CRUD Permission Sets v1
Potential Workaround
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hideTestRail: Results

Mike Taylor April 26, 2017 at 3:06 PM
I rebuilt the test site – thanks to John for giving me the requisite superpowers.
I can verify that this is now working correctly.

Mike Taylor April 26, 2017 at 1:56 PM
I am revisiting all the issues linked from the freshly-closed STRIPES-326. This one has been resolved long ago in git. When the test site next rebuilds – either tonight, or when John Malconian responds to my ping – it will be possible to see it in action on the test site.

Mike Taylor April 11, 2017 at 12:03 PM
(stripes-core v0.6.0 is also out now, so feel free to upgrade; but you don't need that, most likely.)

Mike Taylor April 11, 2017 at 10:44 AM
stripes-core v0.5.0 is out:
Please yarn install
to upgrade your stripes-core, then take another stab at using curried-connect and see if it works for you.

Mike Taylor April 11, 2017 at 8:56 AM
Aha! I think I know why you had problems with using the current connect!
It's because that function (and the whole Stripes object) is provided to Settings components only in v0.5.0 of stripes-core, which has not yet been released. So if you're using a stripes-core from an NPM package rather than from git master, you will not be able to get this to work.
I am going to proceed with the long-overdue release of stripes-core v0.5.0. Should fix the problem for you – let me know!
Purpose: Test out initial creation of permission sets. The UI for this will eventually be extended to better map to Filip's prototypes, but for the first version we want to just enable basic creation of sets using components we already have.
As a libadmin
I want to be able to create sets of base permissions
So I don't have to assign and maintain user permissions at the granular/base level
Given the Permissions sets page in Settings (Settings > Users > Permission Sets)
When displayed
Then a + icon should display above the list pane as shown in the prototype
Given the + icon
When clicked
Then the create permission set page should be opened in the detail pane
Given the create permission set page
When displayed
Then the following data elements should be present:
Permission set name - Text input
Included Permissions - Menu of permissions with search capability and ability to add (same as currently used on User details for permission assignment)
Given the User details page
When Permission set P has been created
Then Permission set P should be displayed as an option in the user permissions menu
Given the User A
When Permission set P has been granted
Then User A should have the maximum permissions allowed for the combination of base permissions in set P (crudely enforced by the back end - see LIBAPP-69)