Purpose: To tune the permission set CRUD so that when you click the plus icon to create a new set, the create new form is in focus (currently this requires an extra click).
Given the create new plus sign icon in Settings > Users > Permission sets
When clicked
Then the new permission set form should be in focus
Thanks, Jeremy. I tested and this looks good. I have tagged it demo15 to indicate it's good to demo.
Jeremy Huff June 1, 2017 at 12:26 PM
This has been merged into master.
Cate Boerema June 1, 2017 at 11:21 AM
Awesome! Thanks !!
Jeremy Huff May 31, 2017 at 9:22 PM
STRIPES-211 is no longer a blocker, but its completion will allow the implementation of to be done in a better manner.
Jeremy Huff May 31, 2017 at 9:17 PM
Ok, after some messing around I may have worked something out. Here is a PR that might address this issue in a satisfactory way. It is not ideal, and we might want to revisit this after STRIPES-211, but if there are no objections, this may be a workable solution.
Purpose: To tune the permission set CRUD so that when you click the plus icon to create a new set, the create new form is in focus (currently this requires an extra click).
Given the create new plus sign icon in Settings > Users > Permission sets
When clicked
Then the new permission set form should be in focus