Include New "Open - In transit" Status When Accessing Request Queue from Requests Record
Purpose: To ensure the requests queue accessed from the request includes all open requests (including those in the new, open status of "Open - In transit" being created as part of UIREQ-140.
Given the "view requests in queue" link on any Request (view or edit)
When clicked
Then the request list page should be prefiltered by:
Item barcode (should display in search box)
Request status is open:
Open - Awaiting pickup
Open - Not yet filled
Open - In transit (NEW)
Given the "Requests on item" link on any Request (create, view or edit)
When clicked
Then the request list page should be prefiltered by:
Item barcode (should display in search box)
Request status is open:
Open - Awaiting pickup
Open - Not yet filled
Open - In transit (NEW)
NOTE: At the time this story was written, this link was taking you to a filter view which also included closed requests. This is a bug. Please only included open requests (we have just the three documented here so far)
Purpose: To ensure the requests queue accessed from the request includes all open requests (including those in the new, open status of "Open - In transit" being created as part of UIREQ-140.
Given the "view requests in queue" link on any Request (view or edit)
When clicked
Then the request list page should be prefiltered by:
Item barcode (should display in search box)
Request status is open:
Open - Awaiting pickup
Open - Not yet filled
Open - In transit (NEW)
Given the "Requests on item" link on any Request (create, view or edit)
When clicked
Then the request list page should be prefiltered by:
Item barcode (should display in search box)
Request status is open:
Open - Awaiting pickup
Open - Not yet filled
Open - In transit (NEW)
NOTE: At the time this story was written, this link was taking you to a filter view which also included closed requests. This is a bug. Please only included open requests (we have just the three documented here so far)