Doug Loynes
Doug LoynesPO Rank
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XXXL: 30-45 days
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XXXL: 30-45 days
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Sunflower (R1 2025)
Tech Design Ready
TestRail: Cases
Open TestRail: Cases
TestRail: Runs
Open TestRail: Runs
Created April 19, 2023 at 2:50 PM
Updated February 28, 2025 at 11:21 AM
In scope: Revised February 2024
Build a baseline data graph inclusive of authority files from MARC Authority records (LCNAF, LCSH, etc.)
Hub entities are not included as MARC Authority records and are out of scope (See UXPROD-4608)
Build ongoing stream with MARC Authority records to keep data graph current and in synch
Newly added authorities → automatically create new resources in the data graph
Changes to existing authorities → automatically update existing resources in the data graph
For example, updating a name authority to include death date: Kissinger, Henry, 1923-2023
Index authority values to support lookup
Catalogers will search the data graph to validate existing authority entries, OR
Identify and select entries when conducting original cataloging
NOTE: The ability to create or edit authorities from within the Linked Data Editor application is out of scope
When changes are made to an existing Authority resource, automatically generate MARC derived records reflecting these changes for all Works/Instances tied to the updated Authority resource; send to FOLIO SRS
Ability to assign an authority resource to a bibliographic resource description
When there is an exact match between the MARC record and an authority resource, assign link
When there is a partial match between the MARC record and an authority resource (TBD), assign link
When there is no match between the MARC record and an authority resource, create new resource
Develop a new ‘confidence level’ property associated with these use cases
The confidence level helps curate the data graph
Confidence level will be displayed in the Linked Data Editor interface (TBD)to provide context for catalogers and to help catalogers identify links that should / can be validated
Purpose / Objective
As a cataloger, I need the ability to access external repositories of entity data (e.g. name authorities) in order to make cataloging decisions for completing changes made to a BIBFRAME resource
Current state / Problem statement
The Linked Data Editor integrates with name authority files (e.g. LCNAF), allowing the cataloger to select values for the resource being described
Other resources and applications mentioned by catalogers include ClassWeb and OCLC Connexion
In scope
Embedding access to online controlled vocabulary resources into the linked data-b ased cataloging workflow, including:
Creator of the Work (Library of Congress Name Authority File - LCNAF)
Other Contributors (LCNAF)
Form / Genre (Library of Congress Genre / Forms Terms - LCGFT)
Subject of the Work (Library of Congress Subject Heading)
Controlled drop down lists
Place of Origin
Notes about the Work
Content Type
Language Code
Illustrative Content
Color Content
Supplementary Content
Pulling up other resources through a browser and how this function is presented to the cataloger
LCNAF - Library of Congress Name Authority File
LCGFT - Library of Congress Genre / Form Terms
LCSH - Library of Congress Subject Headings
Place of Origin of the Work
Intended Audience
Notes about the Work
Content Type
Language Code
Illustrative Content
Color Content
Supplementary Content
Out of scope
Creating new authority resources
Related to 'Search'
Related to 'Edit'
Considerations / Questions
When MARC records from FOLIO SRS are automatically transformed and added as new resource descriptions, values for lookup components will be included as literals and not with the actual links themselves.
Catalogers will be able to manually add the corresponding link into the resource description through the Linked Data Editor.
For resource descriptions not edited by catalogers, discuss the impact of exporting resource descriptions for the purpose of loading into