- ECS - Disallow 'Move items within an instance' if no LOCAL Items/Holdings existUIIN-3073Resolved issue: UIIN-3073Mariia Aloshyna
- Shadow copy is shown on UI right after the Instance was sharedUIIN-2969Resolved issue: UIIN-2969Mariia Aloshyna
- Inactive Holdings/items on Central tenant when user have affiliation for separate Member with 0 permissionsUIIN-2689Resolved issue: UIIN-2689Oleksandr Hladchenko
- Consortial local authority "unlink" confirmation modal count includes shared authorities when it should notUIIN-2647Resolved issue: UIIN-2647Oleksandr Hladchenko
- Create new instance success toast no longer shows the instance HRIDUIIN-2635Resolved issue: UIIN-2635Mariia Aloshyna
- Consortial holdings accordion is not appearing after the sharing of InstanceUIIN-2629Resolved issue: UIIN-2629Mariia Aloshyna
- Optimistic locking message not working for instances in non-consortial tenantUIIN-2628Resolved issue: UIIN-2628Mariia Aloshyna
- Add immediate warning message when a local instance is sharedUIIN-2617Resolved issue: UIIN-2617Mariia Aloshyna
- ECS: Check when sharing instance with source=MARC is complete before re-fetching itUIIN-2605Resolved issue: UIIN-2605Mariia Aloshyna
- Edit instance success toast no longer shows the instance HRIDUIIN-2588Resolved issue: UIIN-2588Mariia Aloshyna
- ECS: Display member tenant's holdings/items and acquisition for shadow instancesUIIN-2587Resolved issue: UIIN-2587Maksym Ishchenko
- Confirmation modal: Unlink local MARC authorities from shared MARC bib SRS recordsUIIN-2575Resolved issue: UIIN-2575Oleksandr Hladchenko
- Add permission to promote a local instance to sharedUIIN-2571Resolved issue: UIIN-2571Mariia Aloshyna
- ECS: display shadow instances as sharedUIIN-2552Resolved issue: UIIN-2552Mariia Aloshyna
- ECS: use mod-search to get tenantId for local/shared instance detailsUIIN-2538Resolved issue: UIIN-2538Mariia Aloshyna
- Change tenant id to central when opening details of shadow instanceUIIN-2529Resolved issue: UIIN-2529Mariia Aloshyna
- Consortial Central Tenant: Handling Holdings and Item actions on the Instance detail viewUIIN-2523Resolved issue: UIIN-2523Mariia Aloshyna
- Consortial Central Tenant: Handling of Instance Action Menu optionsUIIN-2498Resolved issue: UIIN-2498Mariia Aloshyna
- Promote a local instance to become a shared instanceUIIN-2460Resolved issue: UIIN-2460Mariia Aloshyna
- Allow for new source values for shadow InstancesUIIN-2459Resolved issue: UIIN-2459Oleksandr Hladchenko
- Instance 3rd pane: Adjust behavior when returning to instance from holdings/item full screenUIIN-2453Resolved issue: UIIN-2453Mariia Aloshyna
- Instance 3rd pane: Enable/disable consortial holdings/item actions based on User permissionsUIIN-2452Resolved issue: UIIN-2452Oleksandr Hladchenko
- Adjust behavior of View source for shared instancesUIIN-2449Resolved issue: UIIN-2449Mariia Aloshyna
- Instance 3rd pane Actions menu: Adjust Edit actionUIIN-2440Resolved issue: UIIN-2440Oleksandr Hladchenko
- Inventory 2nd pane Actions menu: Adjust New actionUIIN-2439Resolved issue: UIIN-2439Mariia Aloshyna
- Instance Edit screen header: add shared/local indicationUIIN-2438Resolved issue: UIIN-2438Oleksandr Hladchenko
- Adjust the Instance Edit screen headerUIIN-2437Resolved issue: UIIN-2437Oleksandr Hladchenko
- Adjust the sentence case for some Inventory action optionsUIIN-2436Resolved issue: UIIN-2436Oleksandr Hladchenko
- Instance 3rd pane: Add consortial holdings/item accordionUIIN-2410Resolved issue: UIIN-2410Mariia Aloshyna
- Instance 3rd pane header: Add Local/Shared indicationUIIN-2399Resolved issue: UIIN-2399Mariia Aloshyna
- Make changes to show marc record and instance on import log json screen from central tenant if updated there (shared instances)UIDATIMP-1540Resolved issue: UIDATIMP-1540Mariia Aloshyna
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