- Sunflower 2025-R1 releaseMODFIN-420Resolved issue: MODFIN-420Mikita Siadykh
- Display updated values on job details log screenMODFIN-419Resolved issue: MODFIN-419Joseph Reimers
- Finance-data integration tests should run in parallelMODFIN-417Resolved issue: MODFIN-417Saba Zedginidze
- Batch allocation logs - restrict by acq unitsMODFIN-416Resolved issue: MODFIN-416Serhii_Nosko
- Batch allocation bugs/enhancementsMODFIN-415Resolved issue: MODFIN-415Serhii_Nosko
- Only one row for unique budget should be displayed in batch allocation form after rolloverMODFIN-412Resolved issue: MODFIN-412Serhii_Nosko
- Store credentials using SSM/VaultMODFIN-411
- Integrate alternate exchange rate provider into Excahge Rate APIMODFIN-410Boburbek Kadirkhodjaev
- Create API storage for alternate exchange rate detailsMODFIN-409Saba Zedginidze
- Sensitive data in logs cleanupMODFIN-408
- Make fund active when creating or increasing allocationMODFIN-407Resolved issue: MODFIN-407Serhii_Nosko
- Current budget is created with incorrect values despite the received errorMODFIN-405Resolved issue: MODFIN-405Serhii_Nosko
- Improve Bulk Fund Updates validationMODFIN-403Resolved issue: MODFIN-403Serhii_Nosko
- Update current budget value and display budget records in appropriate fiscal year in downloaded .csv allocationsMODFIN-402Resolved issue: MODFIN-402Joseph Reimers
- The fiscal year currency field should be requiredMODFIN-396
- Spike - Investigate usage of currency of fiscal year in all placesMODFIN-395Resolved issue: MODFIN-395Serhii_Nosko
- Budget summary for Net Transfers do not include Rollover transfer amounts.MODFIN-394Resolved issue: MODFIN-394Dennis Bridges
- Run rollover on Rancher/locally to check RTR issues on Eureka platformMODFIN-392Resolved issue: MODFIN-392Boburbek Kadirkhodjaev
- Minimize amount of requests to retrieve transactions for ledgerMODFIN-391Resolved issue: MODFIN-391Dennis Bridges
- Check that reponse code is correct for OL errors accross modulesMODFIN-389Resolved issue: MODFIN-389
- Implement endpoint to return all finance data for FY through acqUnitRestricitonMODFIN-388Resolved issue: MODFIN-388Azizbek Khushvakov
- Implement GET endpoint to retrieve Fiscal Year HierarchyMODFIN-387
- Wrong amount of allocation in Successful toast messageMODFIN-385Resolved issue: MODFIN-385
- ReleaseMODFIN-383Resolved issue: MODFIN-383
- Add dry-run mode for bulk FY finance updatesMODFIN-382Resolved issue: MODFIN-382Azizbek Khushvakov
- Implement endpoint to process FY finance bulk updateMODFIN-381Resolved issue: MODFIN-381Azizbek Khushvakov
- Update libraries of dependant acq modules to the latest versionsMODFIN-380Resolved issue: MODFIN-380Saba Zedginidze
- Create API for fund updates logsMODFIN-379Resolved issue: MODFIN-379Azizbek Khushvakov
- Editing fiscal year at any time changes currency based on current system currencyMODFIN-386Resolved issue: MODFIN-386Azizbek Khushvakov
- Review and cleanup Module Descriptors for mod-financeMODFIN-377Resolved issue: MODFIN-377Mikita Siadykh
- FOLIO missing exchange rateMODFIN-376
- Update budget validation when updating a budgetMODFIN-374Resolved issue: MODFIN-374Serhii_Nosko
- Wrong overEncumbrance for ledgers and fiscal yearsMODFIN-373Resolved issue: MODFIN-373Dennis Bridges
- Wrong expense class percent of total expended when budget over expendedMODFIN-372Resolved issue: MODFIN-372Serhii_Nosko
- Separate credits from expenditures in mod-financeMODFIN-371Resolved issue: MODFIN-371Dennis Bridges
- Update the schemas to separate credits from expendituresMODFIN-370Resolved issue: MODFIN-370Azizbek Khushvakov
- Investigate RRT issues connected with deprecated transactions APIMODFIN-368Resolved issue: MODFIN-368Azizbek Khushvakov
- mod-finance: module releaseMODFIN-366Resolved issue: MODFIN-366Mikita Siadykh
- Create a wiki page to explain changes to the transaction APIMODFIN-365Resolved issue: MODFIN-365Serhii_Nosko
- Missing ledger-rollover interface dependency in module descriptorMODFIN-363Resolved issue: MODFIN-363Serhii_Nosko
- mod-finance: Upgrade RAML Module BuilderMODFIN-362Resolved issue: MODFIN-362Saba Zedginidze
- Add tenantId to the locations schema for restrict by Fund functionalityMODFIN-358Resolved issue: MODFIN-358Irakli Merabishvili
- Missed declaration of backend permissionsMODFIN-357Resolved issue: MODFIN-357Serhii_Nosko
- CLONE - Improve backend error reporting by including cause in error message systematicallyMODFIN-356
- Incorrectly calculated increase allocation for group financial summaryMODFIN-355Resolved issue: MODFIN-355Serhii_Nosko
- Add logic to include pre-rollover diagnostic in the rollover flowMODFIN-354
- Remove the old transaction APIMODFIN-352Resolved issue: MODFIN-352Serhii_Nosko
- Use batch transactions with patch for release/unrelease endpointsMODFIN-351
- Use the batch API for the release/unrelease encumbrance endpointsMODFIN-350Resolved issue: MODFIN-350Serhii_Nosko
- Implement a new endpoint for currency exchange calculationMODFIN-349Resolved issue: MODFIN-349Azizbek Khushvakov
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