Agreements Local KB: Delete packages / delete package content


Current situation or problem:
It is not possible to delete packages, or the content of packages from the local knowledgebase in agreements. In the past, delete packages/package content was of limited use as those systems synchronising with GOKb had no way of preventing the GOKb synchronisation recreating deleted packages.

With the changes to GOKb synchronisation, which are partially driven by a desire to reduce the amount of content stored in the local KB, it is now much more useful to be able to delete packages and/or their content (the PCIs in the local KB data model - i.e. the titles that are in the package) from the local storage. This will also be very useful to those sites that wish to remove data that has been loaded into the local KB via JSON or KBART file upload, or any other method.

It is important that deletions only delete unwanted or unused content - i.e. if a package or PCI is part of an entitlement (agreement line) it is not desirable to delete that content. If the PCI is linked to a PTI (platform title instance) or TI (title instance) that is used in other context (i.e. the title appears in other packages other than the one being deleted) then it is vital those resources are not deleted.

Equally it is important that any unused data related to the package and its content is removed if it is no longer needed. That is to say that if removing a PCI leaves a PTI without any remaining PCIs, or a TI without any remaining PTIs/PCIs then those PTIs/TIs should also be removed from the system.

In scope
Ability to delete package content and leave the package description in the system

Out of scope

Use case(s)

Proposed solution/stories

Links to additional info


  • Do we ever want to delete package metadata as well as package content, or should we retain this in the system - and does this behaviour need to depend on the data source for the package (e.g. don't delete GOKb sourced package metadata)

  • What are the full rules for retaining/allowing deletion of the various levels of the local KB hierarchy:

    • PCI

    • PTI

    • TI

    • Work?

    • Package

    • IDs related to all of the above


Fix versions


Development Team



Solution Architect



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Trillium (R2 2025)

TestRail: Cases

Open TestRail: Cases

TestRail: Runs

Open TestRail: Runs
Created February 28, 2025 at 12:38 PM
Updated March 3, 2025 at 9:23 AM
TestRail: Cases
TestRail: Runs