Populate Pickup Service Point with Service Points Where Pickup Service Point = Yes and store the selection with Request
Potential Workaround
is blocked by
relates to
hideTestRail: Results

patty.wanninger November 8, 2018 at 9:02 PM
Scenario 1 of this ticket is working as specified. Scenario 2 will be moved to separate ticket per Cate's note.

Michal Kuklis November 2, 2018 at 3:10 PM
Thank you for the feedback . It looks those two options don't belong to UIREQ and we should probably file some additional issues to cover 1 or/and 2.
I have one quick question. Should we show some sort of message under "Pickup Service Point" field on the request details screen in this case? Maybe "Selected pickup service point is not available" or something like that? Currently it will be just blank.

Marc Johnson November 2, 2018 at 3:04 PMEdited
In the first situation, should that alert mean that the check in is aborted (as the transit decision will be made during this process, I don't think it can be completed)?
In effect, it seems like the alert in the first situation is an error and the alert in the second is a warning. Does that sound reasonable?

Tania Hewes November 1, 2018 at 8:22 PM
The SIG would like two things.
1) An alert when a staff member checks in an item that will be filling a request, telling them that the pickup point in the request needs to be changed
2) An alert when a staff member is editing a service point to set its Pickup location from Yes to No, IF there are open requests that have that service point specified as the pickup service point. They'd like FOLIO to allow the change to be saved, but they want to know that there are outstanding requests associated with the service point
If it's not possible to implement both alerts, #1 is the most important of the two.

Tania Hewes November 1, 2018 at 1:47 PM
Thanks - I can envision a couple of possibilities. Let me run it by the SIG.
Purpose: To populate the pickup location menu with service points with pickup location of Y. Rename "pickup location" to "pickup service point", as "pickup location is confusing.
User story:
As a requester
I want to be able to select a pickup location service point for my requests
So I can pick them up at a service point that is convenient to me
Given the Pickup location menu on a Request record (shows when fulfillment preference = hold shelf)
When displayed
Then it should be re-labelled "Pickup service point"
Given the Pickup service point menu on a Request record (shows when fulfillment preference = hold shelf)
When displayed
Then it should contain all Service points where Pickup location = Yes CB: I will create a separate story for changing the "pickup location" property on the SP to "pickup service point": UISP-4