Requests: Search and Select Item on Request Screen
Potential Workaround
- 26 Aug 2018, 05:57 PM
- 26 Aug 2018, 05:57 PM
- 09 Jul 2017, 02:28 PM
relates to
hideTestRail: Results
Tania Hewes August 26, 2018 at 6:14 PM
@Former user - if you have a chance to review the mockups I attached - 1_CreateRequest2.png and SelectItem.png and let me know if there are changes/refinements you'd like to make, please let me know. If you make changes I can link your official wireframes here.
Cate Boerema July 23, 2018 at 3:31 PM
Wow, where did you find this oldie? I just marked it DRAFT because it definitely doesn't have enough detail plus I am sure @Tania Hewes will want to review the requirements. Finally, the item search and select feature ( was not needed by Chalmers so it's not a top priority for Q3. That said, it may be that @Charlotte Whitt is designing something for (design in UIIN-145) which could be leveraged for this.
Jakub Skoczen July 23, 2018 at 2:17 PM
Since this has been created the item app has been deprecated. It would include turning the Inventory app into a plugin,
Mike Taylor July 25, 2017 at 11:56 AM
Let's make ui-plugin-find-item
right from the start, this time.
Purpose: To create an item search and select component for use on the Requests screen so you can find an item to request without going over to the general item search app. This component will likely be used elsewhere, as well. Initially we are going to use the columns and filters we already have in place for Inventory, but these may change as the resource search functionality is expanded.
Given the Item information section of the New request page
When the Item input box is displayed
Then it should be accompanied by an Item look-up link, as shown in the attached wireframe 1_CreateRequest2.png
Given the Item look-up link
When clicked
Then a Select Item component will be displayed as shown in the attached wireframe SelectItem.png
Given the Select Item component
When displayed
It should be an inventory search/select modal as shown in the attached wireframe SelectItem.png
Columns and filters should match those in place in the current Inventory app
Given an item record search result in the Select Item search component
When clicked
That item is selected into the Item information section of the New request screen
The item select modal closes
Given the Select Item search component
When the X is clicked
Then the item select modal closes and no item is selected
NOTE: This feature is similar to what was implemented for the user search and select widget shown in the attached wireframe UserSearchWidget.png