Change Item Status Display When It is Requested
Potential Workaround
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hideTestRail: Results

Cate Boerema February 14, 2018 at 8:56 AM
Great! I just went ahead and removed your note and screenshot from the issue description so there's not confusion later on.

patty.wanninger February 13, 2018 at 8:16 PM
OK, Now I see the problem. The status changes on the user record of the patron who had the original check out. The IC team helped me find the right patron.

patty.wanninger February 13, 2018 at 7:45 PMEdited
What I am trying to say is that a recall or hold is not reflected as a loan in the loan count on the User page, so it is not appearing in the Open Loans detail page or the loan details. It only appears as an item status in Item display and in the holdings in Inventory.

Cate Boerema February 13, 2018 at 11:40 AM
It does seem necessary that a user's holds and recalls appear somewhere in the user record, and as of now they are not.
, yes this is planned. It's definitely out of scope for this story, though.
Regarding your screenshot and comment in the scenarios above, I think there may be some confusion about where we are expecting the item status to display. It should display on Item Details, User Loans and Loan Details. Your screenshot is of User Details. Here are screenshots of the pages this story is referencing:

patty.wanninger February 5, 2018 at 5:57 PM
It does seem necessary that a user's holds and recalls appear somewhere in the user record, and as of now they are not.
Purpose: Item status should be changed to "Checked Out - Recalled" or "Checked Out - Hold when the item has an associated recall or on hold, respectively.
Given Item A
When item A has at least one associated recall request
Then Item A's Status should be "Checked Out - Recalled" on Item Details, User Loans and Loan Details
Given Item A
When item A has at least one hold request
Then Item A's Status should be "Checked Out - Held" on Item Details, User Loans and Loan Details
NOTE: I discussed the implementation of this with Jakub and he liked the idea of keeping two distinct statuses on the back end (one for Item Status (Checked Out, in this case) and another for Request Status (Recalled or Hold, in this case) and then concatenating them for display(this is how the SMEs would like to see the info presented).