitriy Litvinenko
- Investigate bugs and build problemsUICIRC-1198Resolved issue: UICIRC-1198Dmitriy Litvinenko
- Release: Sunflower - ui-circulation v11.0.0UICIRC-1196Resolved issue: UICIRC-1196Dmitriy Litvinenko
- Request anonymization - Settings PageUICIRC-1202
- replace moment with day.jsUICIRC-1194Artem Blazhko
- Placeholder: FE | Populate the 7 new tokens in the New fee/fine, pay fee/fine, Waive fee/fine, Transfer fee/fine (Manual fee/fine charge/action) emails with the data provided by the backend in the ui-checkin moduleUICIRC-1193Mike Taylor
- (ECS Snapshot) Consortium title level request settings available in all tenantsUICIRC-1192Resolved issue: UICIRC-1192Dmitriy Litvinenko
- Patron Notice form Validation fires too often, causing unnecessary requests.UICIRC-1191Resolved issue: UICIRC-1191Artem Blazhko
- Code review dutyUICIRC-1189Resolved issue: UICIRC-1189Artem Blazhko
- Code review dutyUICIRC-1188Resolved issue: UICIRC-1188Dmitriy Litvinenko
- SPIKE: Investigate possibility to get rid of componentWillReceiveProps from RulesEditorUICIRC-1187Resolved issue: UICIRC-1187Artem Blazhko
- UI | Add 2 new tokens to Patron notice Email templateUICIRC-1186Mike Taylor
- UI | Add a new token Request type to staff slip Transit (mediated request)UICIRC-1185
- UI | Add a new token Request type to staff slip TransitUICIRC-1184
- UI | Add a new token Request type to staff slip Search slip (Hold requests)UICIRC-1183
- UI | Add a new token Request type to staff slip Request deliveryUICIRC-1182
- UI | Add a new token Request type to staff slip Pick slipUICIRC-1181
- UI | Add a new token Request type to staff slip HoldUICIRC-1180
- UI | Add a new token Request type to staff slip Due date receiptUICIRC-1179
- UI | Add 7 new tokens to Patron notice Email templateUICIRC-1178Resolved issue: UICIRC-1178Mike Taylor
- migrate react-intl to v7UICIRC-1177Resolved issue: UICIRC-1177Dmitriy Litvinenko
- migrate stripes dependencies to their Sunflower versionsUICIRC-1176Resolved issue: UICIRC-1176Dmitriy Litvinenko
- [SPIKE] Ensure all menus in Circ, request and Fee-Fine screens meet the established patternUICIRC-1175
- migrate to shared GA workflowsUICIRC-1174Resolved issue: UICIRC-1174Dmitriy Litvinenko
- UI | Add 7 new tokens to staff slip Transit (mediated request)UICIRC-1173Resolved issue: UICIRC-1173Mike Taylor
- UI | Add 7 new tokens to staff slip TransitUICIRC-1172Resolved issue: UICIRC-1172Mike Taylor
- UI | Add 7 new tokens to staff slip Search slip (Hold requests)UICIRC-1171Resolved issue: UICIRC-1171Mike Taylor
- UI | Add 7 new tokens to staff slip Request deliveryUICIRC-1170Resolved issue: UICIRC-1170Mike Taylor
- UI | Add 7 new tokens to staff slip Pick slipUICIRC-1169Resolved issue: UICIRC-1169Mike Taylor
- UI | Add 7 new tokens to staff slip HoldUICIRC-1168Resolved issue: UICIRC-1168Mike Taylor
- UI | Add 7 new tokens to staff slip Due date receiptUICIRC-1167Resolved issue: UICIRC-1167Mike Taylor
- Spike: Investigate possible to move convertToSlipData function and other to one place for reuse.UICIRC-1136Resolved issue: UICIRC-1136Dmitriy Litvinenko
- Spike: Check okapi InterfacesUICIRC-1135Resolved issue: UICIRC-1135Dmitriy Litvinenko
- Bugs/Tasks verification/investigation/fixUICIRC-1134Resolved issue: UICIRC-1134Dmitriy Litvinenko
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