Purpose: To begin work on item Requests in FOLIO. The scope of this story is create. Search, filter, edit etc will be covered in separate stories.
As a circulation staff person I want to be able to create a recall request So the patron will know they need to return the item to the library sooner than originally scheduled so it can be loaned to someone else
As a circulation staff person I want to be able to create a hold request So the library staff will know to hold the book for the requester when it is returned to the library (at the normally scheduled time)
Given the Requests app
When displayed
Then the "New" button should be displayed in the header of the results pane as shown in the attached wireframes instead of below the filters as has been done in Items and Users
Given the New button
When clicked
Then the create Request form should display as shown in the attached wireframes (scenarios below indicate what is in/out of scope from the wireframes)
Given the create request form
When displayed
Then a Request type should display - Select menu containing Recall, Hold and Page (default Hold)
Given the item field in the "Item info*" section of the create request form
When a valid item barcode is entered and submitted (by hitting enter key on keyboard or the "Select item" button)
Then a matching item is selected
Given the item field in the Item info section of the create request form
When an non-existent item barcode is entered and submitted (by hitting enter key on keyboard or the "select item" button)
Then a red "Item with this barcode does not exist" message should display below the field
Scenario CB: If you enter a valid item barcode into the item field but don't hit the "enter" button to make the selection, you don't get the red validation error and when you try to create the request, you get an ugly server error. See attached A-M: working properly as of 4 April
Given no item has been selected in the Item info section
When focus moves to another field OR create is attempted
Then a red "Please select an item" message should display below the field
Scenario CB: There's actually more info displaying here than requested in this story but I am just going to assume it was requested in another story
Given a selected item
When displayed on the create request form
Then the following data should display:
Item barcode - Link to view item record
Item title - Will add link to view title record when we have title records in FOLIO. For now just plain text.
Loaned to - User to whom this item is currently on loan. Link to user record.
Patron group - Patron group for user to whom this item is currently on loan
Status - Item status
Out of scope for this story (will be added later when this data is available in FOLIO): Author, Call Number, Volume, Copy, Enumeration, Current Due Date and Number of Requests
Given the requester field in the "Requester info*" section of the create request form
When a valid user ID is entered and submitted (by hitting enter key on keyboard or the "Select requester" button)
Then a matching user is selected
Given the Find requester field in the Requester info section of the create request form
When a non-existent userID is entered and submitted (by hitting enter key on keyboard or the "Select requester" button)
Then a red "User with this ID does not exist" message should display below the field
Given no user has been selected in the Requester info section
When focus moves to another field OR create/save is attempted
Then a red "Please select a requester" message should display below the field
Scenario CB: There's actually more info displaying here than requested in this story but I am just going to assume it was requested in another story
Given a selected requester
When displayed on the create request form
Then the following data should display:
Requester name - Link to view user record
Patron group - Requester's patron group
Fulfilment preference- Select menu containing "Hold shelf" (default) and "Delivery"
Out of scope for this story: Pickup location (will be added later when we have location CRUD)
Given the "Request details" section of the create request form
When displayed
Then the following data should display:
Request expiration date - Date picker (should be locale-responsive)
Hold shelf expiration date - Date picker (should be locale-responsive)
Given the create request form
When displayed
Then a "Create request" button should displayed as shown in the wireframe
Given the "Create request" button on a request form will all required data populated
When clicked
Request should be created
View/preview mode of the request details should be displayed (UIS-44 has details)
Scenario CB: This is somewhat working, but there are a couple issues. (1) if you click Requests, you should not get the unsaved changes modal because, per UX, you can't navigate that way (filed STRIPES-498) (2) currently, we do trigger the unsaved changes modal when clicking Requests and I noticed that if you click "cancel" on that and then click another app and then click cancel on that modal and keep doing that with other apps, you will eventually see that the unsaved changes modal is no longer triggered.
Given the create request form with unsaved data
When I navigate away to another part of FOLIO
Then the unsaved changes notification should display
Scenario 6 works! Everything works! Closing the ticket.
Anya April 2, 2018 at 5:57 PM
Scenario 6 is back to not working - but everything else looks fine
Ann-Marie Breaux March 22, 2018 at 4:55 PM
Yep, that's my understanding too. Just let it sit another day or two until folio-stable is updated, and then I should be able to test, confirm, and close.
