John would like, when he builds the demo site, to use the versions of the modules and so forth that are specified in a platform module – so when we update that, we Wayne and John can use those values instead of updating the versions manually in our ansible repo.
Rather than overloading stripes-sample-platform with this responsibility, we will make a new stripes-demo-platform that exists for precisely that purpose.
and : future demo-site deployments should be done from this repository, not stripes-sample-platform (and not from git head!) This will help prevent problems such as those described in FOLIO-552.
Jason Skomorowski April 11, 2017 at 4:41 PM
Yes, excellent, thank you. We should have been doing this since platforms were possible. And checking in yarn.lock will help ensure that it gets deployed exactly as we saw it when updating the platform.
John would like, when he builds the demo site, to use the versions of the modules and so forth that are specified in a platform module – so when we update that, we Wayne and John can use those values instead of updating the versions manually in our ansible repo.
Rather than overloading stripes-sample-platform with this responsibility, we will make a new stripes-demo-platform that exists for precisely that purpose.