Translation Management Tools
Potential Workaround
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hideTestRail: Results
István Bender March 20, 2018 at 5:35 PM
We did the comparision and finally POEditor and left. We discussed about both, you can watch recording here:
Quick notes:
we summarized the requirements
talked about GitHub integration -> needs to be confirmed by Jakub (resp.: István)
we saw a quick demo about
we made a decision: let's get started with Localise and get experiences with it
leed to check Likalise licensing and get free enterprise access to FOLIO (resp.: Mike, Suzanne will provide contact for him)
István Bender March 20, 2018 at 12:49 PM
: Yes, I'm working on this. We will meet today and talk about who does what and what is the status of this issue.
Peter Murray March 19, 2018 at 6:58 PMEdited
and talked through options on this today. We think that the Weblate might make sense as an OLF-hosted service. It seems to natively handle the JSON files described in (and it seems like POeditor does not), so we wouldn't have to do a translation from JSON to PO and back again. BitNami offers a preconfigured installation for AWS, which will make maintenance easier.
will stand up an instance of Weblate on OLF's AWS account and set up integration with two or three GitHub repositories. Findings on that would be passed to the DevOps SIG for ongoing support considerations, and the web interface can be tested by a couple of subject matter experts to provide translations. We can then make a more informed decision on whether we want to follow this option or look at other options.
: I see this issue is assigned to you with an "In Progress" status. Are you working on this now? If so, could you give us a report on where you are? If not, would you mind if I assigned the issue to me and worked on the proposal described above?
Rui Francisco February 26, 2018 at 8:35 AMEdited
i've added one idea, that it could be useful to Folio :
In terms of formats to implement, my experience goes to .po files(, which has a good support in open source community or json files
Thank you
Peter Murray November 21, 2017 at 4:46 PMEdited
Also noting here interest in helping with translation to Brazilian Portuguese and interest in Chinese.
Purpose: Discuss translation management needs and determine how we might address them.
Ability to communicate what needs to be translated (or re-translated) to non-developers who are providing translations
Ability for non-developers to enter their translations in an organized format/tool that can be imported by the system