Story - Lookups - drop down lists for Instance and Work components


As a cataloger, I need the ability to select values from drop down lists when in edit mode for the Instance entity and for the Work entity.

The functionality described below should be operational whether the cataloger is editing an existing resource or creating a new Work or Instance from scratch.

In scope

The Instance entity components with drop down menus include:

  • Applicable institution

  • Carrier type

  • Media type

  • Mode of Issuance

  • Note type

  • Relationship Designator

The Work entity components with drop down menus include:

  • Assigning Agency

  • Content Type

  • Government Publication

  • Intended Audience

  • Language

  • Note Type

  • Place of Origin of the Work

  • Relationship Designator

Additionally, the simple action buttons (save & keep, save & close, cancel) are operational with respect to the drop down components of the Instance entity

  • Selecting multiple values from a drop down

  • Removing / deleting a value selected from a drop down

Out of scope

  • Identifiers | Incorrect, Invalid or Canceled?

  • Toast and warning messages associated with action buttons

Drop down menus were initially supported with the Thin Thread release in December

As we incorporate wireframe designs into the interface, we will need to add this functionality back into the interface to support cataloging workflows.

Each of the components listed above has a corresponding list of controlled terms that should be compiled and displayed alphabetically in each drop down menu.

1. Base

GIVEN that a cataloger is editing an Instance or Work entity

WHEN the edit mode screen for either is displayed

THEN the labels for each of the components from the list above - as appropriate - are included in the display

AND corresponding drop down functions are displayed and actionable (e.g. not greyed out)

AND the action buttons (Save & keep, Save & close, Cancel) are displayed and actionable

2. Drop down functionality

GIVEN scenario 1

WHEN the cataloger selects the drop down function for each of the components listed above

THEN the drop down menu displays the corresponding values specific for that component, with the values listed alphabetically

3. Search drop down functionality

GIVEN scenario 1

WHEN the cataloger starts typing characters into the drop down function

THEN the values in the drop down are filtered based on the input characters

NOTE: the filtering function is not left anchored, meaning the input characters can match anywhere in an entry.

4. Select drop down functionality

GIVEN scenario 1

WHEN the cataloger selects / highlights a value from the drop down menu

THEN the selected value is displayed in the form

5. Save & keep

GIVEN scenario 4

WHEN the cataloger selects Save & keep

THEN the edits made through the drop down menu are saved locally

AND the cataloger remains in edit mode for the Instance entity

6. Save & close

GIVEN scenario 4

WHEN the cataloger selects Save & close

THEN the edits made through the drop down menu are saved to the back end database

AND the edit mode closes

AND the home screen for the MARVA editor displays

7. Cancel

GIVEN scenario 4

WHEN the cataloger selects Cancel

THEN none of the edits performed using drop down menus are saved to the back end database

AND the edit mode closes

AND the home screen for teh MARVA editor displays


NOTE: repeat for creating a New Work and Adding a New Instance.



Potential Workaround



  • 15 Apr 2024, 10:02 AM
  • 15 Apr 2024, 10:02 AM
  • 15 Apr 2024, 10:02 AM
  • 03 Apr 2024, 01:11 PM





Tetiana Kovalchuk April 15, 2024 at 10:15 AM

Tested on missinglinks env

Build version: #242

Test evidences attached.

Attached test cases contains the flow from requirements. Though performed testing does not cover all the requirements (see comment below from PK), , fyi.

Siarhei Karol April 15, 2024 at 7:16 AM

"Relationship designator" works if the "Search LCNAF" subfield has any value, this is an API condition.

Tetiana Kovalchuk April 15, 2024 at 6:37 AM

Hi , , the requirements do not have this information, also no related tasks are linked. As per requirements I assume that all the dropdown fields should work as described.

Punnoose Kutty Jacob Pullolickal April 12, 2024 at 6:11 PM

>> WORK: Government publication, Intended audience, Place of origin of Work, Relationship designator values are not saved (empty when saving and reopening the record)

[Response] :

>> WORK: Note type values are not shown in preview (read-only) section

[Response] Most fields are empty in read only section now. We have to address this in a future story.

>> INSTANCE: Relationship designator value is not saved (empty when saving and reopening the record)

[Response] Contributor of Instance is not supported now. Will need a future story.

>> INSTANCE: Media type, Mode of Issuance, Note type values are not shown in preview (read-only) section

[Response] Most fields are empty in read only section now. We have to address this in a future story.

>> Some dropdowns are empty for instance and Work: Assigning Agency for Work, Applicable institution for Instance.

These two dropdows are different from the other simple dropdowns. Maybe we will need a different ticket for this.

Tetiana Kovalchuk April 12, 2024 at 3:53 PM

WORK: Government publication, Intended audience, Place of origin of Work, Relationship designator values are not saved (empty when saving and reopening the record)
WORK: Note type values are not shown in preview (read-only) section

INSTANCE: Relationship designator value is not saved (empty when saving and reopening the record)
INSTANCE: Media type, Mode of Issuance, Note type values are not shown in preview (read-only) section

Some dropdowns are empty for instance and Work: Assigning Agency for Work, Applicable institution for Instance.

Also , , can you please confirm that the following behaviour is expected: when setting multiple values for dropdown fields, they are split each to separate section after saving and re-opening?






Story Points


Development Team


TestRail: Cases

Open TestRail: Cases

TestRail: Runs

Open TestRail: Runs
Created February 14, 2024 at 2:47 PM
Updated June 7, 2024 at 5:35 PM
Resolved April 15, 2024 at 1:39 PM
TestRail: Cases
TestRail: Runs

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