- Navigating Filters (changes to the filter and sort component)UXPROD-1016Resolved issue: UXPROD-1016Khalilah Gambrell
- Support using different languages for chronologies when generating predicted piecesUISER-113Resolved issue: UISER-113Owen Stephens
- Add linked title to Serial display and Predicted piece set displayUISER-112Resolved issue: UISER-112Owen Stephens
- Add "info" icon to TemplateUISER-105Resolved issue: UISER-105
- Template should appear below labels in Publication Pattern formUISER-104Resolved issue: UISER-104Owen Stephens
- Number of units field in numeric enumeration form should be validated as a positive numberUISER-103Resolved issue: UISER-103Owen Stephens
- Level 1 number not used correctly in predicted piece preview from Create Publication PatternUISER-99Resolved issue: UISER-99Owen Stephens
- Re-label button in Enumeration label (Enumeration Textual) from "Add level" to "Add value"UISER-97Resolved issue: UISER-97Owen Stephens
- Re-label "Refdata category" to "Pick list" in the Enumeration label formUISER-96Resolved issue: UISER-96Owen Stephens
- On generating predicted pieces, if the active ruleset has previously been used, then the form should populate with the next set of starting valuesUISER-91Resolved issue: UISER-91Owen Stephens
- Identifiers of receiving pieces should be stored with the predicted pieces that generated them and displays should reflect thisUISER-90Resolved issue: UISER-90Owen Stephens
- Current date/time displaying instead of dateCreated in Predicted piece set search and sortUISER-89Resolved issue: UISER-89Owen Stephens
- Generate predicted pieces should not be active unless there is an active publication patternUISER-86Resolved issue: UISER-86Owen Stephens
- On editing a serial which is linked to a POL with multiple titles the previously selected title should show as selectedUISER-80Resolved issue: UISER-80Owen Stephens
- It should not be possible to save a serial record WITH a link POL but WITHOUT a titleUISER-79Resolved issue: UISER-79Owen Stephens
- Corrections to publication pattern display in serials viewUISER-78Resolved issue: UISER-78Owen Stephens
- Adding a new publication pattern seems to overwrite the existing pattern with no warningUISER-73Resolved issue: UISER-73Owen Stephens
- New publication pattern: Should be possible to preview without a label templateUISER-70Owen Stephens
- Accessibility: Serial view: Missing elementsUISER-65Resolved issue: UISER-65Owen Stephens
- In some circumstances the create received pieces cannot make sense of holdings/locationsUISER-62Owen Stephens
- Ensure correct expected receipt date is used for receiving piecesUISER-54Resolved issue: UISER-54Owen Stephens
- ECS: Add Tenant identifier to title of Select user modalUISAUTHCOM-37Resolved issue: UISAUTHCOM-37Dennis Bridges
- BUG: Notes about the Instance | Source of DescriptionUILD-324Resolved issue: UILD-324Doug Loynes
- BUG: Date of Work displayed in Instance edit modeUILD-317Resolved issue: UILD-317Tetiana Kovalchuk
- Story: Date of Work displayed in Instance edit modeUILD-316Resolved issue: UILD-316
- BUG: Search Place of Publication by codeUILD-315Resolved issue: UILD-315
- PLACEHOLDER Story: Search LCNAFUILD-314Resolved issue: UILD-314
- BUG: Advanced search Boolean ANDUILD-312Resolved issue: UILD-312
- BUG: Toggling between Work and Instance entities in edit modeUILD-311Resolved issue: UILD-311
- BUG - Save & keep editingUILD-310Resolved issue: UILD-310
- STORY: MARC Derived records | Refresh View MARC after saving editsUILD-309Resolved issue: UILD-309Doug Loynes
- ENHANCEMENT: Refresh search results automatically after editing a resourceUILD-308Resolved issue: UILD-308
- BUG: Dewey edition numberUILD-307Resolved issue: UILD-307Doug Loynes
- BUG: Display of subject subfieldsUILD-306Resolved issue: UILD-306
- BUG: Statement of Responsibility in Instance entityUILD-305Resolved issue: UILD-305
- STORY: Display order Work Title, Variant Title, Parallel TitleUILD-304
- BUG: Left anchored / wildcard searchingUILD-302Resolved issue: UILD-302
- STORY: Save & keep editingUILD-298Resolved issue: UILD-298Doug Loynes
- BUG: Instance edit form is too small when adding an instance from Work edit.UILD-295Resolved issue: UILD-295
- In budget export - identify record type for common fieldsUIF-384Resolved issue: UIF-384Dennis Bridges
- ECS: Add Tenant identifier to title of Select user modalUICONSET-205Resolved issue: UICONSET-205Dennis Bridges
- Sprint 157 - Cataloging UAT - Rancher environment requestedRANCHER-600Resolved issue: RANCHER-600kseniia_dubniak
- Support combined issue labellingMODSER-52Jack Golding
- Template does not always get data from labels or levels in the same orderMODSER-34Resolved issue: MODSER-34Owen Stephens
- BUG: Display of repeatable fields | Origin of Instance | MARC 257 Country of Producing EntityMODLD-421Resolved issue: MODLD-421Doug Loynes
- BUG: Newly created Work entity not retrieved from back endMODLD-404Resolved issue: MODLD-404
- BUG Support for wildcard searching in LCCN indexMODLD-403Resolved issue: MODLD-403
- BUG: MARC 588 - Source of DescriptionMODLD-402Resolved issue: MODLD-402
- BUG: Resources added through data import omitted from data graphMODLD-400Resolved issue: MODLD-400
- BUG: MARC derived Publisher information | 262, 264MODLD-399Resolved issue: MODLD-399
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