Hold or Recall Request In Transit for Pickup


Purpose: To enable items to go in transit to their pickup destination when a recall or hold request has been applied.

User story:

  • Given a requested item is returned at a service point other than the desired pick up service point

  • I want FOLIO to put the item in transit to its desired service point

  • So it can be picked up by the requester

Nice use cases document providing overview of the workflows covered in this story: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/19okdFgyPAsoquS8Zszh23PCKT3C5FE7LHxSjYtJYJqQ/edit#gid=0


  1. Scenario

    • Given User A has a hold or recall request on Item X with Pickup service point = SP1 AND User A's request is at the top of the request queue

    • When Item X is returned at a service point other than SP1

    • Then:

      • Item status should change from "Checked out" to "In transit"

      • Request status should change from "Open - Not yet filled" to "Open - In transit"

      • Modal popup should be displayed (covered by other stories):

        • With option to print transit slip (covered by UICIRC-77)

        • With information about where the item is going (covered by UICHKIN-49)

  2. Scenario

    • Given Item X is "In transit" to SP1

    • When checked in at SP1

    • Then:

      • Item status should change from "In transit" to "Awaiting pickup"

      • Request status should change from "Open - In transit" to "Open - Awaiting pickup"

      • Modal popup should be displayed (covered by other stories):

        • With option to print hold slip (covered by UICHKIN-16)

        • With information about what to do with the item (covered by UICHKIN-50)

  3. Scenario

    • Given Item X is "In transit" to SP1

    • When checked in at SP other than SP1

    • Then:

      • Item status should stay "In transit"

      • Request status should stay "Open - In transit"

      • Modal popup should be displayed (covered by other stories):

        • With option to print transit slip (covered by UICIRC-77)

        • With information about where the item is going (covered by UICHKIN-49)

  4. Scenario (entire scenario covered by UICHKOUT-406)

    • Given Item X is "Awaiting pickup" by User A

    • When check out to a different user is attempted (regardless of service point)

    • Then:

      • Checkout should not be allowed

      • "Awaiting pickup for another patron" modal should appear

  5. Scenario

    • Given Item X is "In transit" to SP1 for pickup by User A

    • When Item X is checked out to User A at a Service Point other than SP1

    • Then checkout should be successful*

  6. Scenario (should already work)

    • Given Item X is "Awaiting pickup" by User A at SP1

    • When Item X is checked out to User A at SP1

    • Then checkout should be successful*

  7. Scenario (should already work)

    • Given Item X is "Awaiting pickup" by User A at SP1

    • When Item X is checked out to User A at a Service Point other than SP1

    • Then checkout should be successful*

*NOTE: Successful checkouts to requester should result in the following (this should already work):

  • Item status changes to "Checked out"

  • Request status should change to "Closed - Filled"



Potential Workaround




TestRail: Results



Cate Boerema October 30, 2018 at 12:36 PM

Closing this as it's now a duplicate of UICHKIN-49

Cate Boerema October 22, 2018 at 10:48 AM

Cate Boerema - I think we need to add a "modal appears" Scenario 2, for alerting the user that the item needs to go to the hold shelf. The subgroup wanted a modal, similar to the one I'm attaching here

Done. Thanks, !

Tania Hewes October 21, 2018 at 3:26 PM

- I think we need to add a "modal appears" Scenario 2, for alerting the user that the item needs to go to the hold shelf. The subgroup wanted a modal, similar to the one I'm attaching here






Development Team


TestRail: Cases

Open TestRail: Cases

TestRail: Runs

Open TestRail: Runs
Created October 19, 2018 at 11:37 AM
Updated January 27, 2020 at 11:24 AM
Resolved October 30, 2018 at 12:36 PM
TestRail: Cases
TestRail: Runs