- Extend User Metadata v1UIU-28Resolved issue: UIU-28Niels Erik Nielsen
- UI: Improve/document Keyboard navigation of Results list/Multicolumn List componentSTRIPES-373Resolved issue: STRIPES-373John Coburn
- UI: Document UI ComponentsSTRIPES-372Resolved issue: STRIPES-372John Coburn
- Sort available permissions by permissionNameSTRIPES-328Resolved issue: STRIPES-328
- Use react-routing for settings modulesSTRIPES-327Resolved issue: STRIPES-327Mike Taylor
- Update all client-side permission names to match new backendSTRIPES-326Resolved issue: STRIPES-326Mike Taylor
- Add a "hasAllPerms" configuration optionsSTRIPES-325Resolved issue: STRIPES-325Mike Taylor
- Permissions listed in sets are blankSTRIPES-324Resolved issue: STRIPES-324Mike Taylor
- Create new "Organization" UI moduleSTRIPES-322Resolved issue: STRIPES-322Mike Taylor
- Editing permissions happens in tiny distorted areaSTRIPES-321Resolved issue: STRIPES-321John Coburn
- "[MultiColumnList] formatter for property 'status' could not format"STRIPES-318Resolved issue: STRIPES-318Mike Taylor
- Ability to see users' permissions evaporated againSTRIPES-317Resolved issue: STRIPES-317Mike Taylor
- Diku_admin Doesn't Have Permissions in UsersSTRIPES-314Resolved issue: STRIPES-314John Malconian
- Make new stripes-demo-platformSTRIPES-312Resolved issue: STRIPES-312Mike Taylor
- Fix all inter-package Stripes dependenciesSTRIPES-310Resolved issue: STRIPES-310Mike Taylor
- Duplicate items both get highlightedSTRIPES-308Resolved issue: STRIPES-308Mike Taylor
- When config.showPerms is true, show permission IDs in dropdownSTRIPES-306Resolved issue: STRIPES-306Mike Taylor
- Update the permissions that the Users app checksSTRIPES-304Resolved issue: STRIPES-304Mike Taylor
- Document release 0.0.2 of ui-scanSTRIPES-303Resolved issue: STRIPES-303Mike Taylor
- Modify ui-users to expect 'id', not '_id', in patron-group recordsSTRIPES-302Resolved issue: STRIPES-302Mike Taylor
- RenderPermissions needs to render based on configurable permissionsSTRIPES-301Resolved issue: STRIPES-301Jeremy Huff
- Assign unique IDs to UI elements as handles for automated testingSTRIPES-300Resolved issue: STRIPES-300Niels Erik Nielsen
- Make props state available for use in the stripes-connect manifestSTRIPES-299Resolved issue: STRIPES-299Mike Taylor
- Get rid of disableAuth modeSTRIPES-298Resolved issue: STRIPES-298Mike Taylor
- Patron-groups appear as "?" in the user listSTRIPES-297Resolved issue: STRIPES-297Mike Taylor
- All permission checks fail when permissions lack displayNamesSTRIPES-296Resolved issue: STRIPES-296Mike Taylor
- Make a proof-of-concept joining componentSTRIPES-293Resolved issue: STRIPES-293Mike Taylor
- it's possible to save a user with an already used ID if "update user" is clicked immediatelySTRIPES-285Resolved issue: STRIPES-285Niels Erik Nielsen
- Remove the "viewUserProps" property from <UserPermissions>STRIPES-280Resolved issue: STRIPES-280Mike Taylor
- Pull availablePermissions down into <UserPermissions>STRIPES-279Resolved issue: STRIPES-279Mike Taylor
- Permissions: Users App Icon Displaying for Users with No PermissionsSTRIPES-273Resolved issue: STRIPES-273Mike Taylor
- support paging in stripes-connectSTRIPES-262Resolved issue: STRIPES-262Jason Skomorowski
- Load settings component for 'app' modulesSTRIPES-197Resolved issue: STRIPES-197Mike Taylor
- Write "Thinking in Stripes"STRIPES-103Resolved issue: STRIPES-103Mike Taylor
- Write a section of the Developer's Guide about parent-child component relationshipsSTCOR-1Resolved issue: STCOR-1Mike Taylor
- UI: “Skip Links”STCOM-7Resolved issue: STCOM-7John Coburn
- UI: Break out/document a ‘SRStatus’ componentSTCOM-3Resolved issue: STCOM-3John Coburn
- Split PostgresClientRMB-10Julian Ladisch
- tenant api - unit tests and code cleanupRMB-3Resolved issue: RMB-3
- Document release procedureOKAPI-287Resolved issue: OKAPI-287Adam Dickmeiss
- extend schema to support fields required by UIU-28MODUSERS-15Resolved issue: MODUSERS-15Niels Erik Nielsen
- Total record count for instances and items collection resourcesMODINV-2Resolved issue: MODINV-2Marc Johnson
- build an endpoint for maintaining loan typesMETADATA-61Resolved issue: METADATA-61Julian Ladisch
- Use Material Types Referred to by UUID in Inventory ModuleMETADATA-58Resolved issue: METADATA-58Marc Johnson
- Use UUID for Refering to Material TypesMETADATA-57Resolved issue: METADATA-57shale99
- Describe permissions for inventory modulesMETADATA-56Resolved issue: METADATA-56Marc Johnson
- Adapt inventory and inventory storage module descriptors to use Okapi Path FilteringMETADATA-52Resolved issue: METADATA-52Marc Johnson
- RAML / JSON.Schema for MODS IngestionMETADATA-27Resolved issue: METADATA-27Marc Johnson
- Selected Locale Should Drive Date Display FormatLIBAPP-179Resolved issue: LIBAPP-179Mike Taylor
- UI: Unsaved Changes NotificationLIBAPP-178Resolved issue: LIBAPP-178John Coburn
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