MARC Bib - Leader contextual help

Target releaseQuesnelia (R1 2024)

UXPROD-3940 - MARC21 record validation support - Phase 1 DRAFT

Document Scope

Leader contextual help - MARC bibliographic record



Populating fixed field positions is difficult and likely requires consulting additional resources to ensure the right codes are used. Adding dropdowns with available codes for each position supports both efficiency as well as accurate data entry.


Example of read-only vs editable boxes.


Leader UI

The leader should be split by positions, with the uneditable/system-generated positions read-only, within the sequence of positions:

Position(s)DescriptionHeader / abbreviationsBox type
00-04Record lengthNoneRead-only
05Record status


Box with dropdown
06Type of recordTypeBox with dropdown
07Bibliographic levelBLvl (note: different capitalization than mock)Box with dropdown
08Type of controlCtrlBox with dropdown
09Character coding schemeNoneRead-only (single box with positions 09-16)
10Indicator countNoneRead-only (single box with positions 09-16)
11Subfield code countNoneRead-only (single box with positions 09-16)
12-16Base address of dataNoneRead-only (single box with positions 09-16)
17Encoding levelELvlBox with dropdown
18Descriptive cataloging formDesc (note: missing from mock)Box with dropdown
19Multipart resource record levelMultiLvl (note: no extra box after 19, though included in mock)Box with dropdown
20Length of the length-of-field portionNoneRead-only (single box with positions 20-23)
21Length of the starting-character-position portionNoneRead-only (single box with positions 20-23)
22Length of the implementation-defined portionNoneRead-only (single box with positions 20-23)
23UndefinedNoneRead-only (single box with positions 20-23)

Some positions in the leader are system-generated and cannot be edited by the user. However, the contents in some of these positions are meaningful so the user still needs to be able to view them. For these positions, we need to present the position values in a read-only box (similar to the implementation for the 001, 005, 999). Additionally, not all of these values need to be broken into separate boxes and instead can be placed in the same field/box as others (highlighted in yellow in table to left).

For the positions that can be edited, we need to add a dropdown for each. This dropdown is consistent with the implementation for the 006/007 "Type" field, and will contain the valid values for that position (separate requirement below).

See dropdown implementation for 006/007 "Type":

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Leader UI

For the editable positions of the leader, when the user hovers over the box or clicks into it, there should be hover over text with the full description name. 

Position(s)Hover over text
05Record status
06Type of record
07Bibliographic level
08Type of control
09Character coding scheme
17Encoding level
18Descriptive cataloging form
19Multipart resource record level

The abbreviations for the specific positions, though helpful for saving space in the UI, they may not provide enough information for the user. 

See implementation in Poppy for 006/007/008:


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Leader UI

When creating a new MARC bib record, default values should be selected:

  • LDR/00-04: [Record Length]

  • LDR/05: “n”

  • LDR/06-08: “\”

  • LDR/09: “a”

  • LDR/10: “2”

  • LDR/11: “2”

  • LDR/12-16: [Leader Length + Directory]

  • LDR/17: “u”

  • LDR/18: “u”

  • LDR/19: “\”

  • LDR/20: “4”

  • LDR/21: “5”

  • LDR/22: “0”

  • LDR/23: “0”

UIQM-612 - Getting issue details... STATUS VALIDATED
05: Record status available values

For the 05 dropdown, the following values should be included:

a - Increase in encoding level 
c - Corrected
d - Deleted
n - New
p - Increase in encoding level from prepublication

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06: Type of record available values

For the 06 dropdown, the following values should be included:

a - Language material

c - Notated music
d - Manuscript notated music
e - Cartographic material
f - Manuscript cartographic material
g - Projected medium
i - Nonmusical sound recording
j - Musical sound recording
k - Two-dimensional nonprojectable  graphic
m - Computer file
o - Kit
p - Mixed materials
r - Three-dimensional artifact or naturally occurring object
t - Manuscript language material

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07: Bibliographic level available values

For the 07 dropdown, the following values should be included:

a - Monographic component part
b - Serial component part
c - Collection
d - Subunit

i - Integrating resource

m - Monograph/Item

s - Serial

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08: Type of control available values

For the 08 dropdown, the following values should be included:

\ - No specified type
a - Archival

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17: Encoding level available values

For position 17, instead of a dropdown, display a textbox with no validation

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18: Descriptive cataloging form available values

For the 18 dropdown, the following values should be included:

\ - Non-ISBD
a - AACR2
c - ISBD punctuation omitted
i - ISBD punctuation included
n - Non-ISBD punctuation omitted
u - Unknown

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19: Multipart resource record level

For the 19 dropdown, the following values should be included:

\ - Not specified or not applicable
a - Set
b - Part with independent title
c - Part with dependent title

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Data import validation

If the record that is imported (DI/Single record import) contains values in the leader that are not valid per the dropdowns, allow the record to be opened in quickMARC, but if the user does not change the value, do not allow save and produce the following error toast:

"Record cannot be saved. Leader contains invalid values."

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