Matt Connolly March 22, 2018 at 4:33 PM
, this is working – you can see it in action on folio-testing. The issue is that there has been some trouble updating folio-snapshot-stable, so the new code is not available there yet.
Cate Boerema March 22, 2018 at 4:26 PM
I think if this is still broken, we should mark it In Progress again. I'll do that.
Purpose: To begin work on item Requests in FOLIO. The scope of this story is create. Search, filter, edit etc will be covered in separate stories.
As a circulation staff person
I want to be able to create a recall request
So the patron will know they need to return the item to the library sooner than originally scheduled so it can be loaned to someone else
As a circulation staff person
I want to be able to create a hold request
So the library staff will know to hold the book for the requester when it is returned to the library (at the normally scheduled time)
Given the Requests app
When displayed
Then the "New" button should be displayed in the header of the results pane as shown in the attached wireframes instead of below the filters as has been done in Items and Users
Given the New button
When clicked
Then the create Request form should display as shown in the attached wireframes (scenarios below indicate what is in/out of scope from the wireframes)
Given the create request form
When displayed
Then a Request type should display - Select menu containing Recall, Hold and Page (default Hold)
Given the item field in the "Item info*" section of the create request form
When a valid item barcode is entered and submitted (by hitting enter key on keyboard or the "Select item" button)
Then a matching item is selected
Given the item field in the Item info section of the create request form
When an non-existent item barcode is entered and submitted (by hitting enter key on keyboard or the "select item" button)
Then a red "Item with this barcode does not exist" message should display below the field
Scenario CB: If you enter a valid item barcode into the item field but don't hit the "enter" button to make the selection, you don't get the red validation error and when you try to create the request, you get an ugly server error. See attached
A-M: working properly as of 4 April
Given no item has been selected in the Item info section
When focus moves to another field OR create is attempted
Then a red "Please select an item" message should display below the field
Scenario CB: There's actually more info displaying here than requested in this story but I am just going to assume it was requested in another story
Given a selected item
When displayed on the create request form
Then the following data should display:
Item barcode - Link to view item record
Item title - Will add link to view title record when we have title records in FOLIO. For now just plain text.
Shelving location - Temporary shelving location, if available, else permanent shelving location
Loaned to - User to whom this item is currently on loan. Link to user record.
Patron group - Patron group for user to whom this item is currently on loan
Status - Item status
Out of scope for this story (will be added later when this data is available in FOLIO): Author, Call Number, Volume, Copy, Enumeration, Current Due Date and Number of Requests
Given the requester field in the "Requester info*" section of the create request form
When a valid user ID is entered and submitted (by hitting enter key on keyboard or the "Select requester" button)
Then a matching user is selected
Given the Find requester field in the Requester info section of the create request form
When a non-existent userID is entered and submitted (by hitting enter key on keyboard or the "Select requester" button)
Then a red "User with this ID does not exist" message should display below the field
Given no user has been selected in the Requester info section
When focus moves to another field OR create/save is attempted
Then a red "Please select a requester" message should display below the field
Scenario CB: There's actually more info displaying here than requested in this story but I am just going to assume it was requested in another story
Given a selected requester
When displayed on the create request form
Then the following data should display:
Requester name - Link to view user record
Patron group - Requester's patron group
Fulfilment preference- Select menu containing "Hold shelf" (default) and "Delivery"
Out of scope for this story: Pickup location (will be added later when we have location CRUD)
Given the "Request details" section of the create request form
When displayed
Then the following data should display:
Request expiration date - Date picker (should be locale-responsive)
Hold shelf expiration date - Date picker (should be locale-responsive)
Given the create request form
When displayed
Then a "Create request" button should displayed as shown in the wireframe
Given the "Create request" button on a request form will all required data populated
When clicked
Request should be created
View/preview mode of the request details should be displayed (UIS-44 has details)
Scenario CB: This is somewhat working, but there are a couple issues. (1) if you click Requests, you should not get the unsaved changes modal because, per UX, you can't navigate that way (filed STRIPES-498) (2) currently, we do trigger the unsaved changes modal when clicking Requests and I noticed that if you click "cancel" on that and then click another app and then click cancel on that modal and keep doing that with other apps, you will eventually see that the unsaved changes modal is no longer triggered.
Given the create request form with unsaved data
When I navigate away to another part of FOLIO
Then the unsaved changes notification should display