- Agreements: Migrate settings to app settingsUXPROD-5194Owen Stephens
- Agreements Local KB: Remote KB search integrationUXPROD-5193Owen Stephens
- Agreements Local KB: Delete packages / delete package contentUXPROD-5189Owen Stephens
- Agreements: Implement RBAC based access to resourcesUXPROD-5188Owen Stephens
- NFR: Improvement of the upload form for manual upload of COUNTER files to prevent format exceptionsUXPROD-5186Stefan Dombek
- NFR: Improved behavior of the application for reports with empty result (0-Reports)UXPROD-5185Stefan Dombek
- Overview of the current status of all active UDPsUXPROD-5184Stefan Dombek
- Analysis - eholdings - Define an approach for utilizing latest HoldingsIQ endpointsUXPROD-5183
- Pagination for the title list of the matching summaryUXPROD-5174
- Checking the current status of the COUNTER_SUSHI API serviceUXPROD-5167Stefan Dombek
- ERM: Support S3 settings via environment variablesUXPROD-5147Resolved issue: UXPROD-5147Owen Stephens
- Improve select Agreements selection from "Basket"UXPROD-5146Resolved issue: UXPROD-5146Owen Stephens
- Improve and expand "duplicate agreement" featuresUXPROD-5109Owen Stephens
- ERM Outstanding ImprovementsUXPROD-5097Owen Stephens
- Implement "main" column in Agreements where the user can choose which columns display in an MCLUXPROD-5096Resolved issue: UXPROD-5096Owen Stephens
- Search Add filter for status of UDP data recordUXPROD-5085Stefan Dombek
- Status active or inactive for UDP data recordsUXPROD-5084Stefan Dombek
- NFR: Service Busy (CoP 1010)UXPROD-5081Stefan Dombek
- Use keywords search for UDPs searchUXPROD-5066Resolved issue: UXPROD-5066Stefan Dombek
- Remove harvester function for COUNTER 4UXPROD-5042Stefan Dombek
- UX improvements for AgreementsUXPROD-5014Owen Stephens
- Delete multiple reports: Show the COUNTER release version for reports in an additional columnUXPROD-4978Resolved issue: UXPROD-4978Stefan Dombek
- Support documents for Agreement LinesUXPROD-4973Resolved issue: UXPROD-4973Owen Stephens
- Search: Add filter for COUNTER report releaseUXPROD-4971Resolved issue: UXPROD-4971Stefan Dombek
- Search: Add filter for HTTP error codesUXPROD-4970Stefan Dombek
- NFR: Report queued for Processing (CoP 1011)UXPROD-4967Stefan Dombek
- Change of report type options within the multi-month COUNTER statistics download featureUXPROD-4964Resolved issue: UXPROD-4964Stefan Dombek
- COUNTER statistics: Show the COUNTER release version for reports in an additional columnUXPROD-4963Resolved issue: UXPROD-4963Stefan Dombek
- NFR: Harvester checks the connection to the endpoint (HTTP status codes)UXPROD-4962Stefan Dombek
- Support selective synchronisation of package data to Agreements local KB from GOKbUXPROD-4956Resolved issue: UXPROD-4956Owen Stephens
- Display the overview of keyboard shortcuts using the combination Ctrl+Alt+kUXPROD-4953Resolved issue: UXPROD-4953Stefan Dombek
- Informations about exceptions in harvester logsUXPROD-4948Stefan Dombek
- NFR: Check for dependencies before deleting aggregatorUXPROD-4922Stefan Dombek
- COUNTER 5.1 SupportUXPROD-4874Stefan Dombek
- File path support for non-COUNTER reportsUXPROD-4873Resolved issue: UXPROD-4873Stefan Dombek
- UX improvements for Dashboard 2023UXPROD-4803Resolved issue: UXPROD-4803Owen Stephens
- Implement OpenSearch for Agreements applicationUXPROD-4791
- Link to Licenses/Agreements/Agreement lines from Inventory, holdingsUXPROD-4785
- Allow consortia to Activate a certain package in eholdings (Eg. academic search premier) for a selection of participating member librariesUXPROD-4544Khalilah Gambrell
- Agreement export enhancementsUXPROD-4535Owen Stephens
- Review and implement table key constraints and indexes in LicensesUXPROD-4514Resolved issue: UXPROD-4514Owen Stephens
- Review and implement table key constraints and indexes in AgreementsUXPROD-4513Resolved issue: UXPROD-4513Owen Stephens
- Add MCL column customisation options to AgreementsUXPROD-4512Resolved issue: UXPROD-4512
- Support License Amendment Search and FilterUXPROD-4504Resolved issue: UXPROD-4504Owen Stephens
- Support has/has not filter for LicensesUXPROD-4496Resolved issue: UXPROD-4496Owen Stephens
- NFR: eholdings | defects and enhancements (Quesnelia)UXPROD-4495Resolved issue: UXPROD-4495Khalilah Gambrell
- Add filters for documents in LicensesUXPROD-4494Resolved issue: UXPROD-4494Owen Stephens
- Support has/has not filter for AgreementsUXPROD-4436Resolved issue: UXPROD-4436Owen Stephens
- ERM: Agreements and Licenses usability and accessibility review and implementationUXPROD-4434Owen Stephens
- ERM: Tasklist/Checklist supportUXPROD-4433Owen Stephens
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