- jest-config-stripes: define a `stripes-jest` scriptSTRIPES-970
- depend on jest-axe and re-export `axe` from jest-config-stripesSTRIPES-969
- SPIKE: select The Next Generation of form handlerSTRIPES-968
- Replace moment with day.jsSTRIPES-967
- Investigate using latest axe-core version in just-config-stripesSTRIPES-966
- stripes-template-editor migrate stripes dependencies to their Sunflower versionsSTRIPES-965Resolved issue: STRIPES-965Zak Burke
- export axe-core from jest-config-stripesSTRIPES-964
- remove crypto-browserifySTRIPES-963
- migrate stripes-* dependencies to Sunflower versionsSTRIPES-962Resolved issue: STRIPES-962Zak Burke
- Sunflower 2025 R1 - BREAKING migrate stripes-* dependenciesSTRIPES-961Resolved issue: STRIPES-961
- BREAKING migrate react-intl to v7STRIPES-960Zak Burke
- transpile UI modules on publishSTRIPES-957
- jest-config-stripes: implement CODEOWNERSSTRIPES-956Resolved issue: STRIPES-956Zak Burke
- stripes-template-editor: implement CODEOWNERSSTRIPES-955Resolved issue: STRIPES-955Zak Burke
- Create .github/CODEOWNERS files in all stripes-* repositoriesSTRIPES-954Resolved issue: STRIPES-954
- stripes-template-editor must sanitize its input valuesSTRIPES-952Resolved issue: STRIPES-952
- Delete NPM workflow templatesSTRIPES-951Resolved issue: STRIPES-951Julian Ladisch
- Replace folio-org/checkout@v2 with actions/checkout@v4 in .github workflow-templatesSTRIPES-950Resolved issue: STRIPES-950Julian Ladisch
- Release stripes-template-editor v3.4.1 (Ramsons Bug Fix R2 2024)STRIPES-948Resolved issue: STRIPES-948Dmitriy Litvinenko
- DOMPurify import is incorrectSTRIPES-947Resolved issue: STRIPES-947Dmitriy Litvinenko
- When editing a patron notice template, the cursor jumps to top of form while typingSTRIPES-953Resolved issue: STRIPES-953John Coburn
- SPIKE: app orderingSTRIPES-943Resolved issue: STRIPES-943
- SPIKE: read/write form values from local-storage onload/onlogoutSTRIPES-942
- SPIKE - Retain unsaved changes on create/edit record before token expires.STRIPES-941
- omit MD publishing steps in shared workflows (stripes-template-editor)STRIPES-940Resolved issue: STRIPES-940Zak Burke
- omit MD publishing steps in shared workflowsSTRIPES-939Resolved issue: STRIPES-939Zak Burke
- omit MD publishing in shared GA workflowsSTRIPES-938Resolved issue: STRIPES-938Zak Burke
- Spike: Replace Karma testing setup.STRIPES-937Resolved issue: STRIPES-937John Coburn
- stripes: migrate to shared CI workflowsSTRIPES-935Resolved issue: STRIPES-935Zak Burke
- stripes-template-engine: migrate to shared CI workflowsSTRIPES-934Resolved issue: STRIPES-934Zak Burke
- shared CI workflows apply incorrect patch versionSTRIPES-930Resolved issue: STRIPES-930Noah Overcash
- Updgrade/update devDependencies in stripes-react-hotkeys.STRIPES-929Resolved issue: STRIPES-929John Coburn
- Export typings from stripes-react-hotkeysSTRIPES-928Resolved issue: STRIPES-928Noah Overcash
- Sunflower 2025 R1 - migrate to shared CI workflowsSTRIPES-924Resolved issue: STRIPES-924
- Spike : Investigate Dashboard app to support CQL queries and/or Lists app's List URLSTRIPES-919Resolved issue: STRIPES-919John Coburn
- Fix overflow issue with React Quill Template Link tooltipSTRIPES-918Resolved issue: STRIPES-918Joseph Reimers
- React v19: stripes-react-hotkeys: refactor away from default props for functional componentsSTRIPES-917
- React v19: stripes-template-editor: refactor away from default props for functional componentsSTRIPES-916Resolved issue: STRIPES-916
- React v19: stripes-react-hotkeys refactor away from ReactDOM.findDOMNodeSTRIPES-915Resolved issue: STRIPES-915
- React 19: refactor away from deprecated methodsSTRIPES-913
- React v19 preparationSTRIPES-912
- Release stripes v9.1.3 Quesnelia BugFix Release (R1 2024)STRIPES-911Resolved issue: STRIPES-911Zak Burke
- Focus placement: Inventory search / browse featureSTRIPES-910
- Search & Filter pane > Focus handling: Review and make consistent focus amongst screen readersSTRIPES-909Resolved issue: STRIPES-909
- migrate away from yarn v1 (investigation and documentation)STRIPES-907
- Document new Eureka parametersSTRIPES-906Resolved issue: STRIPES-906Aidyn Zhakizhanov
- support LoC activitiesSTRIPES-905Resolved issue: STRIPES-905Zak Burke
- [SPIKE] Explore creating a unified GitHub Actions workflowSTRIPES-904Resolved issue: STRIPES-904Noah Overcash
- Bring the App-specific UI bundle PoC up to date with latest codeSTRIPES-903Resolved issue: STRIPES-903Zak Burke
- PLACEHOLDER - Wire up App-Specific bundle PoC with mgr-tenant-entitlementsSTRIPES-902
